No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Mazur
    • May 2007
    • 159

    I'm a bit angry of all that situation...


    • Mordred
      • Dec 2009
      • 342

      Originally posted by Kutzi View Post
      I use snus for about 3 and a half years now, but only now do i wonder:
      whats the reason for all those effort to make it illegal or at least ban it from most shops outside sweden?
      I read alot about health impact, and that it's alot "healthier" than smoking. So why is it unwanted?
      is it the smoke tobacco industry and/or the countries relying on cigarette taxes?
      Is it anti-smoking foundations afraid of loosing their right of existence due to people switching to snus?

      Maybe someone can tell me..
      The reason for the ban, as far as I understand, was an unholy alliance between Philip Morris and the anti-tobacco lobby. PM was afraid to lose some part of their market share to snus and dip, while the anti-tobacco groups were of course happy to ban anything that has tobacco in it. Once those two lobby groups agreed, all it took was a hafl-assed report from the WHO saying that snus can be bad for your health, and the deal was sealed.

      PM has since invested a little in Snus, but it's still a niche market for them and the lion share remains cigarettes, so they're not worried. As for the anti-tobacco people, they believe that every leaf of tobacco is infused with the devil himself and they will not listen to reason. It doesn't matter that snus is at least 90% safer than smoking, they want 0% risk, something that doesn't exist. It's simple math that if 50% of people reduce their risk by 90% that would be better than if 10% reduce their risk by 100%. But that too, they don't understand.


      • nicodude
        • Jan 2011
        • 688

        Originally posted by sharesnusinfo! View Post
        it´s so nice to make people happy with snus!
        Well, you guys could easily make me happy with gotlandssnus again by bringing back the gul, even if its only for a limited time, just let me get a few rolls and I will be a happy nicotine addict.


        • pris

          Cough cough......Here's a group we might all want to join in the EU All EU snusers welcome along with our friends in the snus industry and of course Chad the Snus Ambassador

          This a moderated group and so all applications need to be approved before access is granted. I have sent invites to as many EU members I could pick out from this thread but if I has missed anyone please apply to join.

          I have posted up a summary of the developments throughout this thread and started some other threads where we can get some concise fact sheets together for quick reference. Hope you find it usefull.


          • heders
            • Jan 2011
            • 2227

            "Hi guys,
            know this is tough times both for you and for us. Sorry we don't have much info for you. Have some bad news We're not allowed to ship Swedish Match products from our warehouse in the US to EU anymore.The good news is that we have until Friday. After that no more SwedishMatch snus can be shipped to EU.
            This at least gives you a little time stock up.We're very sorry about this.
            Best Regards, Northerner"
            - Northerner @ Facebook


            • pris

              It just gets better (not)


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                I'm still here. The only thing I have to add...


                oh yes, lets take her to Ibiza :^)


                • nicodude
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 688

                  Originally posted by heders View Post
                  "Hi guys,
                  know this is tough times both for you and for us. Sorry we don't have much info for you. Have some bad news We're not allowed to ship Swedish Match products from our warehouse in the US to EU anymore.The good news is that we have until Friday. After that no more SwedishMatch snus can be shipped to EU.
                  This at least gives you a little time stock up.We're very sorry about this.
                  Best Regards, Northerner"
                  - Northerner @ Facebook
                  Why only swedish match products?

                  Man, for once I am actually thrilled to be living in the USA. Usually we are the ones that this stuff happens to.

                  Regardless I can see no logical reason to ban snus, but allow cigarettes???


                  • heders
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 2227

                    Originally posted by nicodude View Post
                    Why only swedish match products?

                    Man, for once I am actually thrilled to be living in the USA. Usually we are the ones that this stuff happens to.

                    Regardless I can see no logical reason to ban snus, but allow cigarettes???
                    No idea man... it's ridiculous. I really feel for the people this affects. Lucky I live in Sweden...

                    (and I don't know if that announcement is new or old, you have posted like 15 pages in this thread today so I don't know if it had been written already )


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Swedish Match is the biggest snus corporation :^) and snus producer ... E.U. Is attacking the bigger companies not the weak small ones......

                      But I think the law applies for everyone of them not only for SM.


                      • pris

                        I imagine every avenue will be explored to try and make absoloutely sure snus doesn't end up anywhere in Europe other than Sweden.

                        Strange someone predicted yeterday on this thread that the next step would be to stop the export of snus from the US to the EU. At the time I didn't beleive it would go that far but now I know I was wrong thinking that.


                        • nicodude
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 688

                          That BS though, had they banned cigarettes i'd send them a fruit basket just for making progress, but this is going backwards.

                          They can be on the lookout for certain packages, and stop online stores from selling to them, but the EU members of this forum will still be able to get stuff from us in the USA. I'd be happy to send a box of 'collectible cans' to our EU brethren...


                          • khalid
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 348

                            Oh for gods sake.

                            Well, I am not a big fan of SM product anyway.


                            • KarlvB
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 681

                              Originally posted by heders View Post
                              "Hi guys,
                              know this is tough times both for you and for us. Sorry we don't have much info for you. Have some bad news We're not allowed to ship Swedish Match products from our warehouse in the US to EU anymore.The good news is that we have until Friday. After that no more SwedishMatch snus can be shipped to EU.
                              This at least gives you a little time stock up.We're very sorry about this.
                              Best Regards, Northerner"
                              - Northerner @ Facebook
                              This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Now I am going to be seriously screwed since I pretty much use Grov exclusively these days.


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                Does anyone know is Makla considered snus?

                                And it's shipped from UK (MrSnuff) ...

                                There's another product on their site ( that clearly says - NB: This product cannot be legally purchased inside the European Union


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