Something is telling me that this entire watermelon and BBQ flavored dip announcement was some kind of racist joke to begin with would have been raciest if they had also announced a Colt 45 Malt Liquor flavored dip to go with that BBQ and Watermellon...............then it would be well as an exact replication of every weekend here in SC (shade tree sold separately)
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers would have been raciest if they had also announced a Steel Reserve flavored dip to go with that BBQ and Watermelon...............then it would be well as an exact replication of every weekend here in SC (Palmetto tree sold separately)
Don't forget fried chicken. Now that would complete the circle I can't see colt 45 or fried chicken flavored dip tasting good though. Maybe if US Smokeless hires Willy Wonka.
Edit: Steel reserve that's too much man, that's what all the homeless people seem to drink. The smell of it alone makes you know it's bad.
I got some GN lössnus in the mail today, and I'll review them all in this post. The first I tried is coffee. This has a nice flavor. The coffee is subtle,...
I'll admit, this is something that's been bugging me for a long time now. I saw a clip about this family just now, who got booted off a flight because...