No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    I think you need a brief resumé!

    One of the smaller web shops got busted following a prosecution by a Finnish anti-tobacco charity. Previously the interpretation of the EU ban on snus law was that if you made an internet transaction with a company in Sweden who sent you the snus then the transaction happened in Sweden so it was OK. The interpretation of the law is now that the transaction happens in the country you are sitting at your computer in = illegal.

    Then everyone else (Northerner, Buysnus etc.) stopped selling to the EU from their Swedish warehouses. and carried on. Swedish Match got very jumpy and made certain that no-one could buy SM products. They were keen to be seen on the right side of the law because there is a large possibility of the ban being overturned completely in the near future with snus being sold legitimately in the EU and SM didn't want to rock the boat. was launched taking a stand against the ruling and allowed us to buy Odens and Olde Viking brands direct (we were very grateful!).

    Recently Northerner started selling from their Swedish warehouse again minus the Swedish Match lines because some bright spark on this forum worked out that legally they could if we agreed we'd use it as chewing tobacco! And we all do, right? Buysnus hasn't followed suit yet.

    So that's the situation you have stumbled across - it's slowly coming back to normal but we still can't get anything made by Swedish Match except the new Marlbro snus bizarrely. Nice excuse for a trip to Goteburg though.

    The up side is that it's very likely that the law will be completely overturned allowing Swedish Match and all other snus manufacturers to sell in the EU including the UK I think. They're thrashing out some small print which bans certain flavours that appeal to kids at the moment, that's going to determine which ones we can get.



    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • itchystiches
      • Oct 2007
      • 194

      Cheers for the update Squeezy!

      What a complete load of shit this is though. Been using BuySnus for years now... I can't tell you how shocked I was when I saw the total amount for 2 rolls of snus (Knox and Granit White) on Northerner. Worked out about 85 quid! I've done a bit more research now and found to be pretty cheap. Any of you guys ordered from them? I also looked into Odens - never tried any of there snus but the White 69 appealed primarily on price, then I realised it's only 13gm per can as opposed to 24gm or whatever the standard is?

      Roll on the day when you'll be able to pick up a roll in Asda (no pun intended)...


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        I've ordered from - there's a thread about it here. They turned out to be a decent company with problems in their system and not dodgy. But it took me nearly a month to get my snus! When it did arrive I got lots of freebies for the problems.

        The Oden's 69 dry white portions are lighter because they're absolutely bone dry - it's the same amount of tobacco but you need to rehydrate them with saliva before putting them under your lip because they're so dry they can stick to your inner lip.

        I have a roll of them. I think they can go in the car for emergencies - really didn't like the taste! But they have a long shelf life and don't need refridgeration as they are so dry.

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • khalid
          • Aug 2010
          • 348

          The report of the consultation has been published. Having briefly scanned the document, it seems states are pro a ban on all smokeless, whilst the public, industry and NGO's were pro legalizing snus or pro maintaining the status quo and not extending the ban to all smokeless.


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Yes, I also haven't read everything, but this appears to be an accurate summary of the answers that were to be expected.

            As far as my expectations are concerned, the only "reasonable" (as a politician understands this word) outcome of the revision would be to keep the status-quo of the ban and to build up new bureaucracy to further assess smokeless tobacco for the years to come.

            Decades of scientific findings pro smokeless can impossibly be worth more than the uneducated opinions of the holy, unfailable politicians, who introduced the ban in 1992. That's politics! No different from medieval religiousness.

            To be honest, I even hope that it doesn't end worse, meaning with a total prohibition.

            In the end it will all depend on who understands best to grease the palms of our valued EU-commissioners. Let's hope our friends from the snus-industry are correct with their positive expectations regarding the lift of the ban.



            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              How can you ban something that is tobacco? Would we be arrested if we grew tobacco to then be made into snus? Could you eventually go to jail for it?


              • jimiii
                New Member
                • Aug 2011
                • 1


                Can someone tell me if it's legal to order snus from other EU country to Ireland (f.ex. Sweden).

                If not, I suppose it's legal when ordering from non-european country such as USA?

                Ty already


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Yes it's fine from the EU - or


                  • Dave***t
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 104

                    Hi all. Just wanted to say thank god for this thread, and thanks to those who've contributed to it. Haven't been around this forum for a while, but have been snusing for some time (as the join date on the left will attest). Recently found I couldn't get snus and panic set in! Ordering from the US took ages, and the snus wasn't exactly fresh when it got here.

                    Thanks to reading this thread, I've managed to order some 'chewing tobacco' from Northerner in Sweden - a pain not having the SM brands, but nowhere near as bad as not having snus at all! And so have now reestablished my snus supply.

                    So thanks, and fingers crossed for the more sensible outcome hinted at by the Odens guys.


                    • pris

                      That's great it helped. I take my hat off to you for navigating all the way through it, it is quite epic


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        Originally posted by pris
                        That's great it helped. I take my hat off to you for navigating all the way through it, it is quite epic
                        Yeah right, me too.


                        • Dave***t
                          • Aug 2006
                          • 104

                          Originally posted by pris
                          That's great it helped. I take my hat off to you for navigating all the way through it, it is quite epic
                          You can keep your hat on - made it a few pages in then skipped to the end and worked backwards until it made sense


                          • pris

                            Good plan.

                            This is quite handy as a reference point


                            • MJ26
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 333

                              This is their new strike to cigarette companies. Translated with google:

                              Tobacco Company was banned from advertising their prices and pack sizes are published today at 09:44, the Authority considers that the tobacco company Philip Morris has violated the prohibition of Ireland to promote tobacco. Health and Social Care licensing and enforcement agency to prohibit Valvira Philip Morris to continue the procedure by which the tobacco part of the recent marked price, and advertising a new pack size of the text. Valvira, the notation for the prices to consumers creates the impression of cigarette affordability. Valvira does not accept cigarette pack text New Size 24's, which emphasized the novelty of the pack size. Valvira requires that Philip Morris, Ireland will immediately remove the prohibited price tags. Pack Assemble emphasizing the ad text must be removed within 60 days. Ban on steel threat to EUR 135 000 fine. Last summer, Valvira denied the Imperial Tobacco Company, a new emphasis on tobacco packaging kogoogle translator


                              • Mordred
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 342

                                Originally posted by khalid
                                The report of the consultation has been published. Having briefly scanned the document, it seems states are pro a ban on all smokeless, whilst the public, industry and NGO's were pro legalizing snus or pro maintaining the status quo and not extending the ban to all smokeless.

                                83% of the citizens who gave their opinion were in favor of lifting the ban on Snus. Only 2% wanted a ban on all smokeless. So yeah, seems to me that we have an overwhelming majority. But guess what, I think the citizens will be ignored. Call me a pessimist if you will, but I have zero faith in the democratic process when it comes to the EU.


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