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  • JMN
    New Member
    • Apr 2008
    • 5


    am new to snus, just about a week snussing now. my first snus purchases were only portions, which i found ok. then i ordered loose the second order, which came 3 days after the portions. i prefer the loose snus WAY MORE than the portions. the portions i feel are only good when you are not home, at a bar, meeting, etc. and allow you to get the snus removed quickly and cleanly. the loose snus imho tastes better, feels better and is just a better overall experience. i have not had the "mud mouth" that some have described.
    just my initial first week snussing feelings
  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    Welcome to the wonderful world of snus. I mainly use lös exclusively at home, too, though I really like the Nick and Johnny portions, and have this with my morning coffee. But except for the N&J, I prefer the lös, and only use portions for discretion and convienence.

    What lös are you using? I've been enjoying Skruf Stark, Ettan, and have unopened tins of Gotland Yellow and Prima Fint that I haven't yet tried.


    • JMN
      New Member
      • Apr 2008
      • 5

      so far have only tried General and ETTAN loose. I ordered tham as samples just to try as i could order them and the shipping cost would not increase. have not tried making my own pris by hand yet, have only used the pris master. the pris master is perfect for me, easy to use and clean.
      you are absolutely right regarding the convenience of the portions. i will order the N&J to try, as my next order soon I am going to order the "Try out box--Losse snus" from will also try the skruf stark and really wanna try the montecristo loose, i like the MC portions a lot. I have like two dozen various cans that i still have not tried, they are resting in the freezer.
      my favorite portion snus of the 4 i have tried are the LD mini Licorice and the MC.


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        I haven't tried the General lös. How does it compare with Ettan? I like Ettan, but it's fairly salty, and think I prefer the Stark.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          The General lös has a bit of a citrus character, really nothing like Ettan. If you like Skruf Stark, I would suggest trying out Knox. I don't really care for it, but if you like the Stark, I think you will like this. I'm not a big fan of the Skruf products. They aren't bad, but the taste doesn't really click with me. It's just personal preference, the quality's top notch.


          • JMN
            New Member
            • Apr 2008
            • 5

            the General (G) may actually be a bit saltier than the ETTAN (E). the E is just tobacco taste while the G has some more flavor to it, kinda a guess a bergamot/lemon taste. the G is actually rather similar to the montecristo (MC) portions. though i think the flavor may be stronger/better/longer lasting with the MC and the MC portions i think are less salty. as mentioned i have not tried the MC loose, but if it similar flavor characteristically to the portions...could easily be one of my favorites!


            • Asquar
              • Mar 2008
              • 256

              Good info. If the General is even more salty (and citrus) than Ettan, I think I'll give it a pass for now, but will add both Knox and MC to the list of varieties to try.


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