No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • timholian
    • Apr 2010
    • 1448

    Originally posted by precious007 View Post
    you won't want any green after reading this -
    It's funny the studies people will follow and others they dispute.....

    Here's hoping everything works out for the EU Snussers! It really sucks when someone or some group dictates what we can and can not put into our bodies because they are trying to save us from ourselves..... Do me one last favor... Dont do me or my family anymore favors, I think we can make our own decisions, thanks.


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      Originally posted by jumissa View Post
      yeh sry about that :/ im just so angry right now with these Eu lovers ruining all others fun ( their being treehuggers or not) and / or harm reduction..

      No worries mate it's not a problem you've caused yourself.


      • sirloot
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2011
        • 2607

        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
        you won't want any green after reading this -
        what they dont tell you is it rises 40% only if you are prone to mental illness such as schizophrenia

        and if yer howling mad already whats it gunna hurt ? :P


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Originally posted by sirloot
          what they dont tell you is it rises 40% only if you are prone to mental illness such as schizophrenia

          and if yer howling mad already whats it gunna hurt ? :P
          if you are mad already you might also kill someone

          and that will end you up in jail :^)

          not good :|

          read the article ... there's been thousands of murders because of cannabis use


          • timholian
            • Apr 2010
            • 1448

            Originally posted by precious007
            if you are mad already you might also kill someone

            and that will end you up in jail :^)

            not good :|

            read the article ... there's been thousands of murders because of cannabis use
            And how the he'll did they prove cannabis was the reason/cause for those murders?

            Let's not be silly......


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              I can see murders due to dealer fights, collecting debts etc due to it being illegal.


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                I can see murders due to dealer fights, collecting debts etc due to it being illegal.
                Good point! Notice how more black markets come into play as tobacco taxes increase? The government is creating their own problem and then blaming the users for it.


                • timholian
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1448

                  Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                  I can see murders due to dealer fights, collecting debts etc due to it being illegal.
                  We all make decisions.... Even if I am a drugs dealer.... I can choose to kill someone because of a deal gone bad or I can take my hit and not do business with the guy again. Here's another... if someone breaks into my house and steals the equivalent of the drugs the dealer killed for I can decide to go kill the dude that did it or I can call the police and make sure my house is more secure.
                  My point is.... If you are a dude willing to kill for money, YOUR A DUDE THAT WILL KILL FOR MONEY PERIOD.
                  Sorry... It's justI have been marathon watching GANGLAND on Netflix and have been in deep thought about****ed up people.


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                    From the users side, I'd say the people are generally more easy going, and take life as it comes, enjoying it along the way. They aren't uptight about living forever, and realize that the(sometimes minuscule)risks of using tobacco are worth it for the enjoyment it provides. That laid back attitude caries over to other parts of life too. Also, us tobacco users are brothers under oppression, so we immediately have a common ground that transcends race, class, and country of origin.

                    From the manufacturer's side, a lot of the user's reason extend to the manufacturer. Many are tobacco users also, so the same attitudes prevail. Tobacco is also a shrinking market. That allows, and encourages more personal attention to users, which is a good thing for everyone. Users get catered to somewhat, and the manufacturers can stay nimble, adapting quickly as market forces change. The friendliness is necessary for both of our interests, and I think everyone realizes that. We(the users) need you to help us with that area of enjoyment in life, and you(the manufacturer) need us to make a living :^)
                    Sorry for late reply. I agree totaly and would like to add folowing- the good people are everywhere in every Country and Bissnes as well as bed ,but what makes us tobacco people extra sensetive to the problems like in a case of EU is the pressure from the Goverments and WHO, which just telling lies about tobacco and that industry, ewerithing dangerous TO MUCH MEAT ,TO MUCH MILK ,TO MUCH ALCOHOL, but changing the cigaretts standards in to more dengerous to health produkt with all prohibitions which are now in the world ) I AM TOLKING ABOUT REGILATIONS ON PAPPER WHICH IS ALOUT TO USE in CiGARETS ,TOBACCO TAR LEVEL changing which bringing another problem of fitting tobacco with lots of shit which reely dengerous to health to keep taste. In 70, 80 tested good but not now have you ever asked you why. Why the price of one pack of cigaretts cost 1,5 SEK But it sells for 50 SEK, The price of oil is 2 SEK but why it sell in stations for 14 SEK, why our Pryminister cat taxes but highers tobacco industry taxes,
                    Gorbatchov Of Sviet in 80 decided to cut the drinking and what hapens drugs started to sell better and now 10% is addictad to strong drugs and nothing can help it. Bed guys Like Baroso recived lots of many in a begining to cut down the snus way to europe from multynationals, and now Multynationals got snusfactorys in Sweden thay might pay EU BAroso types to open the snus ban. All that makes us a relly sansative to what is going on with our costemers. And i do not agree only in one sentence that tobacco usage go down, Belgium has 10 000 000 people and smokers are 43 %, Sweden has 9 300 000 and only 13% smokers, but tobacco usage in both countris are the same, we have absolytly less cancer desises ralated to tobacco but in Belgium it is a problem with this new regulations on cigarets which makes other types of cancer.


