swedishsnus.com cheaper - anyone tried them?

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  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    swedishsnus.com cheaper - anyone tried them?

    I was satisfied by Buysnus.com and Northerner but wonder about swedishsnus.com They seem to be a bit less expensive and it is part of Swedish Match. How is delivery and shipping?
  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    can't figure out their website anyway

    I can't even find my cart when I click to order. This site is messed up or maybe this Onyx portion is driving me wacky.... very salty!


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      I have never ordered from them. Swedishsnus.com is the Swedish Match webstore. They have great prices and often do 15% discount promos on different things (they email it to you if you've registered). Unfortunately, even with their better pricing, you can only buy roll quantities, and the shipping cost is often about 2x what northerner/buysnus charges. Overall, there is really minimal price difference between all 3 by the time you calculate in roll price + shipping.

      I tend to order all my rolls from buysnus due to their 6th roll system making them the cheapest in the long run. Northerner, however, has a better selection of just about all types of snus which makes them the better selection for variety orders.

      Overall, I would rather buy from buysnus and northerner and let someone else make a couple bucks than put it straight into SM's pocket. The price difference (at least to US consumers) is next to none.


      • Harry
        • Dec 2007
        • 213

        Great post X. I only use Northerner for Gellivare, Lanstroms, Wise, and now Montecristo.

        I buy my rolls from Buysnus just because it's the only real way to get a significant discount that I've found. Unless you want to buy 20 tins of Elixyr.

        Also, Buysnus has those gifts that at sometimes are neat, and will occasionally toss in a few free tins for no reason. They're also a small family owned and operated web company that I feel better supporting than a conglomerate or Northerner which also sells a bunch of cheesy stuff.

        I've inquired about Buysnus carrying the products I can't get from them, but I think they're set on their selection for now.

