I find it is not good and it is not bad; it just is. I only had 3 portions before I sealed it back up and tossed it in the fridge. I'm almost done with my can of röda lacket, so maybe I'll give it a revisit in the next day or so.
I thought jagarpris was an interesting snus, it wont be an everyday snus for me. I was a bit tired of it by the end of the can. but what i did like about it was that it did not taste like any snus I have had before. there other brand blueocean was my preference of the 2.
I just ordered some snus, first time post PACT, I have been surviving on nothing but General for almost a year now. I moved to Seattle from Georgia and I don't like paying 8 bucks a can for General! Anyways I put some this stuff on my order and I reeeaally like it.
It doesn't taste like juniper so much as spruce or cedar to me. It has a nice underlying spicy tobacco and citrus flavor as well. I think I really could use this everyday. I would have to supplement it with Ettan Los though of course!
Love it.. Can't do it all day but it's a good change up snus.. I like the Blue Ocean also...Matter of fact, I am headed to the fridge right now for one...
Ps-- this is a rough time of day for me because I just downed my liquid dinner(metabolic reset) and it hard to find a snus to go with that crap....
I keep seeing Joe's posts regarding Olberman or some other blowhard talking shit about Rand Paul. For those with the time, read this and tell me what...