At what point does legal snuff become illegal snus? :-)
No More EU To EU Snus Sales! (EU Members Please Read!)
This is just one more of the many reasons that can be used to argue against the very existence of the European Union. An all powerful un-elected un-accountable hyper government? Thanks but no thanks. As bad as things might be here they're not quite that bad--yet. At least we still have the option of throwing-the-bums-out on a regular basis. Un-elected bums who can't be thrown out? To call that anti-democratic is the least nasty slur one can hurl at it.
Guess if it's being marketed as snus it falls into the snus category.
Looks like you can't get snuff or the likes of Oliver Twist tobacco bits either when you're locked to the US warehouse although UK tobacco webshops carry snuff and Oliver Twist etc.
Originally posted by Ansel View PostSo what's wrong with ordering Pioneer Snuff for sticking in our, er, i mean up our nose.
Originally posted by lxskllr View PostHow about a bus to France, a train to Sweden, and a suitcase full of snus for the return trip?
I had this experience once, coming back from Italy where they were about to take 50L of Olive Oil from me, loooooooooooool
I had to discuss it with them and give them "a tip" to let me go through with it in Romania.
Hmmmm I think this might be the only way to get a couple of cans, by taking a train trip there..... let me see the exact price for the train trip. (I think it's more expensive than a round trip with the BUS from Romania to Stockolm.)
Northerner have an annoucement on their website, if you login to Northerner you're sent straight to the US warehouse and BuySnus if you try and place an order just say 'sorry we do not sell to the EU'
Originally posted by precious007 View PostWait I haven't read anything official, who read anything official yet?
This is idiotic