Important, Smoking - Snus poll (Everyone use!)

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    quit 25 years of dipping with snus.....................never looked back

    I did not vote on the poll.................the "never smoked" option just did not seem to have the significance that a "used snus to quit dip" option would.

    Thus while quitting dip may not be as big a deal as quitting is nonetheless an important type of harm reduction that snus offers.

    And yes there is a difference between dip and snus.........and no that difference is not insignificant.
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • dpete

      As of today I have been completely smoke free for 2 weeks and before that several months of only 1-2 cigs a week with no pipe at all. Not much but the longest I have gone in over 40 years plus I have absolutely no desire to return to smoking. Always thought my pipe was the best nicotine delivery system ever but snus has made that pipe a far behind second place finisher.


      • Old Frothingslosh
        • Jan 2009
        • 175

        Smokefree for two years and two months.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Looking at those poll results makes you wonder how many lives and dollars could be saved if our government and the mainstream medical community actually supported reduced harm methods to stop smoking.


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
            Looking at those poll results makes you wonder how many lives and dollars could be saved if our government and the mainstream medical community actually supported reduced harm methods to stop smoking.
            So true. The key will be having real people realize the benefits of harm reduction and everyone to stop listening to the anti's that only have one agenda and don't actually care about lives.


            • ratcheer
              • Jul 2010
              • 621

              I stopped smoking years before I tried snus. Now, I have stopped snus, too.



              • enojy
                • Jul 2010
                • 150

                I smoked a pack a day for around 10 years. Decided I wanted to quit, bought a roll of snus, quit smoking the day I opened the snus with absolutely no headaches, cravings, problems at all. Not a single cigarette since that day (this was back in July 2010, so about 7-8 months ago.)

                edit- I feel I should mention that snus helped me quit smoking things other than cigarettes as well, with no withdrawal symptoms. It's making college much easier on both the brain and the wallet.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  For those that never smoked and started snus - why?

                  Not that I think snus will kill you, but just curious why you'd want to get hooked on something that costs money as someone who was once nicotine free?


                  • captncaveman
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 924

                    I'll still smoke a cig now and again, maybe once every other month.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                      I crave one every now and then, especially if watching a movie where everyone is smoking. Watched Inglorious Bastards tonight, and felt the "urge"...just popped in a Thunder Frosted and all was better ;-)
                      Same here. Like Boondock Saints.


                      • captncaveman
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 924

                        hitting the hookah right now, does that count?


                        • nicodude
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 688

                          Cant really vote because snus did not stop me from smoking, chew did, then snus stopped me from chewing. So same end result just a different path. Wont touch cigs anymore but I do smoke cigars and a pipe in the summer time, I will roll a cig with pipe tobacco once in a while.


                          • Kstolen23
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 281

                            Numbers equals fun! Good job everyone so far, good to see that so far about 90% of the people here have either cut down or completely stopped smoking because of snus . Congratulations everybody! Even the 11% that didn't smoke previously because, to be frank, it really isn't the worst thing you could take up.


                            • teeotee
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 251

                              I had to go with smoke less, mainly because i will smoke cigars every once in a while. Living in Iowa i don't have easy access to snus so i run out from time to time. If that does happen i will buy some cigs or cigars just to save my wife's and my own sanity. But i love that once i get some snus again it's not a problem to not smoke again.


                              • Kstolen23
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 281

                                Thats great, and it's understandable to want/need to buy ciggs after you run out of snus. After all, your still getting nicotine and it is very addictive with heavy withdrawals. I too, on occasion, enjoy a nice cigar. Less now because of snus and my standards have risen because of I use cigars less. I used to smoke Vanilla cigars (Jewels. . . Yeah, yeah laugh it up :P) with the pirchwood tip but after having a 'proper' cigar they became too sweet for my taste. Now I exclusively use P.G.C Hajenious cigars, they are great, especially Grand Finale Superb but I cant get any here in Perth. Lucky for me because they aren't the cheapest cigars on the shelf but my sister is coming over from Norway soon so maybe she could throw a few my way while in customs .


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