No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    @GN Tobacco - What is the flavour of the Oden's Classis lös? Is is just a simple tobacco flavoured snus? If that is the case I might just have to order some since I won't be able to get Grov or Ettan anymore.


    • Snus Girl
      New Member
      • Mar 2011
      • 14

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      Does anyone know is Makla considered snus?

      And it's shipped from UK (MrSnuff) ...

      There's another product on their site ( that clearly says - NB: This product cannot be legally purchased inside the European Union
      Isn't Makla sold in EU? From what I've heard it is almost the same as snus, looks the same and is used in the same way, however I've heard it has a bad smell. Crazy that it is allowed in the EU and snus isn't. Think it's because they registered it as a chewing product, which it is not!


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by Snus Girl View Post
        Isn't Makla sold in EU? From what I've heard it is almost the same as snus, looks the same and is used in the same way, however I've heard it has a bad smell. Crazy that it is allowed in the EU and snus isn't. Think it's because they registered it as a chewing product, which it is not!
        you're right, it's considered a chewing product, but some stores carry it under their "SNUS" section .... I'd say it's a "STRONG SNUS" not a chewing tobacco, plug or DIP....

        and it should be banned, that is why I was asking..... seemingly it's not banned yet.

        Someone on the forum said that it's sold in France and Belgium at newspaper/non-stop I guess it's not banned.


        • kevs
          • Mar 2011
          • 875

          So, yesterday I wrote to one of the Estonian representatives in EU parliament- Indrek Tarand ( ). And that's what he answered (I'll try to translate as good as I can): "I have heard a little bit about this topic, but I don't use snus myself, that's why I must do some research about it. I will try to do it at first free moment. By the way, how many users of this healthy tobacco there are in Estonia approximately? That's it for now, I'll do my best to answer you more specifically soon. Best regards."

          I have to say that he is very simple person, says what he thinks and does what he has promised. So lets hope he can give us some answer!


          • Snus Girl
            New Member
            • Mar 2011
            • 14

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            you're right, it's considered a chewing product, but some stores carry it under their "SNUS" section .... I'd say it's a "STRONG SNUS" not a chewing tobacco, plug or DIP....

            and it should be banned, that is why I was asking..... seemingly it's not banned yet.

            Someone on the forum said that it's sold in France and Belgium at newspaper/non-stop I guess it's not banned.
            I call this double standard from EU's side. They kinda bully Swedish snus.


            • Mordred
              • Dec 2009
              • 342

              Originally posted by Snus Girl View Post
              I call this double standard from EU's side. They kinda bully Swedish snus.
              Not sure about that, it may just be that Makla has somehow escaped regulation simply because it's even more of a niche product.

              That said, the laws on the subject of tobacco make no sense whatsoever, so who knows.


              • Brettv
                • Mar 2011
                • 56

                Damn...things start looking better then end up looking worse...I'm on an emotional roller coaster here .

                Precious007, whats this about having until Friday??


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by Brettv View Post
                  Damn...things start looking better then end up looking worse...I'm on an emotional roller coaster here .

                  Precious007, whats this about having until Friday??
                  what do you mean ? :^)

                  I call this double standard from EU's side. They kinda bully Swedish snus.
                  +1 ... I think no one is that dumb to not see that they're almost legalizing cocaine and marijuana in other parts of the world and banning snus in some other parts. No one is dumb here and we can clearly see their political games that have only one interest: and that is money...


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                    Swedish Match is the biggest snus corporation :^) and snus producer ... E.U. Is attacking the bigger companies not the weak small ones......

                    But I think the law applies for everyone of them not only for SM.
                    Now's a good time for everyone to patronize the fine small snus makers that are available. GN has stepped up to the plate in stellar fashion, and I think their generosity should be rewarded. Gotland, and V2 are also great underappreciated makers that should be given a serious look. Honestly, Swedish Match snus isn't all that. For a complete catalog, they probably have the best portfolio, but by mix matching snus from a few makers, all their products can be bested.


                    • pris

                      Do you mean Northerner not being able to send SM products from their US warehouse to the EU from the end of this week brettv?

                      Originally posted by Brettv View Post
                      Damn...things start looking better then end up looking worse...I'm on an emotional roller coaster here .

                      Precious007, whats this about having until Friday??


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by heders View Post
                        No idea man... it's ridiculous. I really feel for the people this affects. Lucky I live in Sweden...

                        (and I don't know if that announcement is new or old, you have posted like 15 pages in this thread today so I don't know if it had been written already )
                        Hey guys thanks for filling us in.........even thought the news is not good at all.

