Snus that has STAYED in your rotation?

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    • Aug 2009
    • 528

    General Portion and Grov Los. Day and Night.


    • fishmeat
      • Feb 2011
      • 767

      I am only really into a full month+ of snusing. I have found these to be among my favorites...

      General Onyx
      General Long Sterk
      General Sterk White
      Jakobsson's WG & Mint

      I am looking to add more los into the mix as well as some more of V2's line-up as well.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        General Loose
        General ES Loose
        Ettan Loose
        Grov Loose
        Odens ES Kanel Loose
        Skruf Stak Loose
        Probe Loose

        Those have been in my rotation for more than two years. I use at least 5 of those everyday.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          Lucky Strike was my go-to brand for quite some time, until it was prohibited for importation within the United States. Now I only use General and Grov. I mainly use General because it's cheaper to buy within the U.S. compared to ordering Grov via internet.


          • Monkey
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 3290

            My main los rotation since I started snus has been discontinued. These were all on one of my first two big tryout orders...and stuck.

            Good thing my freezer is full...

            Gotlands Gul
            Taboca Los
            Offroad longcut wintergreen.

            I never had a solid portion rotation but I always have something in a portion on hand....


            • captncaveman
              • Jul 2008
              • 924

              My tastes have never really changed. I love V2, I love Los. Sure there are many that i have bought just to try out but never really stayed around after the can was done (unless i decide to revisit it or theres a good sale). I am a huge fan of Tobacco and traditional flavors. My "Off" flavors that i always have rotated in my daily snusing were/are Offroad Cran, Julesnus, and gots grey.

              Luckily if any of my go to snuses get discontinued there is always a decent replacement. I will miss my offroad Cran but then again i can experiment with cranberry extracts till i get the flavor right if i really wanted to.


              • BrianC
                • Dec 2008
                • 463

                Thunder frosted, no matter how many rolls I have gone through I never tire of it. The only thing that has changed with it is I switched from the original portions to long whenever they came out.


                • jagmanss
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 12213

                  Never even thought about until this thread, But I always have a can of Ettan Portion and General Extra Sterk Portion open and have kept using them continuously since I started snus, It just wouldn't feel right to me if they weren't..... even though I have been more into Los lately those 2 in Portions are always open....


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Gellivare, anything Granit and General OP. For some reason I never get burned out on these. I also like Northerner Citrus/Menthol but that is more like a once in a while when I need to be discreet snus.


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      My very first order contained Thunder Frosted and I've never wandered far from it. Like the lös even more of course.


                      • ChaoticGemini
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 564

                        There are 3 I have ALWAYS had since I first tried them:
                        Nick & Johnny Strong
                        Ettan OP
                        Tobaca portions


                        • Connavar
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 237

                          General Onyx, Grov Svart, Ettan los


                          • KarlvB
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 681

                            I settled on my favourites pretty early on and all my orders contain a combination of the following:

                            Grov - OP / WP / lös
                            Ettan - WP / lös
                            General - WP / Long / GES lös
                            Gotlands - Yellow (portion/lös) / Anis (portion/lös) / Green
                            N&J - OP

                            My go to snus though is Grov OP/ WP and Ettan WP (since I am rationing my last three rolls of Gotlands Yellow) and my preferred stark is N&J since Skruf's quality control went down the tube....


                            • nicodude
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 688

                              Click white- My daily go to/carry-around and my at work snus for the past week and a half.
                              General op/los - always have it on hand, and in the freezer, used to use it everyday, but ettan los/op has been replacing it lately.
                              Gotlands gul los- my favorite, but sadly I cant use it as much as id like to.
                              Blue ocean- at least one portion a day, usually when I first wake up.
                              Julesnus or offroad coffee/vanilla - after dinner dessert snus.

                              Daily snuff rotation

                              Dholakia black- daily go to
                              Toque quit
                              Toque rasp.menthol
                              Tiger guarana(non-tobacco)
                              Dholakia white


                              • G_Jones
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 69

                                After snusing a while I have tried many different types. I found my favorites pretty early on and keep looking for new ones for my rotation. Skruf Stark Portions and Nick & Johnny Strong I never tire of. I also love Ettan Portions, and Thunder Frosted (longs now!). Claq Quis is something I still miss and hope for a future snus to fill that gap -- something like a Rhoda Lacket Sterk.


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