No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Snusify
    • Aug 2009
    • 623

    Converting English Snuff by adding moisture to it would be a last resort for me. but on the plus side Nasal Snuff is sold here tax free.
    Snus and Dip Video Reviews


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      imagine how cheap that snus would be, even though it doesn't sound like an easy process :|
      I don't think it's that hard. It's harder than opening a factory tin, but it isn't rocketry or anything. Hell, they were making snus in the 19th century :^D It might be a good time to look over the grow your own section. Knowledge is power. It's worth reviewing the process, even if you don't intend to do anything with it right now. It might be a fun hobby, once all this nonsense gets sorted out.


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        I don't think it's that hard. It's harder than opening a factory tin, but it isn't rocketry or anything. Hell, they were making snus in the 19th century :^D It might be a good time to look over the grow your own section. Knowledge is power. It's worth reviewing the process, even if you don't intend to do anything with it right now. It might be a fun hobby, once all this nonsense gets sorted out.
        I'll definitelhy try it ... I actually like experiments and doing DIY stuff you never know it miht be a passion and over the years compete with Odens

        yep, I'll re-read the thread ... :^)


        • Mykislt
          • Sep 2010
          • 677

          Originally posted by Snusify View Post
          Converting English Snuff by adding moisture to it would be a last resort for me. but on the plus side Nasal Snuff is sold here tax free.
          yeah, but what good does that do?
          everywhere I've seen snuff in a shop, it was much more expensive than online

          EDIT: sorry, this is clearly off topic


          • Snusify
            • Aug 2009
            • 623

            Originally posted by Mykislt View Post
            yeah, but what good does that do?
            everywhere I've seen snuff in a shop, it was much more expensive than online

            EDIT: sorry, this is clearly off topic
            I get mine online also but from a UK online store.
            Snus and Dip Video Reviews


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Originally posted by Snus Hog View Post
              Blimey, rollercoaster ride or what. I wouldn't think it misplaced though, mistimed perhaps, if snus isn't fully banned after the new EU directive comes into play, I will eat my snus tin (minus the snus of course, will be long gone by then). No way they will just leave it as is, same thing as a ban anyway after this Finland ruling, so it either opens up the EU to snus, or closes the door. Hmmm, let me see, do we allow an addictive product to freely trade, or do we ban it and 'save' the masses from a lifetime of slavery/addiction? Whilst all the while selling ciggs. I am now hitting half portions to very reluctantly wean myself off snus, but I know I'll be smoking before too long, otherwise what else is there to take stress away without impairing judgement?

              Still, snus will always be available in Sweden, but it will be so hard to get anywhere else in the EU once they properly crack down on it, and the audience in the UK at least is so small as to rule out anyone bothering to sell it on the black market, just not worth anyones time and effort (and risk).

              Depressing stuff, I hope I'm totally wrong. It's also possible that Swedish Match have an insight into which way this directive will swing, why would they bail out immediately if they didn't think there was a chance of the ban lifting, doesn't make sense, if they thought the ban would tighten after the ruling, they would just keep selling as much as possible until the ruling came into force. This looks like they know that it may lift, and so are trying to play the good boys until it does, not rock the boat too much. There, a bit of hope still exists.

              don't be too sure about an out right ban.

              SM has not paniced.........they have simply protected their suppliers until the new directive comes out...............and allowed the Finish news story to die without further repetition

              That said.....................I have a hunch that this little Finish side show may actually back fire on the Tobacco group

              To restrict snus (as it has been until last week) is a pain in the ass..............we all bitch about it................but as long is there is a viable means to get snus...............the masses remain quiet (albeit a little disgusted)

              However, to out right ban snus so no one can get it.....................may not be a can of worms that the EU or its member countries want to tackle.

              Too many use it and there is too much accurate science written about out and out ban will more than likely bring this info to wider circulation................and expose how Big Tobacco Co and politicians have manipulated both public awareness and public policy the publics hurt.

              This may be more than anyone wants to bite off.

              My bet is the current law is relaxed.................or at worst remains basically the same.
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Snus Girl
                New Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 14

                Just got this newsletter from Northerner.....

                On the March 22nd the Swedish Custom stormed one of our competitor office and closed down the website. The two Swedish owners; one women, mother of two six year old twins and one retired man undergoing treatment for skin cancer is now facing prison for up to six years for selling Snus from Sweden to another EU country.

                Take a look at the two products below, can you see the difference? The first one is "Snus" which is illegal in EU and the other "Makla" is legal.
                Don't you think it's strange the way EU handle tobacco products? Snus is 98% safer than smoking and five times less harmful than Makla.

                Make a difference today! help yourself and the two persons avoiding prison for a product that should be legal in the EU by contacting your EU commissioner and/or the EU Health Minister, John Dalli

                Kunden in der EU für Snuff FIGHT - dramatisches Ereignis in Schweden in der 22. März
                Am 22. März stürmten die schwedische Custom einer unserer Wettbewerber Büro undschloss die Inhalte verantwortlich ist. Die beiden schwedischen Eigentümer, eine Frau, Mutter von zwei sechs Jahre alte Zwillinge und ein pensionierter Mann unter laufende Behandlung von Hautkrebs steht nun vor Gefängnis bis zu sechs Jahre für den Verkauf von Snus in Schweden zu anderen EU-Land.

                Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die beiden Produkte "unten" können Sie sehen, der Unterschied? Die erste ist "Snuff" Welche illegal in der EU und den anderen "Makler" ist legal.
                Glaubst du, es ist seltsam, wie die EU Griff Tabakwaren? Snus ist 98% sicherer alsSmoking und fünfmal weniger schädlich als Vermittler.

                Machen Sie einen Unterschied heute! Helfen Sie sich selbst und die beiden PersonVermeidung Gefängnis für ein Produkt, Rechtsanwälte in der EU durchKontaktaufnahme mit dem EU-Kommissar und sollte / oder die Union Gesundheitsminister John Dalli


                • muddyfunkstar
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 967

                  Originally posted by madridpris View Post


                  (Know it's childish but at least I feel a little better)
                  Made me smile, too


                  • Mykislt
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 677

                    6 years, that is terrible!


                    • pris

                      OMG! 6 Years!? :O


                      • Mordred
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 342

                        Originally posted by madridpris View Post
                        (Know it's childish but at least I feel a little better)
                        Have you read what these people do with the money they get? Instead of helping cancer research, they do things like this: Cancer Society of Finland launches world’s first ever smoke-free cosmetics range ( ). Absurd.

                        As I said before, those people are beyond help. Some of them are really too stupid to understand harm reduction or even formulate any rational thought, the rest are ruthless assholes raking in the cash. Not worth my time and effort.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          That's what you'd get for smuggling cocaine.


                          • Jan
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 439

                            ****ing bastards


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              So what IS the score here???????? What is actually happening??


                              • Jan
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 439

                                [QUOTE=Mordred;390623]Have you read what these people do with the money they get? Instead of helping cancer research, they do things like this: Cancer Society of Finland launches world’s first ever smoke-free cosmetics range ( ). Absurd.
                                hardly surprising when their brain is in their butt.


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