Snusing in America!

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  • CreteCoater
    • Feb 2011
    • 304

    Snusing in America!

    Hey guys.

    After a 13 year Copenhagen habit it's time for a change. I originally stumbled upon this site when I was researching nasal snuff and it has helped a ton while I impatiently await my 2 orders! That was that until I started reading about snus and watching reviews by cnashx. Now i am getting the snus bug! I never knew about loose snus and after watching cnashx's review on skruf stark los I desperately want to experience it along with many others, portions included.

    So this brings me to a few questions to those in the US.

    How much do you typically order at a time to make it cost effective and worth the shipping hassles? Once I find a few that I like, is it a good idea to stockpile it and how long will it last refrigerated and unopened? I see some people here have quite a stash. I would hate to find something I really like only to have the bad habit police (aka the federal government) find a way to make it impossible to get.

    Thanks guys.
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    In general, it doesn't hurt to order a few rolls of anything you like. You can always trade it on the exchange if you don't like it anymore. As far as the tobacco police go, who really knows what the future holds. That is probably the main reason many of us stockpile our favorites. There has been some snus already cleared for sale in the USA which you can see at Northerner. I do think you are safer in stockpiling traditional snus rather than flavored snus but it is all a matter of taste. You should keep you snus in the freezer if you aren't using it. Also, don't go overboard as sometimes you might find your favorite snus on sale after you have already purchased a large amount. Think 3-4 rolls of anything you really like.


    • Snus Boost
      • Jan 2011
      • 640

      I started with a 60 dollar order including shipping (15) Then a 75 the last one was 100. I was nowhere near running out I just found some that I liked and ordered more of them and some new ones I wanted to try. Once you find a few you like wait a week and you might hate them and love the ones you hate. From everything I hear it is good for at least a year FROZEN in zip lock bags.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I haven't ordered in quite awhile due to my stock, but even in the good old days I ordered rolls of everything I liked. It's always cheaper buying in quantity. Bigger orders are always better, and now is the cheapest it'll ever be. In general, don't buy large quantities of "weird" snus while you're still new. The classics(General, Ettan, Grov...) are probably safe, but mint, berry, or anything flavored could get old to you fairly quickly. You may find you love Probe, and never get tired of it, but wait awhile before you buy a bunch of that ;^)

        I store my snus in the freezer in Zip-Loc bags, and my in us snus in the fridge. It keeps pretty well that way.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          I have ordered six cans and it came out cheaper than buying General locally but you might want to hit up the try out box Northerner has going at the moment. Depends on where you are and what the taxes are....but the best thing to do os try a variety. Los, original portions, white portions and a bunch of different flavors by different companies..especially the los. Try some Gellivare and Landstroms. Being a dipper you might like them also Grov and Ettan.

          Also check out the dippers guide to snus in the newbie section. Snusdog put a lot of great info in there....and there are many people with different techniques and pearls posted in there.

          I have a stash but I keep it in the freezer. No issues so far and some of it has been in there over a year.


          • CreteCoater
            • Feb 2011
            • 304

            Thanks for all the info! Between all the options of nasal snuff and snus its going to be fun trying different ones. I was big into cigars for a few years and still have a humidor full of different types. It was always great finding a new cigar that I liked, along with the ritual that goes along with it. I think that is what is attracting me to snus and snuff. 13 years of stuffing my face full of Copenhagen got boring!


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              Woot! I got someone to try snus!

              Congrats on working your way to this place.


              • CreteCoater
                • Feb 2011
                • 304

                haha I stumbled upon your videos searching for a few Toque reviews. Just watched your skruf xtra stark review last night. Haven't tried it yet, I'm waiting on you to send me a can to try


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  I haven't ordered in quite awhile due to my stock, but even in the good old days I ordered rolls of everything I liked. It's always cheaper buying in quantity. Bigger orders are always better, and now is the cheapest it'll ever be. In general, don't buy large quantities of "weird" snus while you're still new. The classics(General, Ettan, Grov...) are probably safe, but mint, berry, or anything flavored could get old to you fairly quickly. You may find you love Probe, and never get tired of it, but wait awhile before you buy a bunch of that ;^)

                  I store my snus in the freezer in Zip-Loc bags, and my in us snus in the fridge. It keeps pretty well that way.
                  +1 except for the Probe (yuck).


                  • Jwalker
                    • May 2010
                    • 1067

                    Order three or four rolls from snuscentral, they sell random cans too so I would do a roll or two of that maybe a mixed portion/loose. I recommend Jakobson's classic strong(I haven't tried it though but still), MINT, wintergreen(maybe not a roll though), ettan loose, general white, and nick and johnny.

                    Edit: Use the discount code on snuscentral but only after your cart is full, 30 cans is when it's cost effective I would say.


                    • MGX
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 127

                      I'd say for your first order I would recommend getting the try-out boxes. Try the white portion, original portion and los. There's no way of knowing which brands you will like until you try them out.

                      Personally I buy 3-4 rolls with 3-4 cans of new or novelties thrown in. This will last about 3 months for me (mixing los with portions for work). Los is a better deal given that the tins are 45g while most portions are 25g so you get a lot more tobacco.

                      I too was a Copenhagen guy and today grov and goteborg prima fint are my favorites. You may want to start with some extra sterks to begin with, Copenhagen is strong stuff but never gave me a kick like general extra sterk! (General Extra Sterk is too stout for me, ymmv)


                      • Ex Dipper
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 47

                        I too was a dipper and I love general Ekstra sterk los. As a dipper you will definitely want strong los snus. As for the skruf I have a roll of Ekstra Sterk to change it up from time to time. General es los is the way to go tho. Buy a few rolls and freeze it, you wont be disappointed.


                        • nachowayne
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 316

                          Originally posted by Ex Dipper View Post
                          I too was a dipper and I love general Ekstra sterk los. As a dipper you will definitely want strong los snus. As for the skruf I have a roll of Ekstra Sterk to change it up from time to time. General es los is the way to go tho. Buy a few rolls and freeze it, you wont be disappointed.

                          GES los is the snus of the Gods.


                          • enojy
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 150

                            Originally posted by MGX View Post
                            I'd say for your first order I would recommend getting the try-out boxes. Try the white portion, original portion and los. There's no way of knowing which brands you will like until you try them out.
                            I recommend this also!

                            If you want to retain the full flavor and feel of Copenhagen, definitely opt for los. Traditionally it's hand-molded into a lump of tobacco, but there's nothing wrong with treating it like your average Copenhagen snuff -- in fact, the experience is quite similar. Baking (hand-molding) is just less messy in the mouth.

                            I too found sterk snus to be about on par with Copenhagen when it comes to nicotine effect. It wouldn't hurt to start out with the standard 8mg though. Perhaps look for a try-out box that mixes 8mg with some stronger stuff.

                            If you get a try-out box and that results in finding a brand or two that you like, the most cost-effective way to order it would probably be around 3 rolls at a time, or at the very least, a roll at a time. Most places charge the same price to ship either two rolls or a single can to the US.

                            Finally, snus can and should be frozen if you won't be using all of it in the near future. I've never gone past two months expired on frozen snus, but it was still perfect. I imagine you could freeze snus for upwards of a year with no problems, and no degradation in taste nor quality.


                            • Experimental Monkey
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 795

                              Originally posted by nachowayne View Post

                              GES los is the snus of the Gods.
                              He does not lie.


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