Can I make a suggestion guays? Maybe we could let our law man SnusDog take a look over this before we involve HMRC again? Just thinking probably not so good to keep drawing their attention to snus?
precious - leave it man. They don't know the answer and by drawing attention to it they'll make a ruling on it which won't be a good one.
Leave it and whilst attention won't be drawn to it the packages will slip through.
The dopes at customs don't have the foggiest what snus is. Let's keep them in the dark because if they've got a lot of work load to do - they're not going to spend all afternoon trying to find out the law on snus and therefore just post it on.
precious - leave it man. They don't know the answer and by drawing attention to it they'll make a ruling on it which won't be a good one.
Leave it and whilst attention won't be drawn to it the packages will slip through.
The dopes at customs don't have the foggiest what snus is.
[I]1 - If you happen to order tobacco products online you are not allowed to bring in more than 25 cigarillos, 10 cigars, 10 packs of cigarettes or attention 50 grams of any other type of tobacco. (I've stayed there 1 hour in debates to clarify this) 50 grams of tobacco (it can be chew,snus, or dip)
Now, this is obviously untrue. Go to any tobacconist and check how many cuban cigars they have. Obviously, they didn't order them in batches of 10, now did they? And it can't be specific to online sales, I mean come on, if that's the problem, then I'll send my order to Northerner by snailmail next time.
There is a confusion here, I believe, between when duty/taxes/whatever are due and the total amount you're allowed to import.
Although there are no limits on the amount of alcohol and tobacco you can bring in from EU countries, customs officials are more likely to ask you questions if you have more than:
3,200 cigarettes
200 cigars
400 cigarillos
3kg of tobacco
110 litres of beer
90 litres of wine
10 litres of spirits
20 litres of fortified wine (for example port or sherry)
from EU countries not from US
this law applies for products ordered from EU to EU.
They're too busy looking for cigarettes, drugs and money laundering - those are their targets.
Customs is totally target driven. On the drug dogs you have targets that you have to achieve for catching people with drugs. Nuts I know.
The cigarette teams will be target driven for cigarettes - they won't give a toss about snus unless it's a large shipment.