The kids go to school in their moms district though....hour long round trip through morning traffic downtown. Only three days a week though so it could be worse. At least my son requests Helmet or some other older heavy metal.
45 minute train journey with a 15 minute walk at both ends. Standing room only in the morning, but I get a seat on the way home. Books, snus and my iphone keep me sane.
15 minutes on the Honda Ruckus, rain or shine. I scofflaw my way to work everyday in the bus/bicycle-only lane. If I didn't it would take me 30 minutes with all of the traffic, and for some reason I consider that long enough to risk a big traffic ticket on a daily basis. So far just one warning, knock on wood.
About a 45 minute drive. Since my car is jacked up now, I had to borrow a car from the wife's grandparents. No CD player makes my drive feel like 45 days.
Well, at least he's a polite murderer. After a Tacoma, Washington man shot a 16-year-old boy in the head and killed him, he rap-tap-tapped on his next...
Ok Noobs, I just got my first package from Northerner (5 days, Awesome!!) and I thought I'd crack three cans and try them out while on-line and give you...