What draws you guys to White Portions? I don't get it

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  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    Heat Seal Tea Bags

    they are available around the net for example: http://www.thesage.com/catalog/Botanicals.html

    you can put herbs, coffee, tobacco.. whatever and use an iron to seal or make any size you want. I am thinking to form a tube and load up, seal and cut. You may be able to just buy the fabric. I think that might be a good way to do it. I have regular teabag size and I get four out of each bag.


    • bondzai
      • Apr 2008
      • 362

      another teabag supply



      • eli
        • Apr 2008
        • 243

        Seems like a lot of work, and not necessarily a heck of a lot cheaper (when you consider materials and powering the iron) then just buying portions. I guess making larger/smaller/offsized portions may have it's advantages.

        As a parent, employee and home-owner time is a valuable commodity.


        • CWC
          • Mar 2008
          • 114

          Re: What draws you guys to White Portions? I don't get it

          Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
          TreAnkre (spelled completely wrong)....as I've said before, toilette paper biscuits.
          everyone has different tast, I just love Tre Ankare toilette paper biscuits, in fact just ordered a roll


          • Shrewd
            • Feb 2008
            • 118

            I tend to order whites in about equal proportions to originals. I'm not done deciding which I prefer, but generally I like the whites more for work, and the originals for home. Generally I'm very busy at work, so I like a portion I can put in and forget about until much later. Sometimes it's hours before I think about it, and most of the time originals have a really bad taste by then and have messed up my tastebuds for a while. A lot of the whites seem to go to no flavor rather than bad aftertaste. I can't say I notice much the moisture difference, they're definitely dryer, but not for very long (probe aside, which was very moist!). Also, I'm probably a bit paranoid, but I hate it when a portion makes my teeth brown while I'm at work - and whites never seem to do that. Finally, for me I still haven't gotten over how originals look - I know it's petty and dumb - but they look kinda gross to me so I have to kinda just ignore that when I use them (but I still notice it every time) - and I'm at 3 months now.


            • Harry
              • Dec 2007
              • 213

              The only difference I can find after the initial 10 minutes of moisture build-up necessary for white portions is the effect on the gums.

              If I've had more than say two or three whites in a day, my gums are a bit worn/dry/sensitive.

              The flavors and longevity are very similar once the 10 minutes of white portion inactivity has elapsed for me.


              • Soft Morning, City!
                • Sep 2007
                • 772


                Wait, it would reappear in your daily rotation? Are you saying that Goteborgs Rape regular portions existed at some point but were discontinued? If so, what a travesty. The only thing that keeps G.R. out of my normal rotation is the fact that it's a white portion.

                And yes, I'll have to agree with you on the Knox. It is the only portion brand that I can use every day and not get bored. The price is excellent as well. I find it funny that my everyday brand only costs about 18 dollars per roll. Budget snus is sure a hell of a lot better than budget cigarettes.

                Knox is perfect.


                • Subtilo
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 524

                  Sorry if I was unclear. What I meant was that if SM was to release a original portion GR, then the GR (in general) would reappear in my rotation. Its been a long time since I've used it, several months, I think.
                  Maybe it's about time I got hold of a GR lös again ... it's freaking yummy. And theres is a certain nostalgia connected with precisely this brand; it was my first favorite!


                  • Soft Morning, City!
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 772


                    Ah, I see. Well, here's to hoping that it'll happen someday. It's doubtful, but you never know.

                    I haven't had the loose in quite a while, either. I'm going to put some cans in with my next order. I miss opening up a fresh can and smelling it. To me, there are few smells more pleasant than a freshly-opened can of GR loose.


                    • MelangeMan
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 139

                      I like white portions because I don't feel obligated to keep them in the fridge. I can take my tin to work or leave it on the desk at home and not worry about it. I wouldn't do that with Onyxs or anything so similarly saturated. But my last order was the first time I tried anything other than dry whites, so I don't know how the wet ones really handle in that situation.

                      Granit white is great, btw.


                      • bondzai
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 362

                        refrigerator requirements

                        are yous saying white portions don't require refrigeration?


                        • MelangeMan
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 139

                          I'm sure the recommendation is to chill them, but I was just saying that I'm more relaxed towards that than I am with the moister snus.


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