                    • pris

                      This is the way to go (copied from Chatbox incase anyone hasn't seen it) ....

                      @danielan - 'snus submarines' - I like it
                      Snus submarines...


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Originally posted by timholian View Post
                        We all make decisions.... Even if I am a drugs dealer.... I can choose to kill someone because of a deal gone bad or I can take my hit and not do business with the guy again. Here's another... if someone breaks into my house and steals the equivalent of the drugs the dealer killed for I can decide to go kill the dude that did it or I can call the police and make sure my house is more secure.
                        My point is.... If you are a dude willing to kill for money, YOUR A DUDE THAT WILL KILL FOR MONEY PERIOD.
                        Sorry... It's justI have been marathon watching GANGLAND on Netflix and have been in deep thought about****ed up people.
                        Good point definitely, we all make our own choices. Off topic that gangland show is good I've caught a lot of them. Covers from bikers to Mexican gangs etc. Interesting how the inner workings of them all are different.


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          Originally posted by whalen View Post
                          Great Scott! Chad killed them and now we get no Extreme Snus! Way to go Chad!
                          Not all at GN are dead yet


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                            Sorry for late reply. I agree totaly and would like to add folowing- the good people are everywhere in every Country and Bissnes as well as bed ,but what makes us tobacco people extra sensetive to the problems like in a case of EU is the pressure from the Goverments and WHO, which just telling lies about tobacco and that industry, ewerithing dangerous TO MUCH MEAT ,TO MUCH MILK ,TO MUCH ALCOHOL, but changing the cigaretts standards in to more dengerous to health produkt with all prohibitions which are now in the world ) I AM TOLKING ABOUT REGILATIONS ON PAPPER WHICH IS ALOUT TO USE in CiGARETS ,TOBACCO TAR LEVEL changing which bringing another problem of fitting tobacco with lots of shit which reely dengerous to health to keep taste. In 70, 80 tested good but not now have you ever asked you why. Why the price of one pack of cigaretts cost 1,5 SEK But it sells for 50 SEK, The price of oil is 2 SEK but why it sell in stations for 14 SEK, why our Pryminister cat taxes but highers tobacco industry taxes,
                            Gorbatchov Of Sviet in 80 decided to cut the drinking and what hapens drugs started to sell better and now 10% is addictad to strong drugs and nothing can help it. Bed guys Like Baroso recived lots of many in a begining to cut down the snus way to europe from multynationals, and now Multynationals got snusfactorys in Sweden thay might pay EU BAroso types to open the snus ban. All that makes us a relly sansative to what is going on with our costemers. And i do not agree only in one sentence that tobacco usage go down, Belgium has 10 000 000 people and smokers are 43 %, Sweden has 9 300 000 and only 13% smokers, but tobacco usage in both countris are the same, we have absolytly less cancer desises ralated to tobacco but in Belgium it is a problem with this new regulations on cigarets which makes other types of cancer.
                            I think that with a proper education the number of smokers will drastically decrease in Sweden to maybe 5 - 8% of the entire population, thanks to snus.

                            I hope the E.U opens it's eyes and stops wasting money on health and rather introduce alternatives such as snus and cut down the health costs for all the smoking related diseases and instead benefit from the SNUS tax, I hope you agree.


                            • Crow
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 4312

                              Originally posted by sirloot
                              Yes can i get some General Cannagreen white portions pls ?
                              I should pitch that idea at the Cannabis Farmers Market. I would definitely buy a roll of medicated snus!

                              Originally posted by precious007
                              you won't want any green after reading this -
                              Are you trying to tell us you're crazy, precious? We already know.
                              Words of Wisdom

                              Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                              Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                              Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                              Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                              Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                              Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                              Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                              Frosted: lucky twat
                              Frosted: Aussie slags
                              Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                are you trying to tell us you're crazy, precious? We already know
                                lmao :^)


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