wait until the customs get into those ham cans ant take them from your or even worse get your into jail LoOL :^)
I guess that's the only option there is...... Hmmm how cheap is snus in Stromstad?
P.S Anyone living in the E.U. last time I've ordered from the U.S warehouse, they told me at the post office that packages under 1KG do not get checked by the customs anymore, I think small order of under 10 cans would never get checked by the customs .....
And I wasn't going to order from the E.U warehouse aymore, anyways.... but stick to what I could order from the U.S warehouse....
I just can't afford to pay $10 for a can of snus anymore ($200 is double of what I would have spent on cigarettes, lol I'm better off ordering from the U.S warehouse..... there's quit a few products there too)
+ if a package comes from U.S. and get caught by the Romanian customs I can well tell them that is pipe tobacco(they don't know shit what snus is) loooooooool I hope the package wouldn't get stuck in the bigger customs ...
200 NOK for 10 Thunder, 300-350 for other brands. Prices are generally the same for loose and portions, but lös might cost a bit more.
I was about to go out for my belated birthday dinner, now I'm in a bad mood. Even being in the US, this is just utter BS! It's only a matter of time before prices rise again, or we may not even be able to get it at all. Like many have said already, it's easier to walk downtown and buy a kilo of ILLEGAL drugs. I guess we'll have to start putting snus in beef jerky cans and shipping it to all of you in the EU.
First post in here, shame I have to post it in such a sad thread...
Hearing about the ban instantly made me hate EU. The good thing is that Estonia is close to Sweden. Seems like I have to make a little ferry trip to Sweden around July/August. But let's hope that guys from northener, buysnus etc are just messing around and when I wake tomorrow, all will be fine again
So that means I am going to have to get on a flight to Sweden every three months to stock up. Since snus is still not covered by the custom rules I will just bring in five rolls at a time.
I just don't understand why we weren't given any advance warning of this. At least then we would have been able to stock up. Luckily I have a couple of rolls left to tide me over for a little while.
The more I think about this the more I wonder whats really going on. I can't believe there was no warning.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Are you living in the E.U. Do you want snus to be sold legally in all E.U? Please sign the petition below and hopefully we'll be able to buy snus in our...
This is my first post but I have been a long time reader of the forum. First, let me say thanks for all your posts, advice, and insights. They have been...