No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Originally posted by thefilmfreak View Post
    it was Olde Viking Spearmint Portion i just generalised it as mint i did'nt notice anything regarding it not being in production
    As for them saying it would be sorted i don't doubt that for a minute thats why i was just relating my experience so far and not crying out swindle etc iv been a long time lurker on here i just never had anythig to say before but iv read a great deal of praise regarding the oden brand of late and the fact they actually have a presence on the board too that speaks volumes
    the truth is iv just ran out of people to rant to regarding this snus ban in general they just go SNUS? and look blankly at me even the chap in my local fag shop goes EhhH? and stares at me as if iv gone mental then offers to sell me 10 bensons as an attempt to cheer me up
    Welcome to the site mate.
    Looks like you're talking direct to the organ grinder.


    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
      • Mar 2011
      • 7035

      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
      Welcome to the site mate.
      Looks like you're talking direct to the organ grinder.


      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
        • Mar 2011
        • 7035

        Originally posted by thefilmfreak View Post
        it was Olde Viking Spearmint Portion i just generalised it as mint i did'nt notice anything regarding it not being in production
        As for them saying it would be sorted i don't doubt that for a minute thats why i was just relating my experience so far and not crying out swindle etc iv been a long time lurker on here i just never had anythig to say before but iv read a great deal of praise regarding the oden brand of late and the fact they actually have a presence on the board too that speaks volumes
        the truth is iv just ran out of people to rant to regarding this snus ban in general they just go SNUS? and look blankly at me even the chap in my local fag shop goes EhhH? and stares at me as if iv gone mental then offers to sell me 10 bensons as an attempt to cheer me up
        My dear freand when i here that somebody been ofered cig i become crazy i say tomorow i will contact you when i know what my guays have to tell me if you can send me your Name in privet messege thank you again


        • thefilmfreak
          • Apr 2011
          • 25

          PM sent m8 im sure i've just been overlooked but in your defence it does seem like your knee deep in it at the moment


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            Originally posted by thefilmfreak View Post
            PM sent m8 im sure i've just been overlooked but in your defence it does seem like your knee deep in it at the moment
            i know now everithing about that ---David has sended to you email to day as he explained to me ------and where he apologised for his miss and told you that he will send some free snuse for the delay i hope you recive that mail------------------------- and i double what he sed and sendin 2 stocks free i hope you accept our explanations


            • pris

              Mr GN will take care of you, fear not!

              Btw please join the EU Snusers's group, I have sent you an invite. There's lots of great info there.


              • Kutzi
                • Mar 2011
                • 19

                GN is epic. for the first time in my life i actually feel like not having a common big monolith company in front of me, but a manufacturer who knows what people want and who jumped in just right in time. I can't remeber recieving anything for free from a company (beside a pencil maybe). Thanks for the samples offer a while ago, i got it now, thank you so much! I like the design and taste... i can only point to my signature where you should get you snus from now on ! :-)

                As i see it, normally it goes like this: treat every customer the same, if he is not happy, point to the contract. he might turn away, never buying anything there again. time and money saved, calculated risk.

                As i imagine it with GN from what i have seen now: treat customers as human beeings, make them happy. apologize, make a small gift or something. this would first seem like a monetary and time loss, but this person might have a personal bound to that company now, likely buying there in the future again. If this works out, that might be more worth than only fixed numbers calculated on the time the actual sale took place.

                I know i will never be able to think about snus without remembering GN (Person and company) and the Odens Brand again. :-)
                I consider this one of the best marketing strategies i've seen so far. GN Tobacco now has a friendly Avatar, while others remain silent and seem monolithic and artificial like i stated at the beginning.

                I have no clue if this made sense. i should be in bed right now. Seems like a 4 Hour night again... Well... i can sleep as much as i want when im dead
                just had this philosophic urge when putting an extreme portion under my lip


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Originally posted by Kutzi View Post
                  GN is epic. for the first time in my life i actually feel like not having a common big monolith company in front of me, but a manufacturer who knows what people want and who jumped in just right in time. I can't remeber recieving anything for free from a company (beside a pencil maybe). Thanks for the samples offer a while ago, i got it now, thank you so much! I like the design and taste... i can only point to my signature where you should get you snus from now on ! :-)

                  As i see it, normally it goes like this: treat every customer the same, if he is not happy, point to the contract. he might turn away, never buying anything there again. time and money saved, calculated risk.

                  As i imagine it with GN from what i have seen now: treat customers as human beeings, make them happy. apologize, make a small gift or something. this would first seem like a monetary and time loss, but this person might have a personal bound to that company now, likely buying there in the future again. If this works out, that might be more worth than only fixed numbers calculated on the time the actual sale took place.

                  I know i will never be able to think about snus without remembering GN (Person and company) and the Odens Brand again. :-)
                  I consider this one of the best marketing strategies i've seen so far. GN Tobacco now has a friendly Avatar, while others remain silent and seem monolithic and artificial like i stated at the beginning.

                  I have no clue if this made sense. i should be in bed right now. Seems like a 4 Hour night again... Well... i can sleep as much as i want when im dead
                  just had this philosophic urge when putting an extreme portion under my lip
                  Well said. My sentiments exactly.


                  • superfuzzy
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 13

                    Hey GN, when do you think the payment stuff will be sorted out?

                    Ive just had my last portion today, so Im going cold turkey!


                    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 7035

                      it warking but we have to do it manualy yet and i am so sed that it not working yet it is a long story but i hope soon


                      • superfuzzy
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2011
                        • 13

                        Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                        it warking but we have to do it manualy yet and i am so sed that it not working yet it is a long story but i hope soon
                        Ok, how can I order from you? Shall I PM you what I want to order or what?


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          Originally posted by superfuzzy
                          Ok, how can I order from you? Shall I PM you what I want to order or what?
                          if you are from EU just go to and folow the instruktions and when you pay with cart it shows at our place then we fix it manualy


                          • superfuzzy
                            New Member
                            • Apr 2011
                            • 13

                            Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                            if you are from EU just go to and folow the instruktions and when you pay with cart it shows at our place then we fix it manualy
                            I went through the order process until Payment, then it said no payment module installed, and had no other options, so I just closed it. Did it come through? How can I pay?


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by superfuzzy View Post
                              I went through the order process until Payment, then it said no payment module installed, and had no other options, so I just closed it. Did it come through? How can I pay?
                              may i answer on thet quastion tomorow brother, i wont be able to fix right now


                              • Frosted
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 5798

                                Got this from snus express

                                Dear customer,

                                We are very sorry about the current legal situation, which forced us to close down our EU sales. To help you in this situation, we have had discussions with one of our competitors who is still shipping within the EU.

                                By using the link below and entering the discount code


                                you will receive a 5% discount on your first order with them!

                                This discount will only be valid for new accounts set up using the link below – so if you have problems registering your new account, please get back to us and we will help you.

                                The link to register your account is:


                                If you think that snus should be allowed within the EU, please make your voice heard, e-mail the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, Mr. John Dalli at

                                Contact Mr. John Dalli

                                Kind regards


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