No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Snusify
    • Aug 2009
    • 623

    Just get on a Ryan air flight. Get your Snus fly back. Put in the freezer. 4 months later do it again. You can fly in and out on the same day. £50 return. I used to spend more than that in 4 months in shipping costs with online orders. So you get your Snus quicker and fresher.
    Snus and Dip Video Reviews


    • Nightfirez
      • Jan 2009
      • 36

      could do but no pasport at the mo or id be on the flight out monday lol


      • deppman007
        New Member
        • May 2011
        • 1

        Hi fellas, just joined here but Im a longtime snuser and regularly ordered from but now the ban has come in Im struggling. Placed an order from the US but its been over a week and nada. Could anyone give me an invite to - Id massively appreciate it! Peace guys!


        • chossy
          • Jul 2009
          • 242

          Originally posted by Snusify View Post
          Just get on a Ryan air flight. Get your Snus fly back. Put in the freezer. 4 months later do it again. You can fly in and out on the same day. £50 return. I used to spend more than that in 4 months in shipping costs with online orders. So you get your Snus quicker and fresher.
          Only 4 months? you could easily buy 30 rolls or more if you fancy

          btw where are the pics from stockholm?


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            26 maj 2011
            En ansvarsfull reglering av tobaksprodukter öppnar för försäljning av svenskt snus
            EU-kommissionen har beslutat att revidera tobaksproduktdirektivet (2001/37/EG) och har inlett en process för detta. Sveriges regering välkomnar beslutet, eftersom det skapar en möjlighet att komma överens om en enhetlig och ansvarsfull produktreglering som omfattar alla tobaksprodukter.

            - Vi anser att ett reviderat direktiv måste bygga på en produktreglering som är baserad på vetenskaplig fakta, i stället för nuvarande ordning där vissa produkter är förbjudna samtidigt som andra liknande, ofta mer farliga produkter, är tillåtna för försäljning inom EU, säger handelsminister Ewa Björling.
            EU:s tobaksproduktdirektiv antogs 1992 av ministerrådet i syfte att minska användningen av tobak. Direktivet omfattar ett förbud mot att sälja snus, tobaksprodukter för användning i munnen, inom EU. Under de svenska anslutningsförhandlingarna fick Sverige ett permanent undantag från förbudet i sitt anslutningsfördrag, för försäljning av snus inom Sverige. Däremot finns enligt undantaget ett utförselförbud för det svenska snuset och det får alltså inte säljas på EU:s inre marknad. Exempelvis danskt snus kan dock säljas till Sverige.
            Sveriges regering, med förankring av Sveriges riskdag, anser att förbudet är diskriminerande. Regeringen anser i stället att EU bör enas om en enhetlig och ansvarsfull produktreglering för alla tobaksprodukter, i linje med principen om fri rörlighet för varor och god folkhälsa.
            Regeringen kommer inom kort lämna in ett förslag till EU-kommissionen på hur vi anser att tobaksproduktdirektivet bör revideras. Dessutom kommer handelsminister Ewa Björling att ta upp frågan under nästa möte med konkurrenskraftsrådet, på måndag den 30 maj i Bryssel.
            Välkommen på en pressträff för att höra mer om Sveriges syn på hur det nya direktivet bör se ut, i frågor om hygien, farliga ämnen, tillsatser och märkning.


