Organic snus?

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  • skyline142
    • Apr 2010
    • 193

    Organic snus?

    I am kind of curious about this. In Sweden, are they big with an organic movement at all? This city I live in, is kind of becoming quite big with the local/organic/fair trade movement. I wonder how that is in Sweden. All organic fruits, vegetables, ketchup, soups, ice cream; basically anything Organic I have tried has been much more flavorful, texture has been more preferable.

    Anyway, the point I am getting at, would you guys be more attracted to a snus brand that went for an organic side? Like, Organic tobacco that was sustainably harvested and grown without harsh pesticides, sea salt (instead of processed salts), natural sweeteners (if any), stuff like that?
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    I am not from Sweden but I would definitely pay extra for an organic snus. Especially if it was a plain los type.


    • skyline142
      • Apr 2010
      • 193

      Awesome! I think a manufacture should really look into it. Sea salt too is really healthy for body, even topical wise. Has like, 80 some different minerals which all support healthy skin growth. Maybe that would decrease even a small amount of TSNAs that may build up? Idk about that, just a guess.


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Fair trade tobacco would be another plus IMO. For some reason, I always picture tobacco growers as being dirt poor farmers living in India who spray massive amounts of DDT on their crops. I could be way off though.


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
          I am not from Sweden but I would definitely pay extra for an organic snus. Especially if it was a plain los type.
          Yeah i would too. But portions...


          • Mykislt
            • Sep 2010
            • 677

            I think that the Ettan Kardus and Grov Kardus, and Kardus superior blend could be considered "organic" since they are made by hand


            • skyline142
              • Apr 2010
              • 193

              Originally posted by Mykislt View Post
              I think that the Ettan Kardus and Grov Kardus, and Kardus superior blend could be considered "organic" since they are made by hand
              Mmmmmmm, I would have to disagree with that. I mean, I could go grab a bottle, fill it with carbonated water, add sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffiene, and natural flavors and stick my finger in it and stir; but would you call that organic?

              I am aiming a more towards the actual product used, not the process on how it is made.


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Originally posted by skyline142 View Post
                Mmmmmmm, I would have to disagree with that. I mean, I could go grab a bottle, fill it with carbonated water, add sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffiene, and natural flavors and stick my finger in it and stir; but would you call that organic?

                I am aiming a more towards the actual product used, not the process on how it is made.
                I was going to say something along the lines of grapes being picked by hand are not organic. OK the perfect los. Organic tobacco, lots of sea salt and just a hint of natural bergamot.


                • skyline142
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 193

                  See, the only thing I see going a bit wrong, is an anti molding property. I know salt does a fine job as a preservative, as well as lemon juice. But they use propelyn glycol so it doesnt mold, right? I am not sure a natural alternative..

                  I found some more 'natural' alternatives used as Humectants: Lecithin, Panthenol (pro-vitamin B5), and Glycerin.


                  • skyline142
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 193

                    Ooo, and PG is used to keep it moist, my bad. But still, there are alternatives. The sea salt or even lemon juice prevent the molding, right?


                    • snusjus
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 2674

                      I like the idea, but could the acidity regulators and humectants ever be considered organic? I'm no chemistry major, but I'm sure someone could correct me here. Also, I love the idea of sea salt being used in snus.

                      Image this:

                      American Spirit
                      Perique Blend
                      24 Organic Snus Pouches



                      • Crow
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 4312

                        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                        OK the perfect los. Organic tobacco, lots of natural bergamot and just a hint of sea salt.
                        Fixed it for you.

                        Words of Wisdom

                        Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                        Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                        Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                        Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                        Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                        Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                        Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                        Frosted: lucky twat
                        Frosted: Aussie slags
                        Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                        • skyline142
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 193

                          Originally posted by snusjus View Post
                          I like the idea, but could the acidity regulators and humectants ever be considered organic? I'm no chemistry major, but I'm sure someone could correct me here. Also, I love the idea of sea salt being used in snus.

                          Image this:

                          American Spirit
                          Perique Blend
                          24 Organic Snus Pouches

                          Now, I dont think they could be considered "USDA Organic", BUT! I do believe there has to be some naturally occuring regulators. Of some sort. Even if there isn't, I just made french toast today with organic eggs, organic milk, locally made bread, organic bacon. But topped it off with NON-organic syrup, yet it still tasted many times better than using cheap gas station materials.

                          Xylitol is a naturally occuring humectant found in berries and corn husks. Also is a sweetener though as well. :/


                          • khalid
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 348

                            I used to use American spirit hand rolling tobacco and quite liked the extra care and attention the tobacco needed with the absence of humectants. "To rehydrate you snus, place in an open window early in the morning to catch the ambient moisture." The acidity regulation might have to be a compromise though but I am no chemist. I love the idea of using different salts and fair trade tobacco would be welcome.

                            I wonder how well this would store and travel in a ready to use los or portion. Maybe an organic snus kit would work, where you add moisture and an acidity regulator.


                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              Rodrick was tinkering around with flavored salts to be used in Neti Pots. (Rodrick from Toque, that is) About a year or so ago it was an idea that was being kicked around. Khalid might be on to something.

                              Now, I for one don't think the benefit, if any, in sea salt is worth the paper it's written on but in food I do prefer the texture. In snus, I wouldn't want a big honkin' rock of salt cutting up my gums. Processing it down would render a taste indistinguishable from regular salt and unnecessarily inflating the price. Of [coarse] that is only my opinion. I would be more turned on with a premium leaf -part snus like Kardus. I'm sure the mass-produced snus has fillers and scrap ground into it to some degree. Kardus (et al) is so damned expensive though. To get an organic snus or premium snus to the point where everyone would be able to appreciate the difference one would have to spend soo much more money to produce. It wouldn't be worth it as the cost would prohibit too many people to use it.

                              There are snus kits out there already too. I haven't used one but others have. Also seems like making your own from purchased [or grown] tobacco isn't extremely difficult. That's the ticket to the premium, organic, fair-trade, tree-huggin' snus that we're lookin' for. Maybe a kit that includes everything...the cooker and all might work.


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