No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by ccallstars View Post
    Hi Im new here. So is it possible to get snus sent to the uk or is still no eu to eu sales?
    So you have 1920 pages to read only in this thread From where you wonder is it possible to get Snus?


    • ccallstars
      • Jun 2011
      • 40

      I was wondering if or still werent sending snus to the uk. I read a few pages back about something saying that if you click on the button that says you will use it for chewing tobacco that there wont be any problems in getting the order you want. Is this true? Whilst Im at it,what online retailers sale ETTAN,GENERAL and GOTEBORGS RAPE to the uk? Neither northerner nor swedishsnus list them for sale in the eu. Youre help is much appreciated


      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
        • Mar 2011
        • 7035

        Originally posted by ccallstars View Post
        I was wondering if or still werent sending snus to the uk. I read a few pages back about something saying that if you click on the button that says you will use it for chewing tobacco that there wont be any problems in getting the order you want. Is this true? Whilst Im at it,what online retailers sale ETTAN,GENERAL and GOTEBORGS RAPE to the uk? Neither northerner nor swedishsnus list them for sale in the eu. Youre help is much appreciated
        This was difficult quastion I Do not know


        • ccallstars
          • Jun 2011
          • 40

          Difficult as in my grammar is hard to read? Or difficult as in you dont know the answer? Haha. Its ok either way,once i get back frm sweden next week and have some more money ill try ordering. Ill just buy a few tins of snus whilst im there. Really looking forward to it though, I hear sweden is marvelous during midsummer.


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            Originally posted by ccallstars View Post
            Difficult as in my grammar is hard to read? Or difficult as in you dont know the answer? Haha. Its ok either way,once i get back frm sweden next week and have some more money ill try ordering. Ill just buy a few tins of snus whilst im there. Really looking forward to it though, I hear sweden is marvelous during midsummer.
            Yes Sweden is nice in winter and summer but on midsummer There is no people in citys and it was difficult to read your post


            • ccallstars
              • Jun 2011
              • 40

              Ahh ok. If i say that I will be using snus as a chewing tobacco will I be able to order it from northerner? Do you know what online shops sale Ettan,General,goteborg's rape? Is this any better? haha


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by ccallstars View Post
                Ahh ok. If i say that I will be using snus as a chewing tobacco will I be able to order it from northerner? Do you know what online shops sale Ettan,General,goteborg's rape? Is this any better? haha
                SIR i perfectly understood what you meant in first post and I am so sorry to tell you but as far as i know SM does not alow to sell theyr produkts in EU in other words no Sm snus to EU ( in case you Will read it in two meanings )


                • pris

                  ccallstars - You can order non-Swedish Match snus from Northerner's EU warehouse as long as you tick the confirmation to say that you will use it as Chewing Tobacco. Swedish Match snus is currently banned from sale to the EU.

                  Originally posted by ccallstars View Post
                  Ahh ok. If i say that I will be using snus as a chewing tobacco will I be able to order it from northerner? Do you know what online shops sale Ettan,General,goteborg's rape? Is this any better? haha


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Don't worry. Greece is going to collapse the Eurozone anyway.


                    • pris

                      What do you know Frosted? I know you mentioned something about that in the chat box yesterday but I didn't quite get you. Do you mean their bailout will bankrupt the Euro or something?

                      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                      Don't worry. Greece is going to collapse the Eurozone anyway.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Yep. The bailout has to be subsidised by all the other EU countries. Ireland, Portugal and Spain might not be able to do that and start defaulting also = total collapse of the Eurozone.


                        • pris

                          Gotcha Frosted.


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            I can't wait to see the end of it.

                            We all know in the UK that we work long hours - sometimes I work an 84 hour week. Ok, that's why our economy is/was reasonably strong.
                            In France, as just one example, it is illegal to work more than 35 hours a week. In the UK there is no upper limit. Therefore we in the UK feel that we are working to keep all the lazy feckers of the EU in comfort.
                            What's the figure we're giving to the EU? £40,000,000 a day?

                            You know that the Greeks all retired at 55 and when their government turned round and changed it that's when the riots started. Lazy.

                            And that's aside from all the big brother legislations.


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Om Swedish Match i framtiden skulle tillåtas marknadsföra snus inom Europa kan det tobaksdirektiv EU ska ta fram samtidigt innebära att bolaget tvingas sluta sälja vissa smaksatta snussorter i Sverige.

