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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681


    Thanks to the recent EU nonsense I will pretty soon be unable to get my hands on what has become my go to snus - Grov (OP/WP/lös), Ettan (WP/lös), General (long/lös/WP) and N&J OP. Luckily I should still be able to get my other favourites for a short while at least - Gotlands and Gellivare.

    So what should I replace the SM brands with? Oden's Original or and Phantom Brown? What is the general consensus on these two? I assume the Oden's would be a good plain tobacco lös replacement but what do I do for portions? And what do I do for a middle of the road stark like N&J?

    Ps: Here are my thoughts on some of the other brands that could have been alternatives:

    Granit - Probably the lead contender to replace General. I haven't had it in about 2 years though but this might just be the answer to filling the General void in lös and WP.

    Camel OP - I know this may be heresy to some but to me it tasted flat in comparison to General and for some reason it gave me heartburn. I haven't had the white portion but I am expecting much the same....or is it different?

    LD - I've only had the lös and I thought it was a bit too heavy on the bergamot and not as balanced as General. What is the white portion like?

    Lucky Strike - Bold (lös) and white portion. Neither really impressed me. I have always tasted something in the F&L tobacco that I can't quite place but which reminds me of soap. I don't know if the salt content is simply higher than most of the SM and Gotland snus and that I am simply tasting this extra salt.

    Phantom Classic - Never ever again. The most artificial tasting snus I have ever had.

    Thunder Original portions - Not bad. Not great. Portions were quite uncomfortable and a bit dry. A fellow forum member had sent me a can shortly after it was released so perhaps I should try it again.

    Skruf - This used to be my main snus until their quality control went down the drain. Also not too happy about them dropping the weight of the portions.

    Gustavus lös - Too flowery for my liking.

    Knox - Good in lös and portion but suffered from the Skruf QC issues for a while. Should try again.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    For a plain lös your already familiar with Gellivare products, but give Pioneer snuff a try. I haven't had it yet, but the reviews so far have been very favorable.

    Jakobsson's Classic is good if you liked Gotland Gul portions. I preferred the Gul, but the Classic is pretty close.

    Phantom brown lös is like unsmoked Grov with a bit of Göteborgs sprinkled in.

    Odens Kanel lös is pretty good. Te cinnamon is very natural tasting. It's like real cinnamon, and not candy.

    Granit is like General with the pepper, and citrus inverted(more citrus less pepper).

    Blå lös is tasty, and similar to Ettan.

    I've heard good things about the new SnusAB portions, but haven't had them myself.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      Phantom brown is worth the shot to try. It is cheap and really good.....also the blue is very good as well. I do not like the classic as much as the others.

      Odens, I only has the esp....very good. I am not sure about the regular strength though.

      Might want to try a tin of Offroad original. It is going to be on my next order to try....some people love it and some people hate it.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Plain/Neutral Los - Gellivare, Blå, Pioneer.
        Granit has a new Sterk out that is pretty good.
        LD White is great, I used it until I couldn't get it anymore then switched to General.
        Skruf has been more consistent lately, I'd say try it again.
        Offroad Original is good but a little sweet in the citrus department.


        • victoryredchevy
          • Jan 2008
          • 303

          I'm currently using Granit OP exclusively and it had been quite some time since I last had it. It's still awesome, as are all Granit brand products.


          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            I to am a Grov man for my daily portion, I have never found an equivalent. Let me know how this goes. We can probably get around this problem somehow. You know a lot of us started hoarding a year ago and I for one have had no regrets in that foolish endeavor. I bought a deep freezer and a boat load of vacuum sealer bags. I just now restocked on Grov (just in case), and picked up some pioneer along with a few other curiosities. I used to collect guns and ammo. Then snus, then snuff. Rather soothing obsession actually.

            I am actually starting my second growing season for tobacco. I honestly never saw the EU train wreck coming though. I always thought that you guys were safe. It sucks to be blindsided. I really do feel your pain though, we had to suffer the Pact train wreck and things have never been the same. I was looking at some of my old snus orders, a couple of cans on a whim, always free shipping, next day delivery. Hell i spent all my time getting Cuban los, always got it too! Persevere. Bugger the whole lot mate!
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!

