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  • raptor
    • Oct 2008
    • 753

    Well, snus would probably be the best product to come out of that store. It's the Wal-Mart of furniture stores.


    • Steel Blue 91
      • May 2008
      • 163

      Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
      i was so proud of this joke, i decided to recycle it to burn the newer folks. how lame can i get....
      You are way too cruel. Twice.


      • exexpat93
        • Jul 2008
        • 76

        Someone suggested this a while back...

        Someone was hoping that IKEA would start stocking SNUS a couple thousand posts ago.

        They sell Swedish cookies and some other foods from Sweden near the checkouts.

        Yuppy wanna be's on SNUS. Sounds like a Gorillaz song doesn't it?

        Swedish Match and British Tobacco needs to ramp up brands and distribution through out the country or fly under the radar all the way through mail order.

        I looked but I was jaded long before you posted. I wasn't jumping up and down but I was curious to see if it was real or rumor.


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          A roll of portion snus comes in a cardboard box containing sheets of paper, a bag of tobacco, an instruction sheet and an Allen wrench.


          • TetraHydroCannabinol
            • Aug 2008
            • 15

            Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
            i was so proud of this joke, i decided to recycle it to burn the newer folks. how lame can i get....
            how cruel can you get?
            I just got an order in today, and I was thinking how bad it would suck if the mail ban is passed.
            I read this and almost shit my pants.
            I saw the title and was about to go there, a whole 45 miles from where i am,
            and then I clicked on it, and my heart sank...


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              bump for the nubs
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • daruckis
                • Jul 2009
                • 2277

                thanks for the noob bump pp. i laughed. ikeas pretty sweet though. decent furniture, all jokes aside.


                • MasterGuns
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 312

                  Thanks alot PP :evil:
                  I took it seriously too, since Ikea's big founder boss-man Ingvar Kamprad is an avid snus user... don't tell the anti-tobacco hippy crowd or they'll quit buying his furniture, which is exactly what would happen if they sold snus in Ikea.
                  So impossible yet such a cruel joke!


                  • chossy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 242

                    what the h...

                    Got my hopes up there, would have been so sweet to buy snus at IKEA

                    Now what am I going to do??
                    Mean and cruel I tell you.


                    • MasterGuns
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 312

                      Originally posted by chossy
                      what the h...

                      Got my hopes up there, would have been so sweet to buy snus at IKEA

                      Now what am I going to do??
                      Mean and cruel I tell you.
                      awe come on chossy old chap, you can buy snus at convenience stores...why would you need to go to IKEA :wink:


                      • Prillig
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 17

                        I think Ikea will never sell snus or any other tobacco product in their stores anywhere in the world. They're too occupied with their family friendly and goody two shoes image to do that.

                        Their product naming policies are interesting and use first and place names as well as ordinary Swedish adjectives and nouns. A cute word like 'prilla' could make a typical Ikea product name but would for the same reason probably never be used. On the other hand they do not care too much if their chosen terms mean anything in other languages. That's why you could buy things there called stuff like Jerker, Lessebo and Fartfull.


                        • uk.user
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 31

                          They Bloody should do least there would be perpose to going there


                          • VBSnus
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 532

                            Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!

                            The day that Ikea starts selling snus is the day that I find Jesus.
                            "I didn't know I was sposed to be looking for him Lt. Dan." - Forrest Gump


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Originally posted by VBSnus
                              Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!

                              The day that Ikea starts selling snus is the day that I find Jesus.
                              "I didn't know I was sposed to be looking for him Lt. Dan." - Forrest Gump
                              crap!!............I didn't even know he was missing.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                              • zmanzero
                                • May 2009
                                • 766

                                big deal, so they're selling snus. there isn't an Ikea store anywhere around me, and if there were, i bet they'd charge an arm and a leg for v2. look at the price of their "swedish" meatballs, it's like you slap the "swedish" word on something and then jack up the price by a testicle. :evil:

                                edit - ohh... just read the thread... yea, nice bump pp! bet you had a lot of noobs going for that one!!!


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