How Many Licks Does it Take To Get To The Tootsie Roll Center of a Tootsie Pop?

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    How Many Licks Does it Take To Get To The Tootsie Roll Center of a Tootsie Pop?

    How the hell do I know?! I /do/ know how many prises I get from a tin of lös using a 3ml IceTool though :^D

    Ettan - 31
    Grov(a bit dry) - 23
    Grov(with added moisture) - 27
    Gotland Gul - 28
    Gotland Grå - Haven't finished yet, but looks like 31 or so
    Granit - ?? Can't remember. I think it was about 35, but I lost the tin. My cats were pissing me off, and I threw the tin at them, and lost it :^D It got the most of all the brands, regardless of actual number.

    This is a good bit less than I thought I got. My methodology wasn't precise. I wanted to replicate my actual usage on a day to day basis. The size varied from exactly 2 clicks, to ~2mm above 2 clicks; sometimes with snus clumped on the end, and protruding beyond the IceTool body. Most times it was a fat 2 clicks. The dry Grov was clumpier, and tended to have more protruding bits, and I think that's why it got the least.

    I'm going to start being more careful with my measurements in the future. Exactly 2 clicks is the same as a fat 2 clicks, but you use less snus. I /may/ keep records again for exactly 2 clicks, but I don't know. Doing this felt like homework, instead of just enjoying the snus. I am curious as to what the difference is though.
  • internope
    • Oct 2010
    • 215

    For what it's worth, my cheap digital scale weighs one click of los at around 900mg.


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      You know, my wife just came in and looked over my shoulder and told me that I need to "get a life". Hmmm.......... Thank's for the info though.
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        don't you really mean fat chicks?
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Cool. I am opening a fresh tin of Phantom tomorrow morning. I am going to keep track....


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by Monkey View Post
            Cool. I am opening a fresh tin of Phantom tomorrow morning. I am going to keep track....
            Cool, I'd be interested in hearing what you get. I started with Ettan, and was surprised by the result, so I tried it with the others. I was expecting 40g-42g(from a 45g tin), so I was pretty far off. I'll probably end up doing it again with exactly 2 clicks, even though it's a PITA. It'll bug me until I know for sure.


            • dpete

              I know I'm overdoing it but 4 clicks with a 3 mm icetool has become rather comfortable. Not every prilla but a few times a day works very nicely for me.


              • Monkey
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2009
                • 3290

                I am going to do one handbaking as well. I know a tin lasts longer when I handbake. I will keep track on the notepad on my phone. I will see it at all times so I wont forget.


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  How the hell do I know?! I /do/ know how many prises I get from a tin of lös using a 3ml IceTool though :^D

                  Ettan - 31
                  Grov(a bit dry) - 23
                  Grov(with added moisture) - 27
                  Gotland Gul - 28
                  Gotland Grå - Haven't finished yet, but looks like 31 or so
                  Granit - ?? Can't remember. I think it was about 35, but I lost the tin. My cats were pissing me off, and I threw the tin at them, and lost it :^D It got the most of all the brands, regardless of actual number.

                  This is a good bit less than I thought I got. My methodology wasn't precise. I wanted to replicate my actual usage on a day to day basis. The size varied from exactly 2 clicks, to ~2mm above 2 clicks; sometimes with snus clumped on the end, and protruding beyond the IceTool body. Most times it was a fat 2 clicks. The dry Grov was clumpier, and tended to have more protruding bits, and I think that's why it got the least.

                  I'm going to start being more careful with my measurements in the future. Exactly 2 clicks is the same as a fat 2 clicks, but you use less snus. I /may/ keep records again for exactly 2 clicks, but I don't know. Doing this felt like homework, instead of just enjoying the snus. I am curious as to what the difference is though.
                  Whats wrong with you? You have a tin of delicious Granit and you are throwing it at the cat!


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                    Whats wrong with you? You have a tin of delicious Granit and you are throwing it at the cat!
                    It was an empty :^D I had the tally marks on the bottom of the tin though, so I need it to see how much I used. A full tin would hurt anyway. I wanted their attention, not give them a concussion :^D


                    • c.nash
                      Banned Users
                      • May 2010
                      • 3511

                      I do 3 clicks or a little over 3 clicks on my 3ml icetool constantly...


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        I found my Granit tin! I got 37 uses out of that. Striking difference from the other brands. I suspect a lot of that is moisture content. That was the moistest of all the ones I tried.


                        • whalen
                          • May 2009
                          • 6593

                          If and when I get them I will send you a can of the Extreme los. I am real interested in the economy of 1 click Prillas!
                          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                          • Rattlesnake
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 891

                            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                            How the hell do I know?! I /do/ know how many prises I get from a tin of lös using a 3ml IceTool though :^D

                            Ettan - 31
                            Grov(a bit dry) - 23
                            Grov(with added moisture) - 27
                            Gotland Gul - 28
                            Gotland Grå - Haven't finished yet, but looks like 31 or so
                            Granit - ?? Can't remember. I think it was about 35, but I lost the tin. My cats were pissing me off, and I threw the tin at them, and lost it :^D It got the most of all the brands, regardless of actual number.

                            This is a good bit less than I thought I got. My methodology wasn't precise. I wanted to replicate my actual usage on a day to day basis. The size varied from exactly 2 clicks, to ~2mm above 2 clicks; sometimes with snus clumped on the end, and protruding beyond the IceTool body. Most times it was a fat 2 clicks. The dry Grov was clumpier, and tended to have more protruding bits, and I think that's why it got the least.

                            I'm going to start being more careful with my measurements in the future. Exactly 2 clicks is the same as a fat 2 clicks, but you use less snus. I /may/ keep records again for exactly 2 clicks, but I don't know. Doing this felt like homework, instead of just enjoying the snus. I am curious as to what the difference is though.
                            Our result are simular:
                            Yours Mine
                            Ettan - 31 Ettan - 29
                            Grov(a bit dry) - 23 Grov- 25
                            Grov(with added moisture) - 27
                            Gotland Gul - 28 Gotland Gul - 29
                            Gotland Grå - Haven't finished yet, but looks like 31 or so Gotland Grå don't have any
                            Granit I haven't had the pleasure of having some.

                            Skruf Stark- 29
                            Probe- 30
                            Sterk Thunder 27
                            General 24
                            Gotlandskt Julessnus 31
                            Nordstromen Julessnus 35
                            I use consistently 2 clicks: FYI


                            • Monkey
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 3290

                              So forgot my icetool on the first day of the test so I handbaked the whole tin. I have had some longer than normal days and I have one pinch left. The only other snus I used during this can was one portion of Jak's WG .

                              I have one and a half prillas left in the tin and that is usual for me. It lasted almost four days and my final count is 46.5 prillas out of a can of Phantom blue. That is an average of 11.5 prises a day and I am up for 16-18 hours a day.

                              Pretty good....

                              Now I will use more when I use an Icetool because when I bake I make the pris longer and slimmer. With the icetool 2 clicks is more comfortable for me and I use less prillas per day. It works out to the same amount of snus per day because a can of los every 4 days is my average.

                              Now I will need to try this with a can of Thunder los next. I make micro-prillas with that snus....


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