Swedish Match Vs Other

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  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    Eh they're more like the costco or chipotle of snus, they sell a lot and they're big but it's still quality. I mean their tobacco isn't made in china or anything let's be fair here. I like Nick and Johnny op, general white, general mint, general onyx, ettan loose, and goteborgs rape a lot, the other stuff I didn't care much for I can't think of any companies that have better white portions than SM although gotlands has better mint and wintergreen flavors. I haven't tried jakobsson's classic strong if that's good I'll buy it, I think I'll be buying more Thunder original (#4 was good) and cola too. Ettan loose isn't that amazing though but it occasionally hits the spot and it's cheap for some reason.


    • truthwolf1
      • Oct 2008
      • 2696

      SM in my opinion has done a excellent job in introduction to the USA market. Hopefully everyone else catches up.


      • khalid
        • Aug 2010
        • 348

        I am currently restricted to using only SM products as these were all that was available to me through VIP. If you had to be restricted to one company then, it could be worse, SM covers all bases, all be it in a worthy but ultimately dull fashion. I am so bored of SM right now. There is nothing much to grumble about with SM product but it is difficult to get exited about. It is like drinking a good quality lager and lusting for a real ale. Lager may have the constancy in quality and with real ale you might get a bad pint occasionally but when it is good, it is far superior.


        • BrianC
          • Dec 2008
          • 463

          As much as it would pain me to give up Thunder Frosted Long I would have to say gotlands. I'm a huge fan of their Jakkobsons Classic strong and Mint so I would have the option of a minty and a non-minty snus. The wintergreen is also pretty darn good for wintergreen.

          This was hard for me to write, thank goodness I don't have to buy from just one.


          • Snus Boost
            • Jan 2011
            • 640

            Don't know why but I'm not a big fan of SM. They have great consistent quality I just havent enjoyed anything they make like I do Thunder and Jakobssons. Granted I have not been able to get most SM products. Time will tell


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              I'll take SM. If I could have no more Grov it might be like loosing a limb for me.

              Thunder Original could replace N&J for me without much getting used to but I haven't found one to even be as good as Grov from another manufacturer.


              • muddyfunkstar
                • Aug 2010
                • 967

                SM for me. Grov, Ettan, roda lacket, N&J, even General. That's all I need. Not fussed for heavily flavoured Snus.

