How much have you SAVED??

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  • Speedoape
    • Nov 2010
    • 311

    How much have you SAVED??

    How much has snus saved you on money? There was a how much have spent thread but i have saved a fortune! 10-11 cigars a week at $6 - $8 a cigar a week? Snus is saving me quite a bit of money! A can every couple days for $4 - $5 a can? Awesome!
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    didn't save me anything ... snus is in fact 2 times more expensive (I will have to cut down on it soon)

    a pack of cigarettes is roughly $5 whilst a can of snus is $9 - $10 ...

    not to mention I've been snusin' and smoking for a while.

    Does anyone from Sweden come to Romania ? I would like to order 1000 cans and out them in your back side of the car, hide them well somewhere looooooooool


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Hard to say. When I smoked, I spent $15 per week. At that time I spent about $8 per week on snus. All the numbers have changed now, and I don't know what they are. I imagine snus is still cheaper.


      • Rattlesnake
        • Nov 2010
        • 891

        I would have spent aprox. $620.00 0n cigs since Nov-2010
        I have spent minus 240.00 on Snus since Nov-2010
        I saved 280.00 by buying snus and I still have enough snus to last until July 2011.
        So in july I will have spent 1070.00
        Giving me a savings of 830.00
        Minus at least a 250.00 order in June to keep me snussing until Nov or Dec- 2011
        1580.00 savings in 2011

        This is not exact even if prices remain the same, but is close enough for government work.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Since I stopped smoking I would have spent over 6,000 dollars at the amount I was smoking per day.

          I have spent a little over 2000 dollars on snus and snuff since I switched. And if you count what I used vs inventory....

          BOOM! WINNING! duh...


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by Monkey
            Since I stopped smoking I would have spent over 6,000 dollars at the amount I was smoking per day.

            I have spent a little over 2000 dollars on snus and snuff since I switched. And if you count what I used vs inventory....

            BOOM! WINNING! duh...




            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              I was spending $12 at least a day smoking so i save a bit... but it also saves hassle, time, and lung power! I could save loads using nasal snuff as it's very cheap but snus feels right so i don't mind paying the extra.


              • Lord Spencer
                • Feb 2011
                • 38

                Originally posted by Speedoape View Post
                How much has snus saved you on money? There was a how much have spent thread but i have saved a fortune! 10-11 cigars a week at $6 - $8 a cigar a week? Snus is saving me quite a bit of money! A can every couple days for $4 - $5 a can? Awesome!
                Hey glad to know I'm not the only guy who didn't like the price for those cigars. I used to smoke Fuente, Padron, Room 101, the whole deal, and believe me they were GOLD but the price left me pretty disgusted. Snus is be FAR the cheapest tobacco I'v ever had, and it has got to be the best all around in my opinion for Quality, Taste, and bang for your buck thats for sure.

                And precious007, what cans are YOU using? My snus is only like 3-4 dollars a can O.O


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  whenI quit smoking I already cut back to like 5 packs a week. At $4 a pack your talking $20 a week x 52 is $1040. and my snus habit is roughly $250 a year so over the last 2 years about $1600 bucks, not bad not bad at all.


                  • beerski
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 51

                    A carton of smokes here is about $80 for the cheaper brand that I used to smoke, and I was spending about $260 per month on smokes. Snus averages out to about $70 per month (a little higher or lower depending on how many slip through at the border). Yet another reason to love snus!


                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      I remember the days of gathering my last coins at 1 in the morning and heading to the gas station on a freezing night just so I would have something to smoke first thing in the morning.

                      I believe that's pretty close to being addicted to a drug as you ever could get.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885

                        Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                        I remember the days of gathering my last coins at 1 in the morning and heading to the gas station on a freezing night just so I would have something to smoke first thing in the morning.

                        I believe that's pretty close to being addicted to a drug as you ever could get.
                        - that's nothing ... I used to spend all my pocket money in general school, high school and university on cigarettes .... my highest was when I smoked 2 packs a day during the high school...
                        - used to eat nothing all day just to afford the transportation and cigarettes (roughly $10 per day)
                        - sometimes walked back home 4 long km because I spent the transportation money on beer or wine during classes, loooool
                        - i was never the type of smoker that bought 10 packs at once, but definitely went either late in the night to buy fags or very early in the morning right affter jumping out of my bed
                        - and worst of all I smoked an apartment worth in 14 years

                        ****ing cigs


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          With snus expenditure already subtracted from a cigarette habit expenditure = £4,000.

                          I've definately saved my health.


                          • LincolnSnuff
                            • May 2010
                            • 676

                            Let's see... Started snusing a year ago... At that point I was at about a pack per day, which for Camels costs roughly $5 in MN. 365 x $5 = $1825. I haven't kept track, but I would expect that I have spent between $450 and $500 for snus... Drumroll please? A savings of $1325. What did I do with that money? Invest it in alcohol and pipes/pipe tobacco. Even so, I'm still ahead and I won't develop emphysema, COPD, lung cancer, etc. I like this game...


                            • enojy
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 150

                              Smoking cost: 1 pack a day, ~$5.50 a pack, ~$2000 a year. (Smoking my usual brand, Camel Menthol.)

                              Snus cost: 1 roll a month, $45 per roll, ~$540 a year. (Buying ONYX, factoring in shipping costs.)
                              -- 1 roll a month, $40 per roll, ~$480 a year. (Buying General Long Sterk, my current usual brand, factoring in shipping costs.)

                              $2000 - $480 = $1520 + 2 lungs + 1 heart saved per year.

                              I won't even get into the costs of the "other smokable items" that I also quit in conjunction with cigarettes.

                              Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                              What did I do with that money? Invest it in alcohol
                              HAHA that's more or less what I do with it too :-P Unless it's the beginning of a semester, then I buy books. :-(


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