In Seek of a Deep Discount Snus (v2 varieties)

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    In Seek of a Deep Discount Snus (v2 varieties)

    With my wealth being depleted by college and rapidly increasing gas prices, I am interested in cutting costs in all aspects of my life, including snus. Anyway, I recently came to realize that Phantom and Offroad is priced extremely cheap on certain websites. Anyway, I will list four varieties I would be interested in (traditional flavors only):

    *Offroad Original Portion
    *Phantom Classic Brown Portion
    *Phantom Classic Portion
    *Phantom Classic White Portion

    Anyway, which variety would you recommend? I prefer white portions, but I can tolerate originals, since v2 portions run less than other brands. If all of them suck, please let me know. All feedback will be appreciated!
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Offroad Original is good.


    • Experimental Monkey
      • Mar 2010
      • 795

      Offroad original out of those. I like, no, love Phantom los but can't stand any of the portions. But to be honest I'd reccomend waiting on Offroad Coola and get mostly it with a few cans of Offroad Original for those times when Coola is to much: when drinking coffee, beer, etc.


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Granit los is only $25 at It seems like a few extra dollars might be worth it.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Phantom brown. I like the los but the portions are good as well.

          Try the blue as well. Very tasty....


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Is Offroad Original a General clone? I would assume Phantom Brown is similar to Ettan/Grov. Am I right?


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Phantom brown lacks the overwhelming (to me) smoke flavor that Swedish Match insists on putting in their snus. Don't get me wrong... I will use SM snus.....just not as a primary snus. Never a roll buy.

              It is a fantastic rich tobacco snus with hints of citrus, chocolate and juniper with a coarse grind. The portions are know how that goes.

              Might I suggest Thunder portions cut in half to stretch the dollar? Also, tiny prillas of Thunder los is cost effective and tasty.

              I haven't tried the OR original yet. Next order....that might be the only v2 los I haven't tried yet...


              • Experimental Monkey
                • Mar 2010
                • 795

                Offroad Original tastes like tobacco, of course, with what comes off to me as a naturally sweet mix of orange and lemon zest topped off with a slight floral undertone. I like it. Maybe my favorite regular strength portion currently on the market. I have the los in my freezer but haven't tried it yet.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  I'm getting close to making a decision.

                  One more question:

                  Are the portions humungous like they used to be? You know... the portion itself was extremely large and hung over the gum line. Or did v2 finally switch all of their snus to "premium" portion material, akin to most brands?


                  • Kstolen23
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 281

                    Similar to Monkeys post, why not buy very strong los snus and use smaller prillas. That way not only are you buying more snus for the same price as portioned, it will last much, much longer considering you are are only using like .5/.6 gram prillas. And buy the cheap portions to fill in between. Kinda like buying an expensive congac for special occasions that will last a very long time but buying $3 Vodka for the weekends or ruff work days.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      haven't had any Offroad portion apart from Coffe/Vanilla which has a nasty material in them......... not sure how they are now

                      BTW the Offroad Orginal Loose ... the Licorice loose and Offroad Frosted Loose are all awesome ........ very moist... they don't dry up very fast....... taste lasts long....... I like the Original loose even more than General Loose.


                      • Experimental Monkey
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 795

                        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                        haven't had any Offroad portion apart from Coffe/Vanilla which has a nasty material in them......... not sure how they are now

                        BTW the Offroad Orginal Loose ... the Licorice loose and Offroad Frosted Loose are all awesome ........ very moist... they don't dry up very fast....... taste lasts long....... I like the Original loose even more than General Loose.
                        Ditto. I busted the OR Original loose out of the freezer shortly after I posted in this thread earlier. The floral aspects are REALLY strong at first, kinda nasty... but it doesn't last but maybe a minute or so then I get the sweet Orange/lemon taste that fades into caramel which then lasts the rest of the ride. It's good and very under rated. Just like the OR original portions. The portions don't have the caramel notes going though.


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          Phantom portions are on the large side but a quick fluff and fold and they mimic a long portion. They can be slivhtly inconsistent...but that is based on four cans of portions....I use mostly los (which is delicious).

                          The material of the op leaves something to be desired but it is what it is.

                          RANDOM THOUGHT: Have you thought about buying Thunder los and making your own portions out of teabag material...that is a pretty cost effective way to go. Half a gram per mini is 96 8mg minis per tin. I know time and convenience play into that but you could roll your own portions for the next day....just throwing out ideas...I may use in the future. Bulk tea bag material is wicked cheap as well. Last time I looked I think it was 10 bucks for almost 100 empty teabags and you could get at least 6 portions per teabag.

                          Thunders are more consistent and smaller.....but cut in half well.


                          • eyephantom
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 333

                            once you consider shipping and taxes, I find it's much cheaper to order general products from usa b&m retailers online. Shipping is usually under 10 bucks. In fact I was down to 5 cans last week and did just that. I too was cost conscience and considered taking advantage of northerner's free shipping. but even ordering offroad ended up being more expensive than going the b&m route. Shipping was only 9 bucks for 3 rolls and taxes non existent.


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              Thanks for all of the feedback. I greatly appreciate it!

                              eyephantom: which b&m site offers the lowest price? I order from Lil Brown, and each can of General costs $3.50 TOTAL. I did a calculation for, and each can of Offroad Original would cost $2.87 TOTAL. I'm trying to be a frugal as possible.


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