What do your family/lover/etc think of snus if they don't use it themselves?

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  • nicodude
    • Jan 2011
    • 688

    Originally posted by Ansel View Post
    I won some people over to the idea of nasal snuff relatively easily, until i started sneezing in front of them. I find snus much more socially acceptable just because it is more discrete but i haven't mastered the art of talking with a portion in yet without mumbling.
    After using it for a while, you wont even notice it is in, used to happen to me, the portion would keep falling down and showing. Your lip just has to get used to having something there, and make room for it. I forget I have a portion/pris in sometimes.

    If you like snuff, get a bullet, they are great for public use, and if anyone asks just tell them its a vicks nasal inhaler or something, for unclogging your nose.

    Originally posted by russki View Post
    the supervisors would find out and I would be forced to stop at work.
    Lol, my supervisors spit chew juices all over the place at my job.


    • SmokedEuro
      • Aug 2010
      • 280

      My girl thinks its disgusting and my 3 year old this its medicine. Unfortunately she isn't of the open minded variety of women so i can't even get her to try it instead of smoking.


      • fishmeat
        • Feb 2011
        • 767

        My girlfriend is on the fence, with certain brands she says my breath stinks...she likes the idea of me quitting smoking with it. My mom and grandmother don't get it, they still after explanation think its just as bad as dip. But for the most part my family has been supportive of me quitting smoking, with or without snus.


        • enojy
          • Jul 2010
          • 150

          My girlfriend doesn't mind it, but we've been together for quite a while, so I'm sure she's beyond the point of judging me over something so petty. We are both really lax and let a lot of stuff slide -- let's just say I'm taking snus for 99% of the time I spend with her. I've been encouraging her to quit smoking ever since I did, so she's tried my snus on occasion, but can never handle it for more than a minute. I offered to buy her some mini portions, but I think the first impression ruined it for her.


          • ratcheer
            • Jul 2010
            • 621

            My wife is a lifelong non-user of any tobacco. I finally had to give up snus because of her complaints.



            • russki
              • Jan 2011
              • 464

              Originally posted by nicodude View Post
              If you like snuff, get a bullet, they are great for public use, and if anyone asks just tell them its a vicks nasal inhaler or something, for unclogging your nose.

              Lol, my supervisors spit chew juices all over the place at my job.
              If I used a bullet for snuff, I have a feeling everyone would assume its coke. Maybe that's just because of some discrepancies I've had in the past during the teen years haha.

              Anyways, I work at a hospital so they are quite strict. Sounds like you must have an interesting job though haha

              Originally posted by fishmeat View Post
              My girlfriend is on the fence, with certain brands she says my breath stinks...she likes the idea of me quitting smoking with it. My mom and grandmother don't get it, they still after explanation think its just as bad as dip. But for the most part my family has been supportive of me quitting smoking, with or without snus.
              I wonder if others can smell if you are using mint snus or if it just smells like mint? By that I mean if it still smells/tastes like tobacco to your girlfriend, or just mint.


              • russki
                • Jan 2011
                • 464

                Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
                My wife is a lifelong non-user of any tobacco. I finally had to give up snus because of her complaints.

                Did you make her stop drinking coffee/caffeine? haha
                That sucks though man, sorry for your luck. Suppose it is for the better though.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
                  My wife is a lifelong non-user of any tobacco. I finally had to give up snus because of her complaints.

                  Okay... so do you take any other form of tobacco?


                  • Monkey
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 3290

                    My son told me the other day that I wasn't cool because I don't smoke. Mommy and her boyfriend are cool because they smoke.

                    My daughter doesn't get it yet. She knows it is snus and I use it but...she is three.

                    My mom stopped bitching at me after I gave her some links to the studies and said " Read these and if you still have a problem with it I will go back to smoking." She is cool with it now.

                    My dad has no opinion. Well...that's what he said.

                    I don't care what anyone else thinks.


                    • fishmeat
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 767

                      Originally posted by russki View Post
                      I wonder if others can smell if you are using mint snus or if it just smells like mint? By that I mean if it still smells/tastes like tobacco to your girlfriend, or just mint.
                      I would assume that with a minty snus it would smell all minty like...but I guess who is she to say my breath stinks, she still smokes :/


                      • stones
                        • May 2010
                        • 111

                        My family is glad I quit smoking years ago. My mother was intrigued by snus and asked is it any safer said it supposed to be as dangerous as coffee so should be safe. My lover of 13 years does not mind one bit only thing my lover bitches about is when I get a new order in its always the same question why did you order 150 cans. The cat and dog are curious about it the portions and los I have to put in a ziplock bag the tomcat will dig them out of the trash. When I put a portion or pris in the dog gets excited thinking I'm getting her a treat


                        • ratcheer
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 621

                          Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                          Okay... so do you take any other form of tobacco?
                          No, the snus and dipping tobacco are the only kinds I have used in many years. I smoked cigarettes until New Year's Day, 1973. I smoked a few cigars during the 90's.

                          So now I am tobacco and nicotine free, too.



                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            My wife is anti tobacco period. I think she prefers the snus over smokes though.


                            • BrianC
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 463

                              Honestly I have never mentioned it to my parents, they are extremely anti tobacco so I have never brought it up. However I do snus in front of them and don't make much effort to hide my stash if I have them over so who knows if they have noticed or not. My brother could care less, it would bother him if I smoked still due to health reasons, so he likes that I switched over to this habit. My ex who lived with me for years was not a tobacco user at all, but she was open minded and it didn't bother her. She just had to do some of her own research rather than just take my word for it, and smoking did bother her when I did it, so she was happy I made the switch.


                              • heders
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 2227

                                My dad is totally OK with it. He is a smoker himself and I'm over 18, so he has never complained. My mother finds it disgusting but much better than smoking. My other relatives and my friends don't care either.

