Background: College student, in engineering. Long hours at school, late nights of studying. I've tried the (yes i know, crappy) skoal smooth mint snus & it did nothing for me. I'm not a smoker & tried it quite on a whim. Left it in for a little over an hour, had a drink of water to moisten things up about halfway through. No interest in any more tobacco based snus since I didn't get any real effects from the nicotine (yeah, I was surprised too).
I'm wondering how the Onico+ stuff is as an alternative to my usual Mt Dew AMP energy drinks- does it actually wake you up a bit? Seems like it might be more convenient and cheaper than stopping at the store for an AMP every day. For what it's worth, the drink is listed as 160 mg caffeine, 248 mg guarana, 296 mg taurine, and 34 mg ginseng.
I'm wondering how the Onico+ stuff is as an alternative to my usual Mt Dew AMP energy drinks- does it actually wake you up a bit? Seems like it might be more convenient and cheaper than stopping at the store for an AMP every day. For what it's worth, the drink is listed as 160 mg caffeine, 248 mg guarana, 296 mg taurine, and 34 mg ginseng.