Oh ok now I get all of this 2012 world end thing, actually it's not going to be a world end but a whole new world with snus in every corner store for all of us in EU. I like it! LOL
I've heard you have to click "I will use this product as chewing tobacco" when buying snus (if you're in the EU) to have it shipped to you. Is this a loophole? If so, it's genius - whoever figured it out and found it. Just make sure you chew your portions a bit before going in your lip, they may be watching you! :P
I've heard you have to click "I will use this product as chewing tobacco" when buying snus (if you're in the EU) to have it shipped to you. Is this a loophole? If so, it's genius - whoever figured it out and found it. Just make sure you chew your portions a bit before going in your lip, they may be watching you! :P
I dispose all my used portions and lös by throwing them away on a field, hope that earthworms chew them good, and I've done all legally, cause I buy snus to worms only, I just put them under my lip and make them more wet, that's how they like it
I've heard you have to click "I will use this product as chewing tobacco" when buying snus (if you're in the EU) to have it shipped to you. Is this a loophole? If so, it's genius - whoever figured it out and found it. Just make sure you chew your portions a bit before going in your lip, they may be watching you! :P
I've heard you have to click "I will use this product as chewing tobacco" when buying snus (if you're in the EU) to have it shipped to you. Is this a loophole? If so, it's genius - whoever figured it out and found it. Just make sure you chew your portions a bit before going in your lip, they may be watching you! :P
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
PRESS RELEASE May 26, 2011 Foreign Affairs Responsible regulation of tobacco products will open for the sale of Swedish snus The European Commission has decided to revise tobacco products directive (2001/37/EC) and has initiated a process for this. Swedish Government welcomes the decision, because it creates an opportunity to agree on a unified and responsible product marketing, covering all tobacco products. - We believe that a revised Directive must be based on product regulation, which is based on scientific facts, instead of the current regime under which certain products are banned, while others like it, often more dangerous products, authorized for sale in the EU, "says Dr Björling . EU tobacco product directive was adopted in 1992 by the Council of Ministers in order to reduce the use of tobacco. The directive includes a ban on selling snuff, tobacco products for oral use, in the EU. During the Swedish accession negotiations, Sweden a permanent exemption from the prohibition in its accession treaty, for the sale of snus in Sweden. By contrast, under the exception an exit ban on Swedish snus, and it may not be sold on the EU's internal market. For example, Danish snuff may be sold to Sweden. The Government of Sweden, with roots of Sweden riskdag, believe the ban is discriminatory. The government believes instead that the EU should agree on a unified and responsible product marketing of all tobacco products, in line with the principle of free movement of goods and good public health. The Government will shortly submit a proposal to the EU Commission on how we believe that tobacco products directive should be revised. In addition, Dr Björling to raise the issue at the next meeting of the Competitiveness Council on Monday 30 May in Brussels. Press briefing Welcome to a press conference to hear more about Sweden's view of how the new directive should look like, in matters of hygiene, hazardous substances, additives and labeling.
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
There is à reason why it Will win )))
1. Sweden is not last country in EU to not take in to concedaration Swedens oppinion.
2. SM and PM are joint venture on snus issue (very very big GUYS)
3. BAT.. JTI.. Has snus factorys in Sweden( very very big GUYS as well)
4. EU wants to see over the existing Tobacco derective... Why???( maybe it is à mixture of Big GUYS and Swedish goverment gentele presure on EU ???)
5. Do not thing that reason for SM withdrow From EU Market is just Becouse it vent thru the Problem With Finland cancer organisation it would be stopped( before everything went so long) But what We belive is That SM withdrowed From EU just to show to EU parlament (We obey you orders but fix the low for snus We Can wait one year )
6. GN oppenly showing to EU parlament That We di not folow That carupt low and might be With That dishelping our issu in EU But the customers WHO where left alone was important to us and We know that the goverment sn Big GUYS Will hoppfully fix it
7.Snus is many maker for EU i mean it Can be ( an example Sweden lost 30 billion om That issue )) it Can be EU Money( WHO Will pay for vagatable problems in EU , Farmers, fisherd???)
8. The only problem to make it thru is WHO is stronger Big GUYS and Swedish Goverment or Pharmathefyical companys with its ( nicotin chewing gum)??? World health organisation With it svine or bird or lamm or fish flu???
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
We hope and belive as We have told before here in begining That if Swedish goverment going in to this fight With EU they Will win , the reason is obvios ... More dangerous produkts are aloud in EU but not snus so 2012 is the year for snusers in EU
To day i get in to My ear direct proof of everithing i wrote here Can not share but this i Can say We Will Conceder to open Office in UK and Irland )))))))))
Are you living in the E.U. Do you want snus to be sold legally in all E.U? Please sign the petition below and hopefully we'll be able to buy snus in our...
This is my first post but I have been a long time reader of the forum. First, let me say thanks for all your posts, advice, and insights. They have been...