Triumph Snus

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  • bassfishga
    New Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 6

    Thanks, I did find some for $2.29 at a Citco. Then, my wife asked me to pick her up a pack of smokes on the way home. When I stopped at another store, I asked for a Triumph handout pamphlet they had. They also had a sign for cans at $3.99. The guy said would you like a free sample pack. They were giving away sample packs with purchase of a pack of smokes. I was like, yeah. This is going to be great around the office and meetings vs having Skoal Pouches.


    • reshumate
      • May 2008
      • 94

      I will probably buy a can if I see one, just to sample it, but I can't imagine it's anything like the Swedish stuff.


      • cigator
        • Aug 2007
        • 96

        Just now enjoying my first Triumph pouch. This stuff is very good. I find it a very mellow snus without any bite. Much better than Camel snus which seems fake. I would really like it los.


        • sandstorm
          • May 2008
          • 94

          Triumph is made by Swedish Match which is in Sweden, Imported by Lorillard Tobacco Co. It is Swedish snus. It’s on the back of the tin. PP was one of the lucky ones to test it before it came to market, he can give you more background on it. One of the wonderful things about snus, is variety. Everyone will agree. Taste is subjective, “different strokes for different folks”. As an ex cigarette and dip user, there were brands that I liked, but sometimes gravitated toward others. You will find some snus you will like and others you won’t.

          Camel is very different from Triumph. RJR is doing something with it concerning taste and nicotine, which I don’t like. Would I purchase anymore Camel? “No”. I can’t be too harsh. It was mine and another’s portal to the real stuff and Triumph is now my top list of favorites!!!


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            I'm wondering whether or not Triumph has the Gothiatek logo on the bottom of the tin.


            • sandstorm
              • May 2008
              • 94

              It doesn’t. Still a great taste and longevity (both flavors).


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I have a couple of original portions in right now. I still call peach as the primary flavor. Think thats why I like it so much.


                • bassfishga
                  New Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6

                  Well at first try after a few days I think I prefer the "ORIGINAL" over the "MINT" flavor. It does have that slight hint of Peach flavor. Glad to have it and hope it does not go away. As a tobacco pouch user for the past 5 years these are a lot cleaner tobacco. Looks like I might be changing from US pouches to SNUS pouches.


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    Welcome to the board bassfishga, I hope you will also try some of the other brands of snus. Here's where I get mine online; If you come from an American dip background and enjoy Triumph I can't recommend Nick and Johnny portions highly enough (not the East of West varieties though). They're made by the same company that manufactures Triumph but have a higher nicotine content than most portion snus. I typically use it as my morning 'wakeup' snus and then switch to something milder for all-day use.


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      Or you could take up Grim on his offer:


                      • sandstorm
                        • May 2008
                        • 94

                        N&J West was my first online order. Nic hit was excellent, the tin was cool, but could not get past the taste. After a couple of days, I got used to it, however I will not be ordering it again. N&J portions are outstanding. The Triumph original does have that peach and Beechnut chew taste. Check out buysnus. Lots of variety. Welcome to the forum.


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          Went to the store (yet again) tonight. Asked for a can of triumph original. They looked for the UPC just like I had planned for. No UPC... I explained the free if you buy smokes but I dont smoke thing... Yet anoth free can chilling in my fridge. It seems that Noone is taking the stuff in Savannah (at least at my local store). So, my stash of Triumph will continue to grow until they start barcoding the stuff. By that point, I shouldnt need to buy any for some time. :lol:


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            I've got three cans of Triumph open now. One mint and two original. I paid $1.49 "special price" for the mint and one of the original. The other original was one of the freebies they were handing out. First of all I have never been partial to flavored chew. I've been a pretty steady cope long cut user since it came out. So... I don't much care for the mint very very sweet even after taking the pouch out it lingers.
                            My first impression of the Triumph original, the one I paid for, was amazement. I never really swallow when I bottom lip cope. I put my first pouch of Triumph high and up front and in a few minutes just swallowed as a reflex. I didn't think of it consciously at first. Then I caught myself "pulling" on it to get more juice. It tastes great and has absolutely none of the harsh reaction I'd normally get swallowing some cope juice. Haven't spit with Triumph yet, and YES the great flavor DOES last and last. To me it is a bit too much on the sweet side, but is growing on me more every day.
                            OK so how about the free can. Well after going back and forth between the can I paid for and the one I got for free the nicotine content is substantially higher in the free can. The flavor is the same, but I went back and forth between cans over a couple days and am sure that they are different. I'm striking it up to different batches, but would be happy to get the same kick when I buy another can.
                            Has anyone else had a similar experience? Do you think it may be a conscious occurance by the marketing dept?
                            Anyway I have ordered from buysnus and find the general portions and the los Grov to be my fav Swedish brands so far. I was struck by the salty hint and total lack of sweetness from them compared to Triumph. I guess the Triumph set me up for a different expectation, but I'm really enjoying the more natural flavors in the General and Grov.
                            Is there any Swedish brand that has characteristics that fall somewhere between Triumph and General? Anything you guys feel has a milder sweet note, but still carries a strong natural flavor?


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              I have had both the purchased stuff and the free stuff. I typically use loose snus, but I quite enjoy the triumph stuff. I too have noticed that the free stuff tends to have a pretty nice nicotine delivery. As far as manipulating the levels between the free and the purchasable. I am going to think that that is doubtful. I tossed in a couple mint portions (that I paid for) after I brushed my teeth this morning and by the time I got to work, I was sweating and my head was pretty spun. But last night I had a couple from a different can (a free can) and I actually fell asleep with them in.

                              I think it just may be when you use them, how you use them (sucking the juice out faster, etc)... I don't know. I will stop rambling because I have no answers for you.

                              BTW, welcome to SnusOn!


                              • riff
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 22

                                Well, I had my first taste of Triumph - thanks to PP and the snus exchange! Really nice snus! This is what I imagined my dad's pipe tobacco tasted like, when I smelled it as a kid!

                                I wish I could get this regularly....


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