No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Jan
    • Oct 2008
    • 439

    [QUOTE=GN Tobacco Sweden AB;385620]
    Originally posted by Jan View Post

    The custom answer to us , is that personal gifts only can be accepted by EU costom if you cary snus with you when you travel, but not when you send to someone it is for sure
    They don't care what is in those packages coming from another EU country or how much they are worth. However when you have a package from the States or anywhere else in the world that is not part of EU they will make you pay every imaginable duty on it. Swedish snus from northener's US warehouse would definately cost me much more in the end than Swedidh snus from Sweden. This if I am at all allowed to collect the package. Laws of tobacco shipments can be crazy, especially in a corrupt and crazy country like mine.
    I always used UPS at buysnus and even though the stickers they put on every package explicitely state "snus.tobacco.persona" I was never asked anything. We must appreciate every day we go around our usual business, we never know what tomorrow will bring...


    • kevs
      • Mar 2011
      • 875

      Wow, this is crazy world we are living in. Hardcore tactics to send just some tobacco, seems like just putting portion under my lip instantly makes me a criminal...


      • Frankie Reloaded
        Banned Users
        • Jan 2011
        • 541

        Originally posted by Ansel View Post
        Is this anything useful? Can we then send a gift on by post?
        WE can send small amounts of cans without any real fears, but, on th other hand, a legitimate company selling the cans on the Internet can have problems. Because if your official business is selling snus, it would be difficult to argue you were sending gifts.

        I placed an order of 5 cans from US warehouse to Slovakia. With any luck it would not be noticed, and as the sale value is just some 19 Euros, it should be officially below radar anyway. And you know what? This way, without Swedish tobacco and sales tax those cans are about 2 EUROS CHEAPER per can for me (But I am a very light user, 5 cans od los last a long time for me...)


        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          • Mar 2011
          • 7035

          [QUOTE=Premium Parrots;385624][QUOTE=GN Tobacco Sweden AB;385620]

          thanks for the heads up on that. The question is....are they capable of avoiding my "tactics"?

          Lets see how this plays out within the next few days. If the issues don't get sorted then I don't mind giving someone a deep discount to see if my "tactics" will work with the current EU situation. I ship prohibited items into many countries, mostly europe and have never been a problem by doing it my way. Its a matter of packaging and filling out the customs form a certain way, but still telling the truth, and what else I put in the package to distract the customs agent when he reads the customs form, AND playing on the agents emotions. Its always worked.[/QUOTE

          If it is worked for you then it is great


          • Jan
            • Oct 2008
            • 439

            Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post

            I placed an order of 5 cans from US warehouse to Slovakia. With any luck it would not be noticed, and as the sale value is just some 19 Euros, it should be officially below radar anyway.
            They lowered that threshold here from around 40 dollars down to approx.5, believe or not, and every package from the US gets checked, I've been told. This is how our bankrupt gov. is trying to get their finances sorted.


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by Jan
              They lowered that threshold here from around 40 dollars down to approx.5, believe or not, and every package from the US gets checked, I've been told. This is how our bankrupt gov. is trying to get their finances sorted.
              Korekt and swedish custom do not chek anything to EU But to 3 rd country


              • Jan
                • Oct 2008
                • 439

                sitation update, tonight

                I just re-visited website and this is what I found (sorry, the info is only available in German, but I will translate it here):
                Swedish Match Produkte / EU
                Leider können wir keine Swedish Match Produkte mehr in die EU liefern. Produkte anderer Hersteller liefern wir nach wie vor. Dies ist eine neue Vorgabe von Swedish Match, genauere Angaben wurden uns nicht gemacht. Wir hoffen auf Euer Verständnis und werden Euch auf dem Laufenden halten!

                Translation from German:
                Swdish Match products/EU
                Unfortunately we are no longer able to ship Swedish Match products into EU. We still do ship, as before, products from other manufacturers. This is a new instruction that we received from Swedish Match, more detailed information is not available. We do hope for your understanding and we'll keep you up to date.

                sounds like the problems somehow pertains to SM...

                what do you think is going on guys.. I am lost!


                • pris

                  Dammit! I was going to chance ordering some General from there and now as you say SM products are not available

                  Originally posted by Jan View Post
                  sitation update, tonight

                  I just re-visited website and this is what I found (sorry, the info is only available in German, but I will translate it here):
                  Swedish Match Produkte / EU
                  Leider können wir keine Swedish Match Produkte mehr in die EU liefern. Produkte anderer Hersteller liefern wir nach wie vor. Dies ist eine neue Vorgabe von Swedish Match, genauere Angaben wurden uns nicht gemacht. Wir hoffen auf Euer Verständnis und werden Euch auf dem Laufenden halten!

                  Translation from German:
                  Swdish Match products/EU
                  Unfortunately we are no longer able to ship Swedish Match products into EU. We still do ship, as before, products from other manufacturers. This is a new instruction that we received from Swedish Match, more detailed information is not available. We do hope for your understanding and we'll keep you up to date.

                  sounds like the problems somehow pertains to SM...

                  what do you think is going on guys.. I am lost!


                  • pris

                    & Northerner US won't have any General Long Sterk in stock for a week even if I wanted to chance my arm with Customs. Dammit this SUCKS!!!!!


                    • Jan
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 439

                      I am playing with the system right now... I am clearly being allowed to order Skruf and V2. A message saying" you are not able to order this product to your country" comes up when I try to pick up SM brands.
                      Well, at least something still works.
                      Im not ordering yet, let's see how this develops and what GN comes up with.


                      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 7035

                        GN Frends GN can only help with our produkts but not others unfortunaly fortunatly


                        • Brettv
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 56

                          Wow, so I must of been quite lucky then, they must of shipped my order before Swedish Match got hold of them....

                          I kid you guys not, we should get together and take a "sight seeing" trip to Sweden.

                          3Kg's of Snus would def do me fine.


                          • pris

                            How's the new website coming along (waiting with baited breath) ?

                            Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                            GN Frends GN can only help with our produkts but not others unfotunaly fortunatly


                            • Jan
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 439

                              seems we have to be content with what we have but this sucks indeed. A little of bit of recent history: SM did export to EU countries up until 2005 approx, they operated on wire transfer basis and later accepted credit cards too at their website. Then the shop was shut down for us in EU but with so many independent snus businesses online it was not a problem to obtain SM brands, well, as we all know. Now SM prohibits independent shops from selling their brands into EU countries. What is next I wonder.


                              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 7035

                                Originally posted by pris View Post
                                How's the new website coming along (waiting with baited breath) ?
                                Next wednsday we belive it works, i meen 2 days


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