                        One Northerner contacting the non-FDA registered snus makers and trying to get them to register their snus with the FDA

                        It seems with SM banned there is a giant void in the market that these companies could fill ................(to their advantage, Northerners advantage, and our advantage).

                        And by the way.................I guess about now that whole crazy idea of putting a warehouse in the looking pretty freaking brilliant!!!
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Mazur
                          • May 2007
                          • 159

                          Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                          Does anyone know is Makla considered snus?
                          They call it in France "Tabac à chiquer" (dipping tobacco). They sell it in legal Tabak shops and government establish fixed price for Makla for all French shops. But they do not call it snus and do not care about EU law, because they are French
                          SM can rename for example "General Original Portion Snus" for "General Original Swedish Makla Portion" and everything is going be o right ;-)



                          • hoodlight
                            New Member
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 11

                            This is the worst news ever - I'm devastated. I will have to make regular trips to Sweden to stock up. If I fly to Stockholm do they sell it at the airport?


                            • Spijker
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 18

                              Reading this made me very, very sad.
                              I am a resident of Belgium and have always ordered my snus at northerner.
                              I was glad to pay a bit extra since I then am able to track my order.
                              Since I never had any problem regarding an order or the price I was happy with the way things where: snus has to be bought online, I did not have to be "unbanned" imo.

                              About a week ago I was almost out of snus and decided that I wanted to quit.
                              I was curious about the effects on my body, would i be more fit, sleep better,....
                              After a few hard days of going cold turkey I think I got through the worst fase yet I do not feel different.
                              Sports are as good as always and as a matter of fact: I began having a lot of trouble concentrating w/o snus.
                              The same thing goes for chilling out. I am not as relaxed as I am on snus.

                              So I bought some snus via northerner. Only now it said: "you have to buy from the US".
                              No problem I thought. Under the effects of a promotion I have gotten free shipment by regular post (no option to decline this promotion and go for my well trusted UPS).
                              When I paid the whole lot I saw that I did not pay any taxes and everything was very cheap.
                              I was very excited! No tax, no shipping costs! Hoorah!

                              The withdrawal was getting a bit hard but I wanted to hold out until my snus arrived. I definitely don't want to fall back on cigarettes since my sport (english boxing and thaiboxing) is my NR 1 goal in life.

                              And now i ****ing hear that my shipment can be held until I pay a shitload of ****ing money just to get what i payed for!!!
                              And that shipment from the US can take about 2 weeks?!?!

                              This may seem desperate but if there is anyone from belgium, east flanders, ghent that has a nice stock and is willing to 'lend' me some I would very much appreciate this. (if so: pm for a future free beer and eternal gratitude ).

                              I am seriously thinking about contacting the persons responsible for the ban in Belgium.
                              Legalizing snus should make up for breaking the world record of not having a government.

                              It has indeed been said before: I can buy heroine, crack, coke and weed around the corner but I have to go through ****ing hell to get some smoke-free tobacco products.


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                I think that all the snus business should more territories....

                                They will not only loose millions of customers from EU (I guess we're talking about a couple million customers) and the majority of snus was shipped from Sweden..... If I recall correctly :^)

                                But people will probably give up snus....... meanwhile..... not that I won't personally be able to buy snus... there's all the choices out there including ... going to Sweden once a year .... but you never know how many people wouldn't afford it or simply don't have access to PP's actions and the trade section here........ or maybe they don't even know about

                                And suddenly .... bam.. all the stores are closed.

                                I've been looking through Northerner's us Warehouse.... there's quite a few products mainly from Swedish Match that I use more often but some of those are awful and definitely a lot less than what was available in the Swedish warehouse. I would suggest to Northerner to double check the possibility to mail everyone that produces snus and introduce all snus brand in the U.S warehouse (and all the rest of the online shops should do the same)....

                                If I recall correctly Northerner had exclusive right on two brands (I think offroad and gotlands or v2) in the U.S warehouse.... correct me please if I am wrong.

                                Where are those V2,offroad and gotlands products? I can see them nowhere on Northerner?!?!?!

                                There only General, Ettan, Roda, Grove and Goteborgs. lol

                                And that shipment from the US can take about 2 weeks?!?!
                                It's sad.

                                It took me 42 days or so for a package to be shipped from U.S (another incovenient but then again you can always make larger orders with all varieties that you like and never worry about it until the next large order)

                                The taxes in Belgium are surely high for tobacco products, at least they aren't in Romania.... roughly 10% of the whole package.


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