                              EU-kommissionen håller på att ta fram ett förslag till reviderat tobaksproduktdirektiv som i förlängningen skulle kunna innebära att svenskt snus tillåts inom Europa. Samtidigt som det skulle öppna stora möjligheter för Swedish Match är myntets baksida att smaktillsatser som anses locka allt för unga konsumenter kan bli förbjudna.

                              Fler nyheter

                              Swedish Match höjer priset på snus [13/06]
                              Sverige strider för snuset [27/05]
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                              Swedish Match säljer olika typer av smaksatt snus främst under varumärke Catch. Catch står i dag för drygt 8 procent av bolagets snusvolymer i Sverige.

                              "En reglering för smaktillsatser skulle mycket väl kunna vara en del av förslaget och utgångspunkten måste nog vara att det tobaksdirektiv som sätts inom EU också gäller för Sverige. Men vi är för reglering. Ju tydligare reglerat det är ju enklare blir det för oss att få en förutsägbar affär", säger Patrik Hildingsson, informationsansvarig på Swedish Match, till Nyhetsbyrån Direkt.

                              Svenska lagstiftare har så här långt inte haft några synpunkter på Swedish Match smaksatta snussorter. Men nu när tillsatserna ser ut att bli en av frågorna i EU-processen kan smaker som lakrits, viol, mint, vanilj, kardemumma och kanel kunna stöta på patrull i ett framtida tobaksdirektiv.

                              Patrik Hildingsson pekar på problemet med att avgöra vilka smaktillsatser som är okej och vilka som kan anses gå över gränsen.

                              "Det som blir problematiskt är att beskriva vilka smaker som berörs. Är mint- eller eukalyptussmak en vuxensmak eller är det en smak som appellerar särskilt för barn. Det är omöjligt att kategorisera smakerna på ett icke godtyckligt sätt", säger han.

                              Många frågor återstå alltså innan det går att säga hur stor del av Swedish Matchs sortiment som skulle beröras av ett framtida tobaksdirektiv. Men även om EU-kommissionens arbete lär fokusera mer på frågor som rör själva hälsoperspektivet och principen om fri rörlighet för varor inom EU välkomnar Patrik Hildingsson ett besked om smaktillsatser.

                              "Om man lyckas komma fram till en sund reglering på smaktillsatser som gör att man faktiskt försvårar för ungdomar så är det också en fördel för oss. Vi är inte betjänta att ständigt ligga i ett försvarstillstånd", säger han.




                              Nyhetsbyrån Direkt
                              Publicerad 2011-06-21 13:59


                              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 7035

                                Swedish to English translation

                                About Swedish Match in the future would be allowed to market snus in Europe, the Tobacco Directive, the EU will develop at the same time mean that the company is forced to stop selling some flavored snus in Sweden.

                                The European Commission is taking forward a proposal for a revised tobacco product directive which ultimately could mean that Swedish snus is permitted in Europe. While it would open great opportunities for Swedish Match is the flipside of the coin of condiments that are considered to attract more young consumers can be prohibited.

                                More news

                                Swedish Match raises the price of snuff [06.13]
                                Sweden is contrary to snuff [27.05]
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                                Swedish Match sells various types of flavored snuff mainly under trademark Catch. Catch now accounts for 8 percent of the company's snuff volumes in Sweden.

                                "A settlement of condiments could well be part of the proposal and the starting point must probably be the tobacco directive set in the EU also applies to Sweden. But we are regulated. The more regulated it is the easier it becomes for us to get a predictable business, "says Patrik Hildingsson, spokeswoman at Swedish Match, the news agency Direkt.

                                Swedish lawmakers have so far not had any comments on the Swedish Match flavored snus. But now that the additives appear to be one of the questions in the EU process could flavors like licorice, violets, mint, vanilla, cardamom and cinnamon to meet with opposition in a future tobacco directive.

                                Patrik Hildingsson pointing to the problem of determining which flavor additives are okay and which ones can be considered to go over the limit.

                                "What becomes problematic is to describe the flavors involved. Is mint or eucalyptus flavor adult taste or is it a flavor that appeals especially to children. It is impossible to categorize flavors in a non-arbitrary manner," he says.

                                Many questions remain, therefore before it is possible to say how much of the Swedish Match's range that would be affected by future tobacco directive. But although the European Commission's work teaches focus more on issues related to the health perspective and the principle of free movement of goods within the EU welcomes Patrick Hildingsson notices of condiments.

                                "If we manage to arrive at a fair regulation of the flavorings that make you actually make it harder for young people, it is also an advantage for us. We are not served to constantly be in a state of defense," he says.




                                News Agency Direkt
                                Published 2011-06-21 13:59


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