GN - you're our lifeline here and you're essential. Snus is very important in my life which is why I get pretty angry about these things.
I'm just pissed off that I've let the lads of the site down with (unintentionally) false information.
I will however take a back seat as far as trying to be pro-active is concerned from now on. The big boys have to sort this one out.
this plase We shearing info and you did not left any wrong info you just herd what one dude or several told you and sheared with your brothers on this site and We are GREATFOOL here is the place to ask sheare and get info
Snusdog is a switched on cookie which is why I listen.
Oh - and you GN! :-)
Hahaha here is tel. Number of Export Rådet +47858866000 ask some one about snus export low does anything changed from1994 and if it is not changed then moddy, snusify, Snusdog , mikisit and your GN are right in what has been sayd before if it is changed then what and when
Yeah - I do.
I've taken my pink fizzy tablets and my shiny purple ones and my carer says I'm looking a lot better.
I don't understand 80% of what you wrote here but it sounds good and Can you give me an advise i have to Buy mini very mini bikini to one of our Co. Ladis which become 21 which color i should take for here?
Blimey, rollercoaster ride or what. I wouldn't think it misplaced though, mistimed perhaps, if snus isn't fully banned after the new EU directive comes into play, I will eat my snus tin (minus the snus of course, will be long gone by then). No way they will just leave it as is, same thing as a ban anyway after this Finland ruling, so it either opens up the EU to snus, or closes the door. Hmmm, let me see, do we allow an addictive product to freely trade, or do we ban it and 'save' the masses from a lifetime of slavery/addiction? Whilst all the while selling ciggs. I am now hitting half portions to very reluctantly wean myself off snus, but I know I'll be smoking before too long, otherwise what else is there to take stress away without impairing judgement?
Still, snus will always be available in Sweden, but it will be so hard to get anywhere else in the EU once they properly crack down on it, and the audience in the UK at least is so small as to rule out anyone bothering to sell it on the black market, just not worth anyones time and effort (and risk).
Depressing stuff, I hope I'm totally wrong. It's also possible that Swedish Match have an insight into which way this directive will swing, why would they bail out immediately if they didn't think there was a chance of the ban lifting, doesn't make sense, if they thought the ban would tighten after the ruling, they would just keep selling as much as possible until the ruling came into force. This looks like they know that it may lift, and so are trying to play the good boys until it does, not rock the boat too much. There, a bit of hope still exists.
Assuming everything for you Brits is worst case, and you can no longer get snus. You can still get snuff, and make your own. Don't forget about Roderick from Toque. I bet he could hook you up with quantities of tobacco flour, and you'd just have to add a few magic ingredients to make snus. It would be lös unless you made your own portions, but it should be feasible, and economical. If enough of you got together, you may even be able to get some specialty tobaccos. Just something to consider....
Hadn't visited here for a long time but have remained a dedicated snusser throughout. Came back here last weekend after nearly having a major sphincter alert when I tried to order my next batch. Thanks to everyone for trying to dig up info. I've got an order for grovsnus coming from the US and Skruf from Germany. Apparently both have been dispatched. I'll let you know how I get on (though I live in Spain, the info is probably not of much use to you).
BTW. If any of you know someone who lives in Gibraltar deliveries there would be no problem. Just a thought.
Anyway, felt the need for a tantrum (worse than my kids when it comes to something like this). Sent a love letter to what seems to be the group behind the action in Finland. Here it is
Re:Cancer Society of Finland lauds ban on snus imports
Dear Sirs,
Having read the article entitled above on your website, it is perhaps appropriate to throw a little cold water on your institutionalized back-slapping. Obviously I can appreciate your present state of glee as a victory for a group of nicely salaried lobbyists.
Nevertheless, exports of snus to other EU countries have enabled many smokers to pursue a strategy of harm reduction when total abstinence was not a desirable option. This is particularly true here in Spain where we consider that life needs to be enjoyed just a little (perhaps that is why we don’t have the highest suicide rates in Europe).
Is it possible that many so-called charities across Europe particularly fear snus as a relatively harmless product, the widespread use of which instead of cigarettes would cost your ‘industry’ money and jobs? I can imagine you nervously reaching for your lingonberry infusion at the words ‘relatively harmless’. Perhaps you feel that you are better qualified to give an opinion on the effects of snus consumption than the Royal College of Surgeons. Such a degree of arrogance would not surprise me.
When all is said and done, you would far prefer consumers to continue smoking and risk lung cancer, COPD, heart disease, higher rates of pancreatic cancer etc.
In the meantime I’ll just buy from the Americans. Imagine the carbon footprint on my snus now! Hope you’re happy (Then again, a little global warming might make Helsinki more habitable).
Enjoy your hiatus while it lasts, the banks here in Spain have racked up the mother of all toxic debt mountains and when it’s our turn to go belly-up we’ll bring down the whole dung heap of parasites, spin doctors, speculators and banksters.
Oops, nearly forgot, and lobbyists and pressure groups too.
Have fun. I know I will.
(Know it's childish but at least I feel a little better)
Isn't that tobacco fire cured lx? Different from the one used in snus?
I think it depends on the exact blend, and I don't know for sure what Roderick uses. That's why I also suggested a custom order of tobacco. It would be a metric crap ton, but if he had guaranteed buyers, I'm sure you could get exactly what you wanted from the auctions. While there's more effort in making it yourself,, the tobacco flour keeps very well until prepared, so it would make a good apocalypse stash. It would also be fun making your own snus, and sticking it to the man at the same time :^)
I think it depends on the exact blend, and I don't know for sure what Roderick uses. That's why I also suggested a custom order of tobacco. It would be a metric crap ton, but if he had guaranteed buyers, I'm sure you could get exactly what you wanted from the auctions. While there's more effort in making it yourself,, the tobacco flour keeps very well until prepared, so it would make a good apocalypse stash. It would also be fun making your own snus, and sticking it to the man at the same time :^)
imagine how cheap that snus would be, even though it doesn't sound like an easy process :|