What's your favorite snus when your lit up? I'm 3 rum and cokes and the Blue-ray Salt in and have Northener purified wine and dine. Double barrel.
Excellent combo....
Thunder Coola would be good with Rum and Coke. I usually drink beer since no one likes to be around me when I drink liquor. Any time I know I will be going to a bar I make sure I have plenty of Thunder and Off Road Wintergreen mixed in the same can with Nick and Johnny Strong in the catch lid. Wintergreen just works for me with beer. Once I'm done drinking and I'm just drunk and I either didn't bring a girl home or she has left I like to "dip" Off Road wintergreen Long cut or do big prillas of General Ekstra Sterk or Odens Kanel ES.
When I'm lit any kind of snus I shove in my mouth is good , and I tend to hoover the nasal snuff like a mad coke fiend and sometimes end up with a bloody nose in the morning but it's all good less harm than smoking and alot cheaper than fiend'n on coke (the beverage..... not)
When I'm lit any kind of snus I shove in my mouth is good , and I tend to hoover the nasal snuff like a mad coke fiend and sometimes end up with a bloody nose in the morning but it's all good less harm than smoking and alot cheaper than fiend'n on coke (the beverage..... not)
that's why I will stay away from snuff for a while
I think because my sinuses.... I got some blood in the morning as well which doesn't happen very often to me
It really irritates the mucus membranes and sinuses.........