Alternative Swedish Match products

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  • Nihil
    • Apr 2008
    • 19

    Alternative Swedish Match products

    Hello everyone, long time lurker/snusare here from the states.

    I was brousing a German Snuff site and this popped up.
    Anyone here know anything about it? Might be interesting.
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Looks like a can of General and a can of Roda Lacket. Maybe packaged differently for sale in Germany? Still Swedish Match products. Possibly they are tobacco bits like oliver twist or piccanell but flavored like General and RL?

    interesting find


    • Asquar
      • Mar 2008
      • 256

      Originally posted by Xobeloot
      Looks like a can of General and a can of Roda Lacket. Maybe packaged differently for sale in Germany? Still Swedish Match products.
      Except they distinguish it from Snus in the script, and suggest that you can chew it. Wouldn't this imply a different tobacco cut? I can't imagine chewing any of the Swedish snus I've tried so far.


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        Under the "Content" section, it says "20 ready-for-use pieces rope-tobacco". Similar to twist chewing tobacco? I'd like to try it if so. Chewable Swedish snus sounds very odd and very intriguing.


        • Nihil
          • Apr 2008
          • 19

          General and Röda Lacket are known Swedish tobacco brands which distinguish themselves by a long-standing tradition.

          Omnipresent prohibitions of smoking and increasing restrictions for smokers increase the inquiry for smoke-free alternatives. Now, hence, General and Röda Lacket - Tobacco Cuts offer real alternatives.
          The low packing price offers, especially in price-sensitive times of course still another one.

          Röda Lacket Tobacco Cuts are rather mild in taste - light sweet with a note of salz-licorice.

          The use is like with chewing tobacco or like Swedes Snus - either carefully chew the Tobacco Cuts or - even more simpler - place under the upper lip. Whatever you decide for - the pleasure is guaranteed. The freshness lies with at least 6 months and no fridge is necessary for storage.

          Law position:
          General and Röda Lacket Tobacco Cuts fully fulfil the European norms, orders and statutory regulations for food and luxuries without limitation.

          Hence, they offer former Snus users, cigarette smokers and chewing tobacco users who want to contrast with the mass and have discovered the smoke-free tobacco pleasure for themselves, a real alternative to the Swedes Snus whose sales meanwhile were forbidden within the EU.

          Swedisch Match in Sweden

          20 ready-for-use pieces rope-tobacco = 17g
          It says that it lasts for six months without refrigeration. Swedish Match with perseratives?


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            Originally posted by Asquar
            Except they distinguish it from Snus in the script, and suggest that you can chew it. Wouldn't this imply a different tobacco cut? I can't imagine chewing any of the Swedish snus I've tried so far.
            Yeah, I caught that after the fact and threw in a quick edit as you were making your post.


            • bondzai
              • Apr 2008
              • 362

              well it says its rope, so must be something like twist, but if snus is illegal in the EU, maybe chewing tobacco is not.


              • Zeno
                • Apr 2008
                • 79

                Originally posted by bondzai
                well it says its rope, so must be something like twist, but if snus is illegal in the EU, maybe chewing tobacco is not.
                This is exactly the reason. Chewing tobacco is allowed in the EU. I think by selling this on the EU market Swedish Match is trying to get their share of it and maybe establishing their brand already. However, I've read somewhere that the legalization is currently being discussed in the European Parlament after a recent study about health risks of Snus (and guess what, it has been positive).


                • Hlidskjalf
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 8

                  i live in germany. these things a real crap. they´re just sold cause of the ban of snus.

                  just forget about it and enjoy your snus :lol:


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