I don't care for General, but Grov and Ettan are very good loose snuses. Nevertheless, Knox is my favorite, hands down. Sometimes I mix in some Skruf ES, for a little more nicotine punch, but Knox's flavor can't be beat, IMO.
My actual favorites aren't on the list: Gotlands Gul, Gellivare and Landstroms. Grov los will probably be added with the Gellivare and Landstroms once i run out of Gul.
I'm not voting since I've only tried 1/4 of those on the list, but Skruf Stark los was REALLY good. Roda Lacket ended up disappointing me in the end, but it bakes really, really easily.
I've gone through two tins of Ettan (purchased outside of the try-out pack) and one tin of Goteborg's Prima Fint from my try-out pack from Northerner....