Ok guys, just came from the customs now...

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    In Romania it may be a duck, in the UK or elsewhere in the EU, maybe not. Let's see how it goes. If customs try to charge me duty or confiscate my orders, I will be in dispute with them.
    I wish you good luck man!

    That's what I've been told ........tobacco is still tobacco

    they don't care for it as long as the law doesn't state anything about SNUS in particular.... they will just confiscate it...

    and believe it or not they don't even know the difference between snus,chew,dip, or makla and other forms.


    • jumissa
      • Dec 2010
      • 111

      Originally posted by MJ26
      In Finland you can bring 30 cans of snus. They changed it last year.
      yeh .. i know.. it´s BULLS***!!! and bad enough allready :S


      • jumissa
        • Dec 2010
        • 111

        luckily my Sweden SNUS trip ♥ starts tomorrow 12.00 Local Time ♥


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Originally posted by jumissa View Post
          luckily my Sweden SNUS trip ♥ starts tomorrow 12.00 Local Time ♥
          good luck buddy, have fun on the trip :^)


          • jumissa
            • Dec 2010
            • 111

            yeh, thanks i will and trying to be sober for the trip but not promising u guys that! lol


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Snusdog View Post


              inner EU sales out

              US to EU sales unchanged
              This all makes no sense, look at all the effort they are putting into this and all they have managed to do is change nothing. Now snus companies can't sell to their neighbor, but if they open up a storefront in America than it's magically legal to sell to their neightbor all of a sudden? It's like they are just making busy-work legislation.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                This all makes no sense...

                ... It's like they are just making busy-work legislation.
                I see you're new to politics. You may like our People and the World Around Us subforum, where politics frequently get discussed. That'll help get you up to speed.



                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  I see you're new to politics. You may like our People and the World Around Us subforum, where politics frequently get discussed. That'll help get you up to speed.


                  Lol, I heard those guys in the "people and the world around us" section are a bunch of dicks anyways...


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    Lol, I heard those guys in the "people and the world around us" section are a bunch of dicks anyways...
                    Douchenozzles at least :^D


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                      Lol, I heard those guys in the "people and the world around us" section are a bunch of dicks anyways...
                      Great you should fit in quite well over there, you should join them. I heard they were looking for pussys.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885




                        • Snusdog
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 6752

                          I thought ya'll might want to read this. It is a public survey on the possible revisions of the EU tobacco directive.

                          One thing that I have kept seeing come up that I think is very insidious (you will see it below) is the notion that snus is a gateway drug. Thus as the anti-tobacco groups are quickly loosing the "snus causes cancer battle" they are now changing their mantra to "yes snus may help a few folks off of cigarettes and it may even reduce a few of the harmful effects of smoking for some. However, it is addictive and thus will lead people who use it to eventually take up smoking"

                          This is completely and utterly a willful distortion of fact to the publics harm. We thought snus caused cancer. We now see that we are wrong and that it can actually help people off of cigarettes. No worries we can spin it (and in the process spin folks to their death)

                          Anyway here is the survey on the revisions.



                          2. SMOKELESS TOBACCO PRODUCTS
                          2.1. Problem definition
                          The current regulatory framework bans some smokeless tobacco products ("snus") while
                          others (e.g. chewing tobacco) are freely available in many Member States.

                          All smokeless tobacco products are addictive and can cause cancer. They also increase the risk of death after a myocardial infarction and may have additional cardiovascular effects as stated in the Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) of February 200812.

                          For an individual, substitution of smoking by the use of smokeless tobacco products would probably decrease the incidence of some tobacco-related diseases. It has also been proposed that the use of these products could be a way to quit smoking, but at this moment there is not enough scientific evidence available on the efficacy of snus as quitting aid. On the contrary, as all tobacco products, snus causes dependence and according to the evidence from some countries, the use of smokeless tobacco products may lead to subsequent cigarette smoking.

                          2.2. Possible options
                          Option 1 - No change
                          The prohibition on the marketing of tobacco for oral use ("snus") remains unchanged. Other smokeless tobacco products that are perceived as marginal products can continue to be marketed in all Member States.

                          Option 2 - Lifting the ban on snus
                          All types of smokeless tobacco products would be freely marketed in the EU, subject to
                          possible requirements for appropriate consumer information such as health warnings.

                          Option 3 - Ban on all types of smokeless tobacco products
                          The ban on "snus" would be extended to all types of smokeless tobacco products.
                          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            I have still yet to find the 50g restriction on snus sent from outside the EU. In fact I am finding it very hard to find any info at all.

                            The link that precious provided takes me to a UK specific site and even that says nothing about 50g

                            Instead it concerns goods on your person as you enter the UK/EU from another country. Even then it sets the limit at 250g and that limit is only the Duty free cutoff line

                            When you travel to the UK from outside the European Union (EU), you can bring in a certain amount of duty/tax free goods for your own use - known as an 'allowance'. If you go over this allowance you may have to pay duty and/or tax. Some goods are banned completely, or restricted, such as certain foods
                            Tobacco allowances
                            You can bring in one from the following list:
                            200 cigarettes
                            100 cigarillos
                            50 cigars
                            250g of tobacco

                            My final take on this whole mess is this

                            There are no new laws, restrictions, regulations regarding snus. Instead there is:

                            1) a fear that there may be a stricter enforcement of existing laws on EU to EU sales

                            2) a status quo on outside shipments of snus to individuals living in the EU

                            In other words, there has been no new law passed and I find nothing in the current law that would limit you to 50g per order. As far as sales from the USA it should be business as usual (at least on paper). The reality as it has been well attested, may be a completely different matter.

                            Again precious if you know the Law, article number, and subsection that enacts the 50g restriction I would love to look it up.
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              Again precious if you know the Law, article number, and subsection that enacts the 50g restriction I would love to look it up.
                              I was told about the 50 grams at the customs and through phone at several customs office including Romanian and UK.

                              I will keep this short to make you understand easier, the restrictions I've been posting were referred to buying from US to EU!!!

                              here's another chart I found:

                              If you enter the EU from a non-EU country


                              Each Member State decides on the limit applicable:
                              200 cigarettes or 40 cigarettes;*

                              Buying goods in another Member State

                              There are no limits on what private persons can buy and take with them when they travel between EU countries, as long as the products purchased are for personal use and not for resale, with exception of new means of transport. Taxes (VAT and excise) will be included in the price of the products in the Member State of purchase and no further payment of taxes can be due in any other Member State.
                              Tobacco and alcohol
                              However, special rules apply in the case of goods subject to excise duty, such as alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. If a private person purchases such products in one Member State and takes them to another Member State, the principle that no excise duty has to be paid in the Member State of destination only applies if the goods are
                              for the own use of the traveller or his family and
                              transported by himself.
                              To determine whether these products are for the own use of the traveller, Member States must take account of all the relevant factors. These include:
                              The commercial status of the holder of the products and his reasons for holding them;
                              The place where the products are located or, if appropriate, the mode of transport used;
                              Any document relating to the products;
                              The nature of the products;
                              The quantity of the products.
                              As to the last element, Member States may lay down guide levels, solely as a form as evidence, which cannot be lower than the following quantities:
                              a) Tobacco products
                              cigarettes 800 items
                              cigarillos (cigars weighing not more than 3 g each) 400 items
                              cigars 200 items
                              smoking tobacco 1.0 kg
                              b) Alcoholic beverages
                              spirit drinks 10 litres
                              intermediate products 20 litres
                              wines (including a maximum of 60 litres of sparkling wines) 90 litres
                              beers 110 litres

                              Travelling within the EU via Switzerland (or other non-EU countries)
                              If you travel from one EU Member State to another through Switzerland (or another non-EU country), you may carry goods for personal use without border formalities as long as the thresholds set out for the entry into Switzerland/re-entry into the EU are not exceeded. If you carry quantities exceeding those thresholds, declare them when entering Switzerland and when re-entering the EU. In Switzerland you may be requested to provide a financial guarantee which you get back when you leave the country with the goods. On re-entry into the EU you must declare these goods. No duties apply if you can prove that they come from another EU country and are intended for personal use (see article 323 of Regulation (EC) No 2454/93 on page 111).
                              Buying excise products over the Internet
                              Do you intend to purchase excise products (e.g. wine, spirits and tobacco products such as cigarettes, etc) over the internet? See the list of frequently asked questions.

                              New Means of transport
                              Where new means of transport are purchased in another Member State, special rules apply, and the purchase is taxable in the Member State of registration of the means of transport, rather than the Member State in which it is purchased.
                              Other information for travellers
                              The brochure "Travelling in Europe" provides practical information for tourists travelling within the EU. You will find information on documentation, shopping, driving, healthcare, communications, weather, public holidays, cultural events and help if things go wrong.
                              Travelling by air: baggage controls in the European Union
                              You may find background information on baggage controls of passengers entering or leaving the EU in this information document.
                              100 cigarillos or 20 cigarillos; *
                              50 cigars or 10 cigars; *
                              250 grams of tobacco or 50 g smoking tobacco*
                              * Each amount represents 100% of the total allowance for tobacco products and any combination of those products must not exceed 100%. Example: 100 cigarettes + 50 cigarillos = total allowance


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