No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)

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  • Jan
    • Oct 2008
    • 439

    some of today's talk up this thread has nearly given me a heart attack...

    Some of us may not have realised this but the fact that UPS still accepts shipments of snus from vendors in Sweden to us EU clients is a sure sign that these private imports are legal or atleast not banned. It is not UPS policy to ship goods that do not conform to the laws of the country they are shipping to. I am referring now to UPS rules of service which I have studied very ocarefully. UPS explicitely refuses to carry tobacco UNLESS ON A CONTRACT BASES WITH A COMMERCIAL VENDOR (no person to person and no occasional service). This means they know very well what they are doing. That's my point - as long as the vendors can ship with UPS there is no problem buying snus online (for one's personal use of course and up to a certain quantity)


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by danielan
      Unfortunately - that is just not true. They (Customs) have the needed authority in the original 1990's ban. When the FDA ban menthol - they won't need a new law for the authority.
      You have made my point................customs has the authority to enact a ban..................the FDA has the authority to place a ban. Until there is a change in law (in this case by the FDA per its congressional given authority) there is nothing for customs to implement

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      GN if nothing would have changed, why did Northerner close their EU warehouse?
      Northerner has SUSPENDED shipments from its EU warehouse on the advice of SM due to word that the Anti-tobacco group behind the Finish case is planning on prosecuting this case in other EU countries using other internet shops as their bait.

      Melchior researches the situation in Belgium, a country with about 7,000 Swedish expatriates, and she does find stores that sell snus. Customers give an address in Sweden (where the sale is not banned) and an invoice is sent to that address. The snus is then delivered to the store in Belgium. Only the sale is banned in Europe, not possession or moving larger amounts cross the borders,

      There is the legality of internet sales

      and technically the sale transaction has been made in Sweden.

      There is what the Finish court reading changed (FOR FINLAND) and what the anti-tobacco group plans to prosecute in other EU nations....................they want the sale now to be defined in terms of its point of origin (your computer in Romania) verses the point of termination (Northerner in Sweden)
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by chadizzy1

        reminds me of this, haha.

        I've heard the term fag first when I was 11... there were these british guys in our school ...

        I though fag means gay first..


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Has anyone thought to call UPS

 with Customs................or the tax beuro...............the first person that answers the phone will be happy to answer your question.................dispite the fact that they do not know the answer..................nor does the person in the cubicle next to them whom they put you on hold to ask will need to go until you find the person that can refer you to the law in question.......................then you will have the answer................and its basis.

          Regardless call UPS

          Edit: I must have been typing before I read Jan's post..............exactly mate
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Jan
            • Oct 2008
            • 439

            There are no customs within the EU. It is up to the carrier (regular postal services or UPS as in our case) to either accept or refuse a shippment. There is nobody else who can stop our snus after it is shipped out of Sweden. The package, once accepted by UPS travel straight to our doors, I guess only security checks are performed at the airport (checks for explosives and alike).


            • muddyfunkstar
              • Aug 2010
              • 967

              Very good point about UPS, I hadn't thought of that.


              • Snusify
                • Aug 2009
                • 623

                Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                HEADS UP GUYS

                Just contacted Customs & Excise.



                If you're importing it, you must have a tax representative in your country.

                This is probably why this is only filtering through now in March.
                I dont see how that can be as I have had 3 orders after jan from America with SNUS written on the Customs Label one package I had to pay duty on.
                Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  So what about gifts sent from the USA?

                  And its not illegal at all, its forbidden to buy. They won't come arrest you if you have a package sent to the EU. However, they might confiscate it.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Jan
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 439

                    Originally posted by Snusify View Post
                    I dont see how that can be as I have had 3 orders after jan from America with SNUS written on the Customs Label one package I had to pay duty on.
                    Your ordering from the States? Of course this will pass through customs! this is why some of us are rather hesitent to use Northerner's US warehouse or buying on auctions. Everything that enters the EU territory from outside lands at the customes. There are no customs between EU countries though.


                    • Snusify
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 623

                      If snus was banned for import then one would think customs and excise would mention that on their page about snus.
                      Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                      • Snusify
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 623

                        Originally posted by Jan View Post
                        Your ordering from the States? Of course this will pass through customs! this is why some of us are rather hesitent to use Northerner's US warehouse or buying on auctions. Everything that enters the EU territory from outside lands at the customes. There are no customs between EU countries though.
                        My point was that if customs here in the UK had banned the import of snus either from the US or EU since jan 2011 then my last 3 packages would not have arrived.
                        Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                        • Jan
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 439

                          Originally posted by Snusify View Post
                          If snus was banned for import then one would think customs and excise would mention that on their page about snus.
                          Yes and, if snus was banned (or illegal) they would not even allow you to pay a duty on it, they would confiscate the package and... leave the stuff for themselves.


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            that's the bad thing about the whole story

                            confiscating the goods. The ****ing tards can do that easily.

                            I'm wondering one thing how the **** do those retards of custom officers apply the law when not even their coleagues from the custom offices don't know the law properly???

                            they can just as well take the snus, misunderstanding tha law LMAo


                            • Jan
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 439

                              Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                              that's the bad thing about the whole story

                              condiscating the goods. The ****ing tards can do that easily.

                              I'm wondering one thing how the **** do those retards of custom officers apply the law when not even their coleagues from the custom offices don't know the law properly???

                              they can just as well take the snus, misunderstanding tha law LMAo
                              Here at least they are obliged to send you a letter explaining what has happened, the reasons behind confiscation, et cetera. I never had a package confiscated so I don't know how this works in practice but they cannot just take something from you and throw that away, there is always some dialog involved between you and ****** customs.


                              • muddyfunkstar
                                • Aug 2010
                                • 967

                                Originally posted by Snusify View Post
                                My point was that if customs here in the UK had banned the import of snus either from the US or EU since jan 2011 then my last 3 packages would not have arrived.

                                We've pretty much established that Frosted was given duff info.


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