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              PRESS RELEASE May 26, 2011 Foreign Affairs Responsible regulation of tobacco products will open for the sale of Swedish snus The European Commission has decided to revise tobacco products directive (2001/37/EC) and has initiated a process for this. Swedish Government welcomes the decision, because it creates an opportunity to agree on a unified and responsible product marketing, covering all tobacco products. - We believe that a revised Directive must be based on product regulation, which is based on scientific facts, instead of the current regime under which certain products are banned, while others like it, often more dangerous products, authorized for sale in the EU, "says Dr Björling . EU tobacco product directive was adopted in 1992 by the Council of Ministers in order to reduce the use of tobacco. The directive includes a ban on selling snuff, tobacco products for oral use, in the EU. During the Swedish accession negotiations, Sweden a permanent exemption from the prohibition in its accession treaty, for the sale of snus in Sweden. By contrast, under the exception an exit ban on Swedish snus, and it may not be sold on the EU's internal market. For example, Danish snuff may be sold to Sweden. The Government of Sweden, with roots of Sweden riskdag, believe the ban is discriminatory. The government believes instead that the EU should agree on a unified and responsible product marketing of all tobacco products, in line with the principle of free movement of goods and good public health. The Government will shortly submit a proposal to the EU Commission on how we believe that tobacco products directive should be revised. In addition, Dr Björling to raise the issue at the next meeting of the Competitiveness Council on Monday 30 May in Brussels. Press briefing Welcome to a press conference to hear more about Sweden's view of how the new directive should look like, in matters of hygiene, hazardous substances, additives and labeling.


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                Originally posted by Snusify View Post
                Just get on a Ryan air flight. Get your Snus fly back. Put in the freezer. 4 months later do it again. You can fly in and out on the same day. £50 return. I used to spend more than that in 4 months in shipping costs with online orders. So you get your Snus quicker and fresher.
                Man, that sounds like a good idea.


                • Mykislt
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 677

                  Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                  PRESS RELEASE May 26, 2011 Foreign Affairs Responsible regulation of tobacco products will open for the sale of Swedish snus The European Commission has decided to revise tobacco products directive (2001/37/EC) and has initiated a process for this. Swedish Government welcomes the decision, because it creates an opportunity to agree on a unified and responsible product marketing, covering all tobacco products. - We believe that a revised Directive must be based on product regulation, which is based on scientific facts, instead of the current regime under which certain products are banned, while others like it, often more dangerous products, authorized for sale in the EU, "says Dr Björling . EU tobacco product directive was adopted in 1992 by the Council of Ministers in order to reduce the use of tobacco. The directive includes a ban on selling snuff, tobacco products for oral use, in the EU. During the Swedish accession negotiations, Sweden a permanent exemption from the prohibition in its accession treaty, for the sale of snus in Sweden. By contrast, under the exception an exit ban on Swedish snus, and it may not be sold on the EU's internal market. For example, Danish snuff may be sold to Sweden. The Government of Sweden, with roots of Sweden riskdag, believe the ban is discriminatory. The government believes instead that the EU should agree on a unified and responsible product marketing of all tobacco products, in line with the principle of free movement of goods and good public health. The Government will shortly submit a proposal to the EU Commission on how we believe that tobacco products directive should be revised. In addition, Dr Björling to raise the issue at the next meeting of the Competitiveness Council on Monday 30 May in Brussels. Press briefing Welcome to a press conference to hear more about Sweden's view of how the new directive should look like, in matters of hygiene, hazardous substances, additives and labeling.
                  things are ****ing looking up here!


                  • jumissa
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 111

                    let´s hope snus will be free for sale in EU and all over the world @ 2012? :P man i like idea of that


                    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 7035

                      We hope and belive as We have told before here in begining That if Swedish goverment going in to this fight With EU they Will win , the reason is obvios ... More dangerous produkts are aloud in EU but not snus so 2012 is the year for snusers in EU


                      • kevs
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 875

                        Wow, this would be a dream come true when I could go down to my local shop and easily buy as much snus as I wish!


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          Originally posted by kevinatest View Post
                          Wow, this would be a dream come true when I could go down to my local shop and easily buy as much snus as I wish!
                          Or deliver by your self snus to stores theyre))))


                          • kevs
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 875

                            Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                            Or deliver by your self snus to stores theyre))))
                            Sounds even better, also have to make sure that Oden's freezer has the best place in all stores here!


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by kevinatest View Post
                              Sounds even better, also have to make sure that Oden's freezer has the best place in all stores here!


                              • bill77.017
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 2279

                                Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                                We hope and belive as We have told before here in begining That if Swedish goverment going in to this fight With EU they Will win , the reason is obvios ... More dangerous produkts are aloud in EU but not snus so 2012 is the year for snusers in EU
                                Hopefully the Swedish government will win and put an end to the ban, thanks for the info GN.


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