In an earlier post by me I talked about how I didn't like the Oden's cans not having a used portion area. Intreastingly enough, several of you commented how you never use them/ think their gross. Personally I use them constantly, to the point where I'm wondering if I'm an oddball of sorts. So, people, do you or do you not use/like those used portion areas? What is all of you all's take on it?
Used portion area or no?
Well, it seems to me that most Los snus doesent have a portion section know...its not portions. But yeah, in terms of Los I can see it adding up REAL quick. One, or even two pris' could easily fill it up, and then cleaning out of the area afterward would be heck. But then, the portion snus' are easier: Just open lid, tilt can, done. So I can see why Los users wouldnt like em as much.
But, I'm pretty active usually. When I'm at work, if they saw even a HINT of tobacco on me I would be wrote up ( I swear, this is why I wish I were in a country that is more open to tobacco users....fking America and its outrageous laws.), therefore I tend to hide in a corner, spit the portion into the lid fast-like, and go. That makes it easier than trying to put it into the trashcan and someone saying "Hey...that isnt gum!" ect ect ect blah blah blah.
I typically use it--the so-called "catch lid--frequently. It's great for situations like meetings (or church!) where you need to be discreet and not get up to go spit in a trash can, or places like the movies or a plane flight where you might go through two or three portions. I also use it to store a partially used portion for later--like if I stick in a portion and then have to remove it for some reason a few minutes later but it still has a lot of life left in it. Waste not, want not. I also just like HAVING the catch lid available, even when I don't actually need to use it--it gives me peace of mind to know that if I need to dispose of a portion discreetly that it is there.
But as of yesterday, I have the new Icetool slim box, which is not (yet?!?!) available with a catch lid. So I'm trying to adjust to life without one, but praying for the day when Icetool makes a slim box that does have a catch lid.
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