Flavor Descriptions?

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  • timoteo
    • Dec 2009
    • 583

    Flavor Descriptions?

    I have noticed on differnt web shops, literiture etc. have completely differnt descriptions of a snuses flavor. Some are too vauge, while others are too wordy and complete bullocks in my opinion. So if your new to snus dont take thease descriptions too seriously..

    Has anybody else ever thought this?

    For example: The description of General Stark on snuscentral claims it has a hint of blueberry flavor, but the 2009 Generalsnus catalog written by Swedish Match says its just " A General snus with more nicotine."

    Personally I think I taste a hint of the same juniper berry flavor that is the flavoring in Goteborgs Rape'. I have also detected this flavor in Odens Original and Odens ES and all the other General Original flavored products.

    Am I just crazy or does anyone else agree with me?
  • Wrath
    • Jan 2011
    • 143

    I think it can be hard to pinpoint flavors at times. It seems to change with each can honestly. What I mean is, no two cans have really tasted exactly alike. Maybe it's not the snus per se but my tastes changing. As for the descriptions of flavors, I take them with a grain of salt.


    • AtreyuKun
      • Aug 2009
      • 1223

      My wife caught a whiff of my LD white and thought it smelled like Fruit Loops.


      • Hanske
        • Jan 2011
        • 425

        My girlfriend has two words for the smell of Nick & Johnny; "Jævla drit". It meens "f*cking cr*p" or "f*ucking sh*t"... She can handle the smell of Onyx, but it's too strong for her to use herself. She only use those weird-flavored Catch and Mocca stuff.


        • timoteo
          • Dec 2009
          • 583



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