To keep it short I believe this: Tobacco will never be banned entirely from the public, like some people want. Why? There are many reasons.
1. Tobacco is too well liked. Despite in recent years that tobacco is considered nasty and harmful ect ect there are way too many people who still use it for it to be taken away entirely, or even restricted in a vast way. The reasons being are that the government runs off of taxes. Tobacco is a HUGE tax area. You think the government likes losing money? ( know what I mean right? They like to SPEND it for sure, but they dont want their income touched) which means any laws that go before legislation to be passed to prohibit or even reduce tobacco sales is, well....against their very fiber of being. Also, tobacco prohibiting would hurt the economy. This leads me to the second point.
2. Tobacco provides jobs. The farmers, exporters, importers, retailers, manufacturers, and all other areas where tobacco is handled needs people. Sure machines can do it but come on...people have to do something. Tobacco industries provide alot of jobs for thousands of Americans. Shutting them down would increase the unemployment rate, and once again...decrease the amount of taxes the govs get from INCOME TAX. These workers have to pay it to. So if they have to draw unemployment due tobacco no longer being a legal product, the govs dont get ANY of that income tax anymore. This wont happen.
3. Its a freedom. This is, sadly, the least of the reasons. Freedoms get stripped daily, and I'm sure that those anti-tobacco piles of cartilage will try to get rid of this freedom, but it would be unconstitutional for them to do so. (mush like the health care bill isnt constitutional but whatever...). I doubt this will be enough reason for government people to not pass an anti tobacco bill but, it's still worth noting that it wouldnt be right.
4. Big industry has too much political pull. Look at this last election, alot of big wigs pulled alot of votes because they had the raw money to do so. These big industry people would hate to see such a cash crop vanish, and I dare say they will die before losing a dollar. The very fact Americans spend millions on tobacco each year means that the big industry people will NOT allow that money to vanish. They will use their political pull to ensure that tobacco stays right where it needs to: in the hands of millions of Americans. Now, this isnt the purest of ways to protect something, but if it keeps snus in MY house, I dont care really.
Now, on a side note, I'd like to add that alot of these anti-tobacco piles of dung won't ever admit that they too have "addictions" that are deadly to the human body. Take that leader of an anti tobacco campaign in Indiana, she has to weigh about 500 pounds. Isnt over eating JUST AS IF NOT MORE deadly to your body then, say, smoking? ( I dont smoke but if you do its your freedom, so I support you). So, if she wants to ban tobacco, then as soon as she does lets ban her from eating and see how long she keeps humming her tune.
Also, soda isnt good for you either but we dont see restrictions on it. Yeah sure it might not cause cancer but, it causes alot of other bad health issues. Excessive weight, cholesterol, and not to mention soda has been proven to be an addictive substance AS WELL, and these "oh so poor children" that anti tobacs try to "protect" are allowed as much soda as they can buy. Drinking massive amounts of sugar-laden drinks at an early age will cause obesity early on, which is seldom fixed in America after the age of 15.
Anyway, I had to rant here cause of the anti tobac crap I have been subjected to all day. I would love to hear your comments to my little arrangement here, and any contradictions you may have. Thanks for reading, and please I beg you...keep snusing.
1. Tobacco is too well liked. Despite in recent years that tobacco is considered nasty and harmful ect ect there are way too many people who still use it for it to be taken away entirely, or even restricted in a vast way. The reasons being are that the government runs off of taxes. Tobacco is a HUGE tax area. You think the government likes losing money? ( know what I mean right? They like to SPEND it for sure, but they dont want their income touched) which means any laws that go before legislation to be passed to prohibit or even reduce tobacco sales is, well....against their very fiber of being. Also, tobacco prohibiting would hurt the economy. This leads me to the second point.
2. Tobacco provides jobs. The farmers, exporters, importers, retailers, manufacturers, and all other areas where tobacco is handled needs people. Sure machines can do it but come on...people have to do something. Tobacco industries provide alot of jobs for thousands of Americans. Shutting them down would increase the unemployment rate, and once again...decrease the amount of taxes the govs get from INCOME TAX. These workers have to pay it to. So if they have to draw unemployment due tobacco no longer being a legal product, the govs dont get ANY of that income tax anymore. This wont happen.
3. Its a freedom. This is, sadly, the least of the reasons. Freedoms get stripped daily, and I'm sure that those anti-tobacco piles of cartilage will try to get rid of this freedom, but it would be unconstitutional for them to do so. (mush like the health care bill isnt constitutional but whatever...). I doubt this will be enough reason for government people to not pass an anti tobacco bill but, it's still worth noting that it wouldnt be right.
4. Big industry has too much political pull. Look at this last election, alot of big wigs pulled alot of votes because they had the raw money to do so. These big industry people would hate to see such a cash crop vanish, and I dare say they will die before losing a dollar. The very fact Americans spend millions on tobacco each year means that the big industry people will NOT allow that money to vanish. They will use their political pull to ensure that tobacco stays right where it needs to: in the hands of millions of Americans. Now, this isnt the purest of ways to protect something, but if it keeps snus in MY house, I dont care really.
Now, on a side note, I'd like to add that alot of these anti-tobacco piles of dung won't ever admit that they too have "addictions" that are deadly to the human body. Take that leader of an anti tobacco campaign in Indiana, she has to weigh about 500 pounds. Isnt over eating JUST AS IF NOT MORE deadly to your body then, say, smoking? ( I dont smoke but if you do its your freedom, so I support you). So, if she wants to ban tobacco, then as soon as she does lets ban her from eating and see how long she keeps humming her tune.
Also, soda isnt good for you either but we dont see restrictions on it. Yeah sure it might not cause cancer but, it causes alot of other bad health issues. Excessive weight, cholesterol, and not to mention soda has been proven to be an addictive substance AS WELL, and these "oh so poor children" that anti tobacs try to "protect" are allowed as much soda as they can buy. Drinking massive amounts of sugar-laden drinks at an early age will cause obesity early on, which is seldom fixed in America after the age of 15.
Anyway, I had to rant here cause of the anti tobac crap I have been subjected to all day. I would love to hear your comments to my little arrangement here, and any contradictions you may have. Thanks for reading, and please I beg you...keep snusing.