prismaster for 30 pfennig

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  • SnusOn.Com
    by SnusOn.Com

    Prismaster is a tool for molding loose snus or loose Swedish Chew into a snus/prilla without getting any snus on your fingers.

    The numbered instructions below correspond to the pictures on the instructions page that comes with the product.
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  • ddandb
    Prismaster revisited
    by ddandb
    Like others here I started our with the Prismaster then got an Icetool.
    It was with the Icetool that I learned the intricacies of how tight or loose...
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  • bondzai
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  • Grim
    First Bake
    by Grim
    My first Los Snus came in on Wednesday and it was Gotlandsgul. From what i heard it was somewhat tricky to bake by hand and people recommended getting...
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