los snus doesn't work in the lower lip at least for me....
The funny thing is that.... I don't remember where I was reading ....
but old women .... in England somewhere.... or was it U.S (in the 30's or something) were lower lipping snuff (dry snuff) looooooooool and pinching it with small tea spoons :^)
I've tried that with some sweet scotch snuffs and it was pathetic loooooool
Actually people used to get a stick then moisten it, then dip it into the dry snuff then toss it in either their cheek or lip. Well i shouldn't say used to i'm sure many folks still do this. I had a 4oz can of Tops snuff before and i bottom lipped close to 3/4 of the can. But i had to throw it into a snus/dip can and wet it down let it sit in the fridge over night.
I'm not sure why any people are having difficulty lower decking snus. Perhaps the same folk were never dippers. Longcut dip is awesome don't get me wrong but i will always have a place for the fine cut in my heart.
As for long cut snus, it is still snus but different cut from the traditional grinds. V2 los is a "longer" cut then Copenhagen snuff (from what i have found). Cuts don't really mean to much.
There really isn't much difference to me in the classic snus grind/cut and fine cut dip. Dip is just drier. Open a tin of los and dry it out for a bit for better control.
I think the cut has a tremendous amount to do with it. For me anyhow, fine stuff like Prima, Roda, even General get too soupy on the top of it when it goes in the lower lip. The traditional grinds are fine like Copenhagen. The longer stuff like Skoal, Grizzly really pack well and can easily be moved around the mouth with the tongue once they've set. The even longer ones tend to almost weave together and really meld even better than the traditional LC. The tobacco is also softer on my gums with something real long. I think it has to do with the surface area of the inner part of the leaf contacting my gums. The flavor is different too, richer I think but then it doesn't release the nicotine nearly as quickly.
los snus doesn't work in the lower lip at least for me....
The funny thing is that.... I don't remember where I was reading ....
but old women .... in England somewhere.... or was it U.S (in the 30's or something) were lower lipping snuff (dry snuff) looooooooool and pinching it with small tea spoons :^)
I've tried that with some sweet scotch snuffs and it was pathetic loooooool
Not to throw out blind tobacco progaganda but I did years back read a study that the highest rates of nasal/throat cancer came from southern women who were heavy snuff users. These same women also were lower lipping.
Somewhere there is a tsna list with a USA snuff hitting the 1000 benchmark (which is probably the stuff they were using). This was one of many things I have read that pushes me to believe that tsna is definately a marker for cancer.
I believe Roderick somewhere awhile back stated toque was substantially lower in tsna count as also poschl.