inner EU sales out AND sending packages to friends probably will be banned soon in all member states and probably even get in deep shit if caught with a package at the postal office lol
It is ironic that the Finish case which brought so much of the recent events to head was not because of Finland's hard stance against Tobacco but right the opposite. Finland has been under EU and anti-tobacco fire for their laxity on snus.
Does this mean I can buy IceTool and FinnCrisp again in good conscience?
Does this mean I can buy IceTool and FinnCrisp again in good conscience?
hope the icetool doesn't get banned in the UE
Ok bothers and sisters from EU
we have to start growing our own tobacco or join ! by the way they just banned my ass of the chat earlier because I told them in the chat I was dipping LMAOOOOOO
I saw nothing about a 50g restriction on external orders (ie from the US to the EU)
Precious do you have reference to the law or directive that you were quoted.
If not I will try to hunt that down at some point tonight...............unless one of you guys can put your hands on it (go to the EU home page and bump around a bit and see what you can turn up)
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I saw nothing about a 50g restriction on external orders (ie from the US to the EU)
Precious do you have reference to the law or directive that you were quoted.
If not I will try to hunt that down at some point tonight...............unless one of you guys can put your hands on it (go to the EU home page and bump around a bit and see what you can turn up)
yes it's posted in the thread.
There are two different laws on bringing tobacco from the US. Yes 2 different laws...
One applies for online packages and one applies for tobacco brought personally.
Let me surf the thread ...........................
Tax and duty on goods brought to the UK from outside the European Union
Tobacco allowances
You can bring in one from the following list:
200 cigarettes
100 cigarillos
50 cigars
250g of tobacco
the same law is presented on the EU customs site and Romanian Customs's website.
the 50 grams restriction is what I was told by the customer and read on the law papers, and what the UK customs told me. I cannot find it anywhere online but it's obvious. The Romanian customs told me on the phone today that the regulations stress 50 grams through online sales because the amount of tobacco has to be lower when ordered online compared to what you would bring passing the borders to EU....
The wording is unfortunate. When it says 50g of tobacco it means 50g of other smoking tobacco not identified within the other categories, cigarettes, cigarillos etc. Snus is not 'tobacco'.
Council Directive 2010/12/EU of 16 February 2010 amending Directives 92/79/EEC, 92/80/EEC and 95/59/EC on the structure and rates of excise duty applied on manufactured tobacco and Directive 2008/118/EC
The wording is unfortunate. When it says 50g of tobacco it means 50g of other smoking tobacco not identified within the other categories, cigarettes, cigarillos etc. Snus is not 'tobacco'.
Council Directive 2010/12/EU of 16 February 2010 amending Directives 92/79/EEC, 92/80/EEC and 95/59/EC on the structure and rates of excise duty applied on manufactured tobacco and Directive 2008/118/EC
they refer to "smoking tobacco" there is no law that clearly refers to chewing tobacco or snus.
all the law that I found online and what I was told today refers to "smoking tobacco" .............
Online orders - 50 grams US - EU
Passing borders - 250 grams US - EU
they refer to "smoking tobacco" there is no law that clearly refers to chewing tobacco or snus.
all the law that I found online and what I was told today refers to "smoking tobacco" .............
Online orders - 50 grams US - EU
Passing borders - 250 grams US - EU
That is because there is no specific customs and exise guidance re:snus. It does not have any restrictions or duty for import from outside the EU. You pay V.A.T that is all, you in theory can bring in as much as you like, you just can't sell it.
That is not to say that the Customs officer on the ground will not take another view. The official guidance in the U.K at least is, "The scope of Tobacco Products Duty is set out in section 1 of the Tobacco Products Duty Act 1979. As oral snuff is not for smoking, the only product type that comes close is chewing tobacco which is included through section 1(1)(e). The meaning of chewing tobacco in relation to the act is further described in The Tobacco Products (Descriptions of Products) Order 2003. Section 8 of the order describes chewing tobacco as a tobacco product which doesn’t come under any of the other descriptions and has been prepared so that it can be chewed. The nature of oral snuff would make it impractical to chew and this is not the intention. Therefore oral snuff is not within the scope of Tobacco Products Duty as currently described in UK law." This may of course not be the interpretation where you are.
That is because there is no specific customs and exise guidance re:snus. It does not have any restrictions or duty for import from outside the EU. You pay V.A.T that is all, you in theory can bring in as much as you like, you just can't sell it.
no you cannot
the custom law clearly states tobacco.
Smoking tobacco or snus is still tobacco, the officer told me in the phone and personally that ANY form of tobacco counts.
'Tobacco,' as legally defined for the purpose of customs and exise law, is not the same thing as tobacco, a generic term. In law, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it still technically may not be a duck.
In Romania it may be a duck, in the UK or elsewhere in the EU, maybe not. Let's see how it goes. If customs try to charge me duty or confiscate my orders, I will be in dispute with them.
Hey Frosted this is a pretty sad news actually but I have read the Official Papers that came into the customs... all highlighted and shit.....
The E.U law clearly states: (and that applies to any country in the E.U be it Romania, UK and the rest
1 - If you happen to order tobacco products online you are not allowed to bring in more than 25 cigarillos, 10 cigars, 10 packs of cigarettes or attention 50 grams of any other type of tobacco. (I've stayed there 1 hour in debates to clarify this) 50 grams of tobacco (it can be chew,snus, or dip)
2- if you happen to go overseas and come back with tobacco for personal use in the E.U you are not allowed to bring in more than 250 grams of tobacco of any kind (that includes dip,chew or snus)
The same legislation applies all over E.U
Moreover the legislation he had in hand which was updated as of March 2011 had nothing in it that stated SNUS was not to be sold in the EU. (but 50 grams)
Seemingly the legislation wasn't changed much since he showed me some of the previous legislation in the E.U and even started getting nervous at some point because I was trying to ask him to give me the tobacco ....... but he did (LUCKY ME) corrupt country somehow....
CRETE - I am enjoying a large pinch of Skoal XTRA in your honor ! :^)
In Finland you can bring 30 cans of snus. They changed it last year.