No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Mordred
    • Dec 2009
    • 342

    Could be Snusdog, could be. But for now, we can only speculate. I wrote a mail to SM asking them if they could clarify the situation, but no answer yet. Let's not throw stones at anybod yet, and I'm sure you'll agree with me that we would both feel a lot better about this if Swedish Match were supportive of the web-shops.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
      I disagree.

      I smell a rat.

      SM is not going to just voluntarily walk away from the EU market with the apparent shrug they have so far given.

      Something is up

      Think about can import dip to the EU................who is the only snus company with USA tobacco production facilities

      Can you say the first real USA snus?

      My point is that maybe SM is being targeted because they are the biggest target..............or in some way was behind the mess up with the whole Finland deal

      However this does not seem likely

      To me I can't help wondering if this is a good ol battle of attrition. SM' voluntary compliance (as the vote on snus regulations is on the horizon in the EU) may well serve as a strategic snow ball effect.......................... to the end that the restrictions on all snus makers is much more drastic than it might have been if SM went kicking and screaming...............

      The result: V2, Gotlands, and GN are all ban or severely restricted from the EU market....................while................(and here is the kicker)...............SM announces its first full fledged American produced Swedish style snus.....................for sale in the EU

      Seems SM took a little lesson from the Phillip Morris PACT ACT play book on how to use tobacco restrictions to kill competition and bolster sales.

      And to my fellow yanks..................if you buy one tin of this demonic SM American snus.................. you will go straight to hell..............right after I ban your ass from this site
      Don't you just love it when tobacco companies get behind some proposed tobacco tax or anti tobacco legislation? In the end, their greed will cost them far more than the short term profits they have earned. They are part of the reason we have this anti tobacco public sentiment and the public isn't picking and choosing between companies. The just want tobacco banned period.


      • khalid
        • Aug 2010
        • 348

        Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
        I disagree.

        I smell a rat.

        SM is not going to just voluntarily walk away from the EU market with the apparent shrug they have so far given.

        Something is up

        Think about can import dip to the EU................who is the only snus company with USA tobacco production facilities

        Can you say the first real USA snus?

        My point is that maybe SM is being targeted because they are the biggest target..............or in some way was behind the mess up with the whole Finland deal

        However this does not seem likely

        To me I can't help wondering if this is a good ol battle of attrition. SM' voluntary compliance (as the vote on snus regulations is on the horizon in the EU) may well serve as a strategic snow ball effect.......................... to the end that the restrictions on all snus makers is much more drastic than it might have been if SM went kicking and screaming...............

        The result: V2, Gotlands, and GN are all ban or severely restricted from the EU market....................while................(and here is the kicker)...............SM announces its first full fledged American produced Swedish style snus.....................for sale in the EU

        Seems SM took a little lesson from the Phillip Morris PACT ACT play book on how to use tobacco restrictions to kill competition and bolster sales.

        And to my fellow yanks..................if you buy one tin of this demonic SM American snus.................. you will go straight to hell..............right after I ban your ass from this site
        Interesting theory, plausible too. SM are very tricky. There are so many unknowns in all this. I guess we will know which way the wind is blowing when the EU TPD review kicks off later this year. I still think that EU legalisation of snus is a possibility, all be it with a million caveats.


        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          • Mar 2011
          • 7035

          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
          I disagree.

          I smell a rat.

          SM is not going to just voluntarily walk away from the EU market with the apparent shrug they have so far given.

          Something is up

          Think about can import dip to the EU................who is the only snus company with USA tobacco production facilities

          Can you say the first real USA snus?

          My point is that maybe SM is being targeted because they are the biggest target..............or in some way was behind the mess up with the whole Finland deal

          However this does not seem likely

          To me I can't help wondering if this is a good ol battle of attrition. SM' voluntary compliance (as the vote on snus regulations is on the horizon in the EU) may well serve as a strategic snow ball effect.......................... to the end that the restrictions on all snus makers is much more drastic than it might have been if SM went kicking and screaming...............

          The result: V2, Gotlands, and GN are all ban or severely restricted from the EU market....................while................(and here is the kicker)...............SM announces its first full fledged American produced Swedish style snus.....................for sale in the EU

          Seems SM took a little lesson from the Phillip Morris PACT ACT play book on how to use tobacco restrictions to kill competition and bolster sales.

          And to my fellow yanks..................if you buy one tin of this demonic SM American snus.................. you will go straight to hell..............right after I ban your ass from this site
          Snusdog no body can take away our GN produkts from our EU customers , no EU Parlament not SM not Kadaffi only God and we have goooooooog ralations to him


          • heders
            • Jan 2011
            • 2227

            Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
            Hey guys thanks for filling us in.........even thought the news is not good at all.

            One Northerner contacting the non-FDA registered snus makers and trying to get them to register their snus with the FDA

            It seems with SM banned there is a giant void in the market that these companies could fill ................(to their advantage, Northerners advantage, and our advantage).

            And by the way.................I guess about now that whole crazy idea of putting a warehouse in the looking pretty freaking brilliant!!!
            I can't understand how the ones who made this rule thinks... A lot who successfully gave up cigarettes thanks to snus are probably gonna go back to smoking since there is no other alternative except to quit. Hope they feel good... idiots! Hmpf.

            And I don't understand if this really applies exclusively to Swedish Match products or not. If the ban is on ALL snus, then it is the worst news ever. If it's only SM:s products, then it's still very bad news, but not the worst, since a lot of other companies make good snus.

            If the smaller companies get exclusive EU distribution, then maybe they will grow a lot, which is great.


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by heders View Post
              I can't understand how the ones who made this rule thinks... A lot who successfully gave up cigarettes thanks to snus are probably gonna go back to smoking since there is no other alternative except to quit. Hope they feel good... idiots! Hmpf.

              And I don't understand if this really applies exclusively to Swedish Match products or not. If the ban is on ALL snus, then it is the worst news ever. If it's only SM:s products, then it's still very bad news, but not the worst, since a lot of other companies make good snus.
              Guys it dose not wark like that it is not SM conspirasy
              it is very simple one country F. procecuter goon against and others afraid thats it , belive us we know what we say


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                Guys it dose not wark like that it is not SM conspirasy
                it is very simple one country F. procecuter goon against and others afraid thats it , belive us we know what we say
                SM just wants to folow the ruls they are big- capish?


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by Mordred View Post
                  Could be Snusdog, could be. But for now, we can only speculate. I wrote a mail to SM asking them if they could clarify the situation, but no answer yet. Let's not throw stones at anybod yet, and I'm sure you'll agree with me that we would both feel a lot better about this if Swedish Match were supportive of the web-shops.
                  I agree that it is only speculation

                  I think you will also agree that SM is NOT behind the web shops but has enacted a voluntary shut down of all its products across the board

                  What we don't know is why.

                  What we can say is that there shut down is not the result of an EU directive (there is no legislation on the books that we know of)

                  A Finish court has jurisdiction in Finland not the whole of the EU. Its decision may well effect EU wide policy..............but it is not itself EU wide policy.

                  While I absolutely hope that I am wrong on this for all our sakes................the scenario that I presented seems to bring into focus all the bits and pieces we have so far

                  Speculation?...............absolutly................... ...Outlandish speculation?......................not at all

                  There may be something far less insidious behind all this......................I hope so with all my heart

                  But after PACT....................not much is going to surprise me
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                    I agree that it is only speculation

                    I think you will also agree that SM is NOT behind the web shops but has enacted a voluntary shut down of all its products across the board

                    What we don't know is why.

                    What we can say is that there shut down is not the result of an EU directive (there is no legislation on the books that we know of)

                    A Finish court has jurisdiction in Finland not the whole of the EU. Its decision may well effect EU wide policy..............but it is not itself EU wide policy.

                    While I absolutely hope that I am wrong on this for all our sakes................the scenario that I presented seems to bring into focus all the bits and pieces we have so far

                    Speculation?...............absolutly................... ...Outlandish speculation?......................not at all

                    There may be something far less insidious behind all this......................I hope so with all my heart

                    But after PACT....................not much is going to surprise me
                    Sweden has signed adokument to EU in 1994 where it takes on him to not alow sending snus to EU -Finish used that against snusworld that is it


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                      Guys it dose not wark like that it is not SM conspirasy
                      it is very simple one country F. procecuter goon against and others afraid thats it , belive us we know what we say
                      I was typing as you posted this.

                      This is very.........VERY good to hear.

                      Thank you for filling us in

                      Conspiracy theory #12857346578.3445, Sub section D, Articles IX- XVII. Class 193

                      is officially declared dead

                      By the conspiracy death act #229847339, Provision b, Heading 1
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • Jan
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 439

                        Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                        Guys it dose not wark like that it is not SM conspirasy
                        it is very simple one country F. procecuter goon against and others afraid thats it , belive us we know what we say
                        O course. That stupid deep routed Finnish dislike of everything Swedish. I can see Finland trying to align itself with Russia as of lately, they are even attempting to eradicate Swedish language teaching in the east of the country and replacing it with mandatory russian. Nokia versus Ericsson, Finnish design furniture versus IKEA, Finlandia vodka versus Absolut vodka, the finns have lost it all and are now attacking another swedish invention. That this hurts innocent people far away from Scandinavia and goes against all logic and fare trade, it does not worry them at all.
                        |BTw: It was in the news lately that finnish sauna can be very bad for your health.


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                          I was typing as you posted this.

                          This is very.........VERY good to hear.

                          Thank you for filling us in

                          Conspiracy theory #12857346578.3445, Sub section D, Articles IX- XVII. Class 193

                          is officially declared dead

                          By the conspiracy death act #229847339, Provision b, Heading 1
                          always yours GN


                          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 7035

                            Originally posted by Jan View Post
                            O course. That stupid deep routed Finnish dislike of everything Swedish. I can see Finland trying to align itself with Russia as of lately, they are even attempting to eradicate Swedish language teaching in the east of the country and replacing it with mandatory russian. Nokia versus Ericsson, Finnish design furniture versus IKEA, Finlandia vodka versus Absolut vodka, the finns have lost it all and are now attacking another swedish invention. That this hurts innocent people far away from Scandinavia and goes against all logic and fare trade, it does not worry them at all.
                            |BTw: It was in the news lately that finnish sauna can be very bad for your health.
                            brother take it easy our Finish worker is under arest his name FREDDY Bredy hi is our brother from another mother


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by whalen View Post
                              If you are having such good relations with him tell him I want my dog back! "And I would still have my dog if he had been licking an Odens Kanal portion instead of his balls all the time"!

                              Best of luck with the site launch!
                              you are best


                              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 7035

                                Originally posted by whalen View Post
                                No, you are best!

                                Congratulations on making this one of the best 50 page Threads of all time, it really cheered me up in extremely Sad times. God Speed!
                                sincerely yours


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