Nicotine Content of Snus - How much absorbed?

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  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    Nicotine Content of Snus - How much absorbed?

    If a regular portion contains 8mg of nicotine, then how much does the snuser receive? My understanding is there is some left in the portion when it is thrown out. I also noticed that on Northerner, there are mixtures of data. For some snus, they put the mass of material thats in each pouch say 1gram for a portion or 0.5gram for a mini. Otherwise, when they indicate milligrams, then that is the nicotine total I assume. So... for example, on Oliver Twists webpage, they say if you chew one twist for an hour, you get 2mg nicotine delivered. I wonder how much is delivered out of an 8mg nicotine snus portion.
  • mwood72

    Bondzai - Swedish Match reckon about 10-20% of the nicotine is absorbed during Snus use so from a standard portion containing about 8mg of Nicotine this would be somewhere in the region of 1.2mg (roughly what you might get from a cigarette) Check out their website at This contains a lot of useful info.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Originally posted by mwood72
      Swedish Match reckon about 10-20% of the nicotine is absorbed during...
      ... the first half hour of snus-use, if I read the informations right. It requires some reading between the lines though.



      • eli
        • Apr 2008
        • 243

        Dang, I wonder how much I'm getting the other 90 minutes...


        • mwood72

          Me too I have a portion in for a couple of hours sometimes....


          • eli
            • Apr 2008
            • 243

            This Prilla of general los has been sitting in my lip for 2 hours now... I just lose track of time when I'm working.


            • bondzai
              • Apr 2008
              • 362

              I think most comes out right in the first half hour. After that they taste spent to me. Now the Oliver Twists might just be as strong as a full portion now that I have that data because they have over 7mg of nicotine of which 2 is delivered and they keep their taste a lot longer. I guess its the absence of salt etc... but since they don't have salt, you don't get the delivery as fast maybe? I know I got a buzz off my first one this AM but then I put in a full portion of Ettan and it was very powerful comparitively so its like it gave it to me at a faster rate.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I find it hard to believe it is only 1mg in that time. I can chainsmoke 5 cigarettes at "1mg" per piece and not spin the way i can from a stark snus in the same amount of time.


                • mwood72

                  I know what you mean. If I changed my portions of Snus everything 30 minutes and chain-Snused to keep up with my girlfriend lighting up a new cigarette every 30 mins my head would explode


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Definately! I have never gotten sick from nicotine overdose from chain-smoking. Snus, however... God help me that day that I thought it would be a good idea to load my entire 3ml Icetool with N&J


                    • Anti
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 140

                      Originally posted by Xobeloot
                      Definately! I have never gotten sick from nicotine overdose from chain-smoking. Snus, however... God help me that day that I thought it would be a good idea to load my entire 3ml Icetool with N&J


                      What happened?


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        At first I was fine, but within mins I started getting real sweaty and dizzy...



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