No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Originally posted by bill77.017 View Post
    Do you think writing a letter to these F***Heads is going to make a difference? I know
    what happened is shocking, but these people have a twisted view on Snus based on ignorance and lies. I think we,d be just banging our heads against the wall, they couldn,t
    care less about how we feel. Wheres Swedish match? i want to know what they have say
    on the matter.
    You're right there bill.


    • Mordred
      • Dec 2009
      • 342

      Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
      That article is shocking.

      Quote: "There have recently been indications that snus is being forced on consumers when there is no spontaneous demand for the product."

      WTF, How can you force anything on a consumer? Are renegade Swedish SWAT* teams crossing the border and forcing portions into mouths?

      *Special Weapons and Tobacco
      Amusing thought.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by Frosted View Post
        So what IS the score here???????? What is actually happening??
        Northerner's letter confirms what we have been saying here for the past couple of days while giving us a few details (such as the extent of the potential sentencing-- 6 years) that we did not have before.

        However in the end no real new insight is gained into the situation:

        What Northerner's letter has told us is:
        1) there was a case in Finland which led to a Swedish internet company being closed down
        2) this case is part of a wider agenda to obtain an EU wide ban on snus
        3) Northerner has suspended shipping from their EU warehouse due to the anti-tobacco group's objective to seek other court cases in other EU nations using other internet sites as bait
        4) It is illegal to sell snus in most EU countries while it is legal to sell other more harmful tobacco products in those same countries
        5) Get involved. Let the law makers hear from you.

        All of which we already knew

        However, now you folks in the EU have some numbers of some folks that need to hear from you



        to flame out and raise hell will only get your take marginalized and dismissed as fanatical.

        Give personal testimonials without them being long winded or overly emotional. Avoid hyperbole. Instead, formulate a one sentence position statement that clearly articulates what you want them to do (e.g. "I want you to lift the restrictions on snus in the EU". Or "I want snus available to me in England" or etc...) then place that position statement often throughout the body of your correspondence being sure it is the first and last thing you write.

        Copy it. Paste it. Send it in multiple forms

        Share it here on line and let others use it as a basic form.


        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          • Mar 2011
          • 7035

          Originally posted by Frosted View Post
          That's pretty awful GN. It sounds quite corrupt as well - it stinks to me. It shouldn't be down to one organisation to decide for the whole of Europe.
          It is not a Finish custom who is corrupt in fact the Finnish corupptin os the lowest in the warld . Corrupt are those people WHO as two facea you know what and WHO i mean


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Seems pretty serious, selling SNUS in the EU....... is quite dramatic just read the email from Northerner earlier.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Originally posted by bill77.017 View Post
              Do you think writing a letter to these F***Heads is going to make a difference? I know
              what happened is shocking, but these people have a twisted view on Snus based on ignorance and lies. I think we,d be just banging our heads against the wall, they couldn,t
              care less about how we feel. Wheres Swedish match? i want to know what they have say
              on the matter.
              Bill you are absolutely right.............. it probably will not do much good................but doing nothing is guaranteed to do nothing.

              So write them. Fill their email and face book accounts. Email copies of your letter to your friends and family and ask them to send it in their name to the lawmakers.

     will waist 30 minutes of your time..................its a fool's errond..................but do it anyway
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Snus Girl
                New Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 14

                Not only addicted to nicotine.... addicted to reading this thread aswell...


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by Snus Girl View Post
                  Not only addicted to nicotine.... addicted to reading this thread aswell...
                  yeah, this thread is no joke :^)


                  • Mordred
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 342

                    Clarification on the laws for people wondering about the supposed 6 years jailtime:

                    Luxembourgish national law states that the punishment for selling/importing for sale etc. oral tobacco (i.e. snus) is a fine of 251-50.000.-€. The fine can be doubled if you are caught again within a period of two years. No prison sentences are possible.

                    Edit: not that paying 50.000.-€ would be particularly fun, but the point is, the risk is purely financial in Luxembourg, and I suspect this is similar to what most countries have in their national laws.


                    • pris

                      **NSFW** A tribute to all those who want to save us from snus Just one line needs to be swapped with 'So you say it's not ok to buy snus' and then it's perfect


                      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 7035

                        Originally posted by pris View Post
                        **NSFW** A tribute to all those who want to save us from snus Just one line needs to be swapped with 'So you say it's not ok to buy snus' and then it's perfect
                        Pris that what we always wanted to say to you Guys, don't worry it will be ok, same Swedish doktors might come up in to this and explain what is dengerous to put on skin co t hemikal stuff from F.cancerfonden or natural stuff in to the mouth, well swedish doktors has been serching the snus issiu for 30- 40 yers and did not find anything that can fors warning label on snus the way as others do who dont know much about snus, give F.Cancerfonden lesson explein them This is letter A this is Letter B and milk is white and not black, and that poor lady from snusworldwide has to get support from us Sweds we can not leave her alone sand masseges to the procecuter lots of messeges and make Swedish procecuter put down the case


                        • Brettv
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 56

                          GN - Tell us what the prosecutors email address is, Im sure those involved from snusworldwide will get support!


                          • Jan
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 439

                            More from Northerner's Facebook page:

                   We only ship snus to EU from our warehouse in the US which is legal. SM is overcautious because it's a Public company. Their online sales to EU will not open up until everything is settled in Swedish court and that can take years...

                            This is the latest they have announced.


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by Brettv View Post
                              GN - Tell us what the prosecutors email address is, Im sure those involved from snusworldwide will get support!
                              We absolutly going to digg into that and if we found any info about the Procecuter we going to give email,
                              One more thing BEFORE IN SWEDEN ON LABELS WAS WRITTEN DOWN can can cause cancer and now THAT IS CHANGED TO can be addiktive AND CANCER WARD IS REMOVD BECOSE THERE IS NO EVIDENS WITHIN 40 YERS FOUND-------------------------- DO YOU UNDERSTAN F.cancerfonden


                              • chossy
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 242

                                Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                                We absolutly going to digg into that and if we found any info about the Procecuter we going to give email,
                                One more thing BEFORE IN SWEDEN ON LABELS WAS WRITTEN DOWN can can cause cancer and now THAT IS CHANGED TO can be addiktive AND CANCER WARD IS REMOVD BECOSE THERE IS NO EVIDENS WITHIN 40 YERS FOUND-------------------------- DO YOU UNDERSTAN F.cancerfonden
                                I like the passion here.

                                Ta det lugnt kompis baka en fet prilla o lägg fötterna på bordet en stund som jag o knäck en bira


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