Originally posted by chossy
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What you have to realize though, whenever dealing with the judiciary, is that the letter of the law isn't what matters, it's how the judges understand it. I work in the field, and I have seen time and time again judges go against the letter of the law and have it be upheld through appeals because hey, they had a "different reading" of the law. Of course, what they did, in fact, have, was a WRONG reading of the law, but that hardly matters as long as you know that it will be upheld by your buddies in the appeals court. And the worst part of that particular vice is precedents. I have seen whole procedures rise arise from "different" readings of the law, leading to truly absurd things.
I could go on a long, long rant about all that is wrong with the judiciary, because that's what ten years working in that field does to you, but the bottom line is this: once a law has been "read" in a stricter way than it was read before (or indeed intended), it's very difficult to go back to the way it was before, especially if your cause is looked down upon by popular opinion. Also, believe me, judges are just as prone to irrational, alarmist nonsense and will happily consider snus to be satanic cancer-extract, just as they happily give people long jail sentences for selling a couple of grams of pot to a buddy.