1. There is EU directive Number is 1994:1266 which prohibits "Export" of snus to EU countries from Sweden , this directive was forced by EU to Sweden to let Sweden have snus on Swedish market that was Swedish price to join EU. NOW NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN THAT DIREKTIV IT IS TOTALY lies. Since 1998 where the word export is changed to SWEDESH WORD "UTFÖRSEL" in English "EXIT".
Which means not export nor exit of Swedish snus is allowed to EU , that is ,Swedish, forced from EU Directive. But the costumer in EU for himself can buy snus according to that directive, but the seller can not sell and Swedish custom should control that no one can send the snus to EU.
2.Swedish custom do not give a shit on that issue and never did but Finland (and I am sorry to say that) showed to EU that Swedish custom does not do anything about that and Finland gets lots of snus "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEElp us" EU the Finish custom says . And EU helped- they first closed worldsnus.com and other internet sites take an immediate action to survive.
3. Swedish Tax authorities say" pay our tax for us no problem but if England get a problem with snus delivery, than the sender has a problem ." with EU.
4.Custom says "We never control goods going to EU on Snus subject" . And say the same thing as TAx authorities.
That was the bed news
God news coming...............................
We going to delyver to EU Costomers from, we can not say where, SNUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF "you know what i meen" to everybodi ho wants and only IN EU our produkts, i am not talking about sampels, sampels we even going to send to AFGANISTAN we talking about sells . And lost but not list NORTHERNER sell To EU Thru USA it is 100% and thats it folks
Info on our site comming soon odenssnus.com we inform you soon on snuson
Are you living in the E.U. Do you want snus to be sold legally in all E.U? Please sign the petition below and hopefully we'll be able to buy snus in our...
This is my first post but I have been a long time reader of the forum. First, let me say thanks for all your posts, advice, and insights. They have been...