There, Fixed The FDA's Swedish Snus Health Warning For Them
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Originally posted by JakobWow you americans have much worse warning labels on your snus.
Problem is that the labels over here are for smokeless tobacco in general, and were in use before snus was introduced to the us market, so they just used the old warnings from dip/chew for all smokeless. I remember seeing some snuff somewhere awhile back(way before I started using it) that said: this product can cause gum disease and tooth loss. I remember thinking to myself that either someone didn't do their research or alot of americans are dipping nasal snuff.
Heh, reminds me of something I did with a graphic designer friend a few years ago. We mocked up some joke cigarette packet warning labels, made them into stickers and put them on our packs.
We had things like:
Smoking Rocks
Smoking is both big and clever
Smoking makes you more attractive to the opposite sex
We sent them to our mates, and they must have sent them on as well, because a month or so later, we discovered that someone was selling them online - with the exact same captions that we came up with. Dunno how much money these people made (probably not much) but we were kicking ourselves for not thinking to sell them ourselves!
I made this one when FDA was talking about their new graphic warnings for cigarette boxes. I said put this on there:
Anthony at made these, I thought they were pretty funny
He said "Or if they insist on being alarmist dumb-****s, change the warnings into something less stupid sounding. Some suggestions